Go 中的数组


Golang 或 Go 编程语言中的数组与其他编程语言非常相似。在程序中,有时我们需要存储一组相同类型的数据,比如学生成绩列表。这种类型的集合存储在使用数组的程序中。数组是固定长度的序列,用于在内存中存储同类元素。由于它们的固定长度数组不太受欢迎,像围棋语言中的切片。 在数组中,可以存储零个或零个以上的元素。数组的元素通过使用[]索引操作符以其从零开始的位置进行索引,这意味着第一个元素的索引是数组【0】,最后一个元素的索引是数组【len(array)-1】



在 Go 语言中,数组以两种不同的方式创建:

  1. Using var keyword: In Go language, an array is created using the var keyword of a particular type with name, size, and elements.


    ```go Var array_name[length]Type or var array_name[length]Typle{item1, item2, item3, ...itemN}



    • In Go language, arrays are mutable, so that you can use array[index] syntax to the left-hand side of the assignment to set the elements of the array at the given index.

      go Var array_name[index] = element

    • 您可以使用索引值或 for 循环来访问数组的元素。

    • 在 Go 语言中,数组类型是一维的。
    • 数组的长度是固定不变的。
    • You are allowed to store duplicate elements in an array.


      ```go // Go program to illustrate how to  // create an array using the var keyword  // and accessing the elements of the // array using their index value package main

      import "fmt"

      func main() {

      // Creating an array of string type  // Using var keyword var myarr[3]string

      // Elements are assigned using index myarr[0] = "GFG" myarr[1] = "GeeksforGeeks" myarr[2] = "Geek"

      // Accessing the elements of the array  // Using index value fmt.Println("Elements of Array:") fmt.Println("Element 1: ", myarr[0]) fmt.Println("Element 2: ", myarr[1]) fmt.Println("Element 3: ", myarr[2]) } ```


      ```go Elements of Array: Element 1: GFG Element 2: GeeksforGeeks Element 3: Geek


  2. Using shorthand declaration: In Go language, arrays can also declare using shorthand declaration. It is more flexible than the above declaration.


    go array_name:= [length]Type{item1, item2, item3,...itemN}


    ```go // Go program to illustrate how to create // an array using shorthand declaration  // and accessing the elements of the  // array using for loop package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Shorthand declaration of array arr:= [4]string{"geek", "gfg", "Geeks1231", "GeeksforGeeks"}

    // Accessing the elements of  // the array Using for loop fmt.Println("Elements of the array:")

    for i:= 0; i < 3; i++{ fmt.Println(arr[i]) }

    } ```


    ```go Elements of the array: geek gfg Geeks1231



我们已经知道数组是一维的,但是你可以创建多维数组。多维数组是同类型数组的 数组在 Go 语言中,可以使用以下语法创建多维数组:


您可以使用 Var 关键字或使用速记声明创建多维数组,如下例所示。

注意:在多维数组中,如果一个单元格没有被用户用某个值初始化,那么编译器会自动用零初始化。Golang 中没有未初始化的概念。


// Go program to illustrate the
// concept of multi-dimension array
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

// Creating and initializing 
// 2-dimensional array 
// Using shorthand declaration
// Here the (,) Comma is necessary
arr:= [3][3]string{{"C#", "C", "Python"}, 
                   {"Java", "Scala", "Perl"},
                    {"C++", "Go", "HTML"},}

// Accessing the values of the 
// array Using for loop
fmt.Println("Elements of Array 1")
for x:= 0; x < 3; x++{
for y:= 0; y < 3; y++{

// Creating a 2-dimensional
// array using var keyword
// and initializing a multi
// -dimensional array using index
var arr1 [2][2] int
arr1[0][0] = 100
arr1[0][1] = 200
arr1[1][0] = 300
arr1[1][1] = 400

// Accessing the values of the array
fmt.Println("Elements of array 2")
for p:= 0; p<2; p++{
for q:= 0; q<2; q++{



Elements of Array 1
Elements of array 2


  1. In an array, if an array does not initialized explicitly, then the default value of this array is 0.


    ```go // Go program to illustrate an array package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Creating an array of int type // which stores, two elements // Here, we do not initialize the  // array so the value of the array // is zero var myarr[2]int  fmt.Println("Elements of the Array :", myarr)

    } ```


    go Elements of the Array : [0 0]

  2. In an array, you can find the length of the array using len() method as shown below:


    ```go // Go program to illustrate how to find // the length of the array package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Creating array // Using shorthand declaration     arr1:= [3]int{9,7,6} arr2:= [...]int{9,7,6,4,5,3,2,4} arr3:= [3]int{9,3,5}

    // Finding the length of the  // array using len method fmt.Println("Length of the array 1 is:", len(arr1)) fmt.Println("Length of the array 2 is:", len(arr2)) fmt.Println("Length of the array 3 is:", len(arr3)) } ```


    ```go Length of the array 1 is: 3 Length of the array 2 is: 8 Length of the array 3 is: 3


  3. In an array, if ellipsis ‘‘…’’ become visible at the place of length, then the length of the array is determined by the initialized elements. As shown in the below example:


    ```go // Go program to illustrate the // concept of ellipsis in an array package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Creating an array whose size is determined  // by the number of elements present in it // Using ellipsis myarray:= [...]string{"GFG", "gfg", "geeks",                     "GeeksforGeeks", "GEEK"}

    fmt.Println("Elements of the array: ", myarray)

    // Length of the array // is determine by  // Using len() method fmt.Println("Length of the array is:", len(myarray)) } ```


    ```go Elements of the array: [GFG gfg geeks GeeksforGeeks GEEK] Length of the array is: 5


  4. In an array, you are allowed to iterate over the range of the elements of the array. As shown in the below example:


    ```go // Go program to illustrate  // how to iterate the array package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Creating an array whose size // is represented by the ellipsis myarray:= [...]int{29, 79, 49, 39,                    20, 49, 48, 49}

    // Iterate array using for loop for x:=0; x < len(myarray); x++{ fmt.Printf("%d\n", myarray[x]) } } ```


    ```go 29 79 49 39 20 49 48 49


  5. In Go language, an array is of value type not of reference type. So when the array is assigned to a new variable, then the changes made in the new variable do not affect the original array. As shown in the below example:


    ```go // Go program to illustrate value type array package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Creating an array whose size  // is represented by the ellipsis my_array:= [...]int{100, 200, 300, 400, 500} fmt.Println("Original array(Before):", my_array)

    // Creating a new variable  // and initialize with my_array new_array := my_array

    fmt.Println("New array(before):", new_array)

    // Change the value at index 0 to 500 new_array[0] = 500

    fmt.Println("New array(After):", new_array)

    fmt.Println("Original array(After):", my_array) } ```


    ```go Original array(Before): [100 200 300 400 500] New array(before): [100 200 300 400 500] New array(After): [500 200 300 400 500] Original array(After): [100 200 300 400 500]


  6. In an array, if the element type of the array is comparable, then the array type is also comparable. So we can directly compare two arrays using == operator. As shown in the below example:


    ```go // Go program to illustrate  // how to compare two arrays package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    // Arrays     arr1:= [3]int{9,7,6} arr2:= [...]int{9,7,6} arr3:= [3]int{9,5,3}

    // Comparing arrays using == operator fmt.Println(arr1==arr2) fmt.Println(arr2==arr3) fmt.Println(arr1==arr3)

    // This will give and error because the  // type of arr1 and arr4 is a mismatch  / arr4:= [4]int{9,7,6} fmt.Println(arr1==arr4) / } ```


    ```go true false false
