如何解析 Golang 中的 JSON?


Golang 提供了多个 API 来使用 JSON 工作,包括使用编码/json 包往返于内置和自定义数据类型。为了解析 json,我们使用包编码/json 中的解组()函数将 JSON 中的数据解包或解码为结构

Syntax: func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error

解组解析 JSON 编码的数据,并将结果存储在 v 指向的值中。

注意:如果 v 为零或者不是指针,解组将返回无效解组错误。

例 1:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of parsing json to struct
package main

import (

// declaring a struct
type Country struct {

    // defining struct variables
    Name      string
    Capital   string
    Continent string

// main function
func main() {

    // defining a struct instance
    var country1 Country

    // data in JSON format which
    // is to be decoded
    Data := []byte(`{
        "Name": "India",  
        "Capital": "New Delhi",
        "Continent": "Asia"

    // decoding country1 struct
    // from json format
    err := json.Unmarshal(Data, &country1)

    if err != nil {

        // if error is not nil
        // print error

    // printing details of
    // decoded data
    fmt.Println("Struct is:", country1)
    fmt.Printf("%s's capital is %s and it is in %s.\n", country1.Name, 
                                 country1.Capital, country1.Continent)


Struct is: {India New Delhi Asia}
India's capital is New Delhi and it is in Asia.

例 2:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of parsing JSON to an array
package main

import (

// declaring a struct
type Country struct {

    // defining struct variables
    Name      string
    Capital   string
    Continent string

// main function
func main() {

    // defining a struct instance
    var country []Country

    // JSON array to be decoded
    // to an array in golang
    Data := []byte(`
        {"Name": "Japan", "Capital": "Tokyo", "Continent": "Asia"},
        {"Name": "Germany", "Capital": "Berlin", "Continent": "Europe"},
        {"Name": "Greece", "Capital": "Athens", "Continent": "Europe"},
        {"Name": "Israel", "Capital": "Jerusalem", "Continent": "Asia"}

    // decoding JSON array to
    // the country array
    err := json.Unmarshal(Data, &country)

    if err != nil {

        // if error is not nil
        // print error

    // printing decoded array
    // values one by one
    for i := range country {
        fmt.Println(country[i].Name + " - " + country[i].Capital + 
                                     " - " + country[i].Continent)


Japan - Tokyo - Asia
Germany - Berlin - Europe
Greece - Athens - Europe
Israel - Jerusalem - Asia