检查第 K 位是否置位

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-what-k-th-bit-set-not/

给定一个数字 n,检查 n 的 Kth 位是否置位。


Input : n = 5, k = 1
Output : SET
5 is represented as 101 in binary and has its first bit set.

Input : n = 2, k = 3
Output : NOT SET
2 is represented as 10 in binary, all higher i.e. beyond MSB, bits are NOT SET.

方法 1(使用左移运算符) 下面是查找第 k 位值的简单步骤:

1) Left shift given number 1 by k-1 to create a number that has only set bit as k-th bit.
   temp = 1 << (k-1)
2) If bitwise AND of n and temp is non-zero, then result is SET else result is NOT SET.


 n = 75 and k = 4
 temp = 1 << (k-1) = 1 << 3 = 8 
 Binary Representation of temp = 0..00001000 
 Binary Representation of n = 0..01001011 
 Since bitwise AND of n and temp is non-zero, result is SET.


// CPP program to check if k-th bit
// of a given number is set or not
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void isKthBitSet(int n, int k)
    if (n & (1 << (k - 1)))
        cout << "SET";
        cout << "NOT SET";

// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 5, k = 1;
    isKthBitSet(n, k);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to check if k-th bit
// of a given number is set or not

class Number {
    public static void isKthBitSet(int n,
                                   int k)
        if ((n & (1 << (k - 1))) > 0)
            System.out.print("NOT SET");

    // driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 5, k = 1;
        isKthBitSet(n, k);

// This code is contributed by rishabh_jain

Python 3

# Python3 code to check if k-th bit
# of a given number is set or not

def isKthBitSet(n, k):
    if n & (1 << (k - 1)):
        print( "SET")
        print("NOT SET")

# Driver code
n = 5
k = 1
isKthBitSet(n, k)

# This code is contributed by "Sharad_Bhardwaj".


// C# program to check if k-th bit
// of a given number is set or not.
using System;

class GFG {

    public static void isKthBitSet(int n,
                                   int k)
        if ((n & (1 << (k - 1))) > 0)
            Console.Write("NOT SET");

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int n = 5, k = 1;

        isKthBitSet(n, k);

// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to check if
// k-th bit of a given
// number is set or not
function isKthBitSet($n, $k)
    if ($n & (1 << ($k - 1)))
        echo "SET";
        echo "NOT SET";

// Driver code
$n = 5; $k = 1;
isKthBitSet($n, $k);

// This code is contributed
// by akt_mit

java 描述语言

    // Javascript program to check if k-th bit
    // of a given number is set or not.

    function isKthBitSet(n, k)
        if ((n & (1 << (k - 1))) > 0)
            document.write("NOT SET");

    let n = 5, k = 1;

      isKthBitSet(n, k);




方法 2(使用右移运算符) 如果我们将 n 右移 k-1,如果第 Kth 位设置为 else 0,则最后一位为 1。


// CPP program to check if k-th bit
// of a given number is set or not using
// right shift operator.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void isKthBitSet(int n, int k)
    if ((n >> (k - 1)) & 1)
        cout << "SET";
        cout << "NOT SET";

// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 5, k = 1;
    isKthBitSet(n, k);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to check if
// k-th bit of a given number
// is set or not using right
// shift operator.
import java.io.*;

class GFG
static void isKthBitSet(int n,
                        int k)
    if (((n >> (k - 1)) &
               1) > 0)
        System.out.println("NOT SET");

// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)
    int n = 5, k = 1;
    isKthBitSet(n, k);

// This code is contributed
// by ajit

Python 3

# PHP program to check if k-th bit of
# a given number is set or not using
# right shift operator.

def isKthBitSet(n, k):
    if ((n >> (k - 1)) and 1):
        print("NOT SET")

# Driver code
n, k = 5, 1
isKthBitSet(n, k)

# This code contributed by
# PrinciRaj1992


// C# program to check if
// k-th bit of a given number
// is set or not using right
// shift operator
using System;

class GFG
static void isKthBitSet(int n,
                        int k)
    if (((n >> (k - 1)) &
              1) > 0)
        Console.WriteLine("NOT SET");

// Driver code
static public void Main ()
    int n = 5, k = 1;
    isKthBitSet(n, k);

// This code is contributed
// by ajit

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to check
// if k-th bit of a given
// number is set or not
// using right shift operator.

function isKthBitSet($n, $k)
    if (($n >> ($k - 1)) & 1)
        echo "SET";
        echo "NOT SET";

// Driver code
$n = 5; $k = 1;
isKthBitSet($n, $k);

// This code is contributed
// by akt_mit

java 描述语言


// Javascript program to check if
// k-th bit of a given number
// is set or not using right
// shift operator.

function isKthBitSet(n, k)
    if (((n >> (k - 1)) &
               1) > 0)
        document.write("NOT SET");

// Driver Code

    let n = 5, k = 1;
    isKthBitSet(n, k);

// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.



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