Go 语言中的标识符


在编程语言中,标识符用于识别目的。或者换句话说,标识符是程序组件的用户定义名称。在 Go 语言中,标识符可以是变量名、函数名、常量、语句标签、包名或类型。


package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

 var name = "GeeksforGeeks"



  • Master: Name of the package.
  • Main: The name of the function.
  • Name: The name of the variable

定义标识符的规则:定义有效 Go 标识符有一定的有效规则。这些规则应该被遵守,否则,我们会得到一个编译时错误。

  • The name of the identifier must begin with a letter or an underscore (). And the name may contain letters "a-z" or "A-Z" or numbers 0-9 and the character "".
  • The name of the identifier cannot start with a number.
  • The name of the identifier is case sensitive.
  • Keyword is not allowed as identifier name.
  • The length of the identifier is not limited, but it is recommended to use only the optimal length of 4–15 letters.


// Valid identifiers:

// Invalid identifiers:


  • In Go language, there are some pre-declared identifiers that can be used for constants, types and functions. These names are not reserved; you can use them in the declaration. The following is a list of pre-declared identifiers:

    ```go For Constants: true, false, iota, nil

    For Types: int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, float32, float64, complex128, complex64, bool, byte, rune, string, error

    For Functions: make, len, cap, new, append, copy, close, delete, complex, real, imag, panic, recover


  • The identifier represented by the underscore character (_) is called a blank identifier. It is used as an anonymous placeholder, not a regular identifier, and has a special meaning in declaration, operand and assignment.

  • An identifier that is allowed to access it from another package is called a derived identifier. The exported identifiers are those that meet the following conditions:
    • The first character of the exported identifier name should be Unicode capital letter.
    • Identifiers should be declared in package blocks, either variable names or method names.
  • The uniqueness of the identifier means that it is unique with other sets of identifiers available in your program or package, and they will not be exported.