在 Golang 中嵌入接口

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/embedding-interfaces-in-golang/

在 Go 语言中,接口是方法签名的集合,它也是一种类型,意味着您可以创建一个接口类型的变量。我们知道 Go 语言不支持继承,但是 Go 接口完全支持嵌入。在嵌入中,一个接口可以嵌入其他接口,或者一个接口可以在其中嵌入其他接口的方法签名,两者的结果与示例 1 和示例 2 所示相同。您可以在单个接口中嵌入任意数量的接口。当一个接口嵌入其他接口时,如果我们对接口的方法做了任何更改,那么它也会反映在嵌入的接口中,如示例 3 所示。


type interface_name1 interface {


type interface_name2 interface {


type finalinterface_name interface {



type interface_name1 interface {


type interface_name2 interface {


type finalinterface_name interface {


例 1:

// Go program to illustrate the concept
// of the embedding interfaces
package main

import "fmt"

// Interface 1
type AuthorDetails interface {


// Interface 2
type AuthorArticles interface {


// Interface 3

// Interface 3 embedded with
// interface 1 and 2
type FinalDetails interface {


// Structure
type author struct {

    a_name    string
    branch    string
    college   string
    year      int
    salary    int
    particles int
    tarticles int

// Implementing method of 
// the interface 1
func (a author) details() {

    fmt.Printf("Author Name: %s", a.a_name)
    fmt.Printf("\nBranch: %s and passing year: %d",
                                  a.branch, a.year)
    fmt.Printf("\nCollege Name: %s", a.college)
    fmt.Printf("\nSalary: %d", a.salary)
    fmt.Printf("\nPublished articles: %d", a.particles)

// Implementing method 
// of the interface 2
func (a author) articles() {

    pendingarticles := a.tarticles - a.particles
    fmt.Printf("\nPending articles: %d", pendingarticles)

// Main value
func main() {

    // Assigning values
    // to the structure
    values := author{
        a_name:    "Mickey",
        branch:    "Computer science",
        college:   "XYZ",
        year:      2012,
        salary:    50000,
        particles: 209,
        tarticles: 309,

    // Accessing the methods of 
    // the interface 1 and 2
    // Using FinalDetails interface
    var f FinalDetails = values


Author Name: Mickey
Branch: Computer science and passing year: 2012
College Name: XYZ
Salary: 50000
Published articles: 209
Pending articles: 100

说明:如上例所示,我们有三个接口。接口 1 和 2 是简单的接口,接口 3 是嵌入式接口,其中包含 1 和 2 接口。因此,如果接口 1 和接口 2 发生任何变化,都会反映在接口 3 中。接口 3 可以访问接口 1 和 2 中的所有方法。

例 2:

// Go program to illustrate the
// concept of embedding interfaces
package main

import "fmt"

// Interface 1
type AuthorDetails interface {

// Interface 2
type AuthorArticles interface {

// Interface 3

// Interface 3 embedded with 
// interface 1 and 2's methods
type FinalDetails interface {


// Structure
type author struct {

    a_name    string
    branch    string
    college   string
    year      int
    salary    int
    particles int
    tarticles int

// Implementing method of
// the interface 1
func (a author) details() {

    fmt.Printf("Author Name: %s", a.a_name)
    fmt.Printf("\nBranch: %s and passing year: %d", a.branch, a.year)
    fmt.Printf("\nCollege Name: %s", a.college)
    fmt.Printf("\nSalary: %d", a.salary)
    fmt.Printf("\nPublished articles: %d", a.particles)

// Implementing method 
// of the interface 2
func (a author) articles() {
    pendingarticles := a.tarticles - a.particles
    fmt.Printf("\nPending articles: %d", pendingarticles)

// Main value
func main() {

    // Assigning values
    // to the structure
    values := author{
        a_name:    "Mickey",
        branch:    "Computer science",
        college:   "XYZ",
        year:      2012,
        salary:    50000,
        particles: 209,
        tarticles: 309,

    // Accessing the methods 
    // of the interface 1 and 2
    // Using FinalDetails interface
    var f FinalDetails = values


Author Name: Mickey
Branch: Computer science and passing year: 2012
College Name: XYZ
Salary: 50000
Published articles: 209
Pending articles: 100

说明:如上例所示,我们有三个接口。接口 1 和 2 是简单的接口,接口 3 是嵌入式接口,其中包含 1 和 2 接口方法签名。因此,如果接口 1 和接口 2 的方法发生任何变化,它将反映在接口 3 中。接口 3 可以访问接口 1 和 2 中的所有方法。

例 3:

// Go program to illustrate the concept
// of the embedding interfaces
package main

import "fmt"

// Interface 1
type AuthorDetails interface {

// Interface 2
type AuthorArticles interface {

// Interface 3
// Interface 3 embedded with interface 
// 1's method and interface 2
// And also contain its own method
type FinalDetails interface {

// Structure
type author struct {
    a_name    string
    branch    string
    college   string
    year      int
    salary    int
    particles int
    tarticles int
    cid       int
    post      string
    pick      int

// Implementing method 
// of the interface 1
func (a author) details() {

    fmt.Printf("Author Name: %s", a.a_name)
    fmt.Printf("\nBranch: %s and passing year: %d", a.branch, a.year)
    fmt.Printf("\nCollege Name: %s", a.college)
    fmt.Printf("\nSalary: %d", a.salary)
    fmt.Printf("\nPublished articles: %d", a.particles)

// Implementing methods 
// of the interface 2
func (a author) articles() {

    pendingarticles := a.tarticles - a.particles
    fmt.Printf("\nPending articles: %d", pendingarticles)

func (a author) picked() {

    fmt.Printf("\nTotal number of picked articles: %d", a.pick)

// Implementing the method
// of the embedded interface
func (a author) cdeatils() {

    fmt.Printf("\nAuthor Id: %d", a.cid)
    fmt.Printf("\nPost: %s", a.post)

// Main value
func main() {

    // Assigning values to the structure
    values := author{

        a_name:    "Mickey",
        branch:    "Computer science",
        college:   "XYZ",
        year:      2012,
        salary:    50000,
        particles: 209,
        tarticles: 309,
        cid:       3087,
        post:      "Technical content writer",
        pick:      58,

    // Accessing the methods 
    // of the interface 1 and 2
    // Using FinalDetails interface
    var f FinalDetails = values


Author Name: Mickey
Branch: Computer science and passing year: 2012
College Name: XYZ
Salary: 50000
Published articles: 209
Pending articles: 100
Total number of picked articles: 58
Author Id: 3087
Post: Technical content writer

说明:如上例所示,我们有三个接口。接口 1 和 2 是简单的接口,接口 3 是嵌入式接口,它保存接口 1 的方法签名、接口 2 和它自己的方法。因此,如果接口 1 的方法和接口 2 发生任何变化,它将反映在接口 3 中。接口 3 可以访问其中的所有方法,包括接口 1、2 和它自己的方法。