如何在 Golang 追加切片?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何在 golang 中追加切片/

在 Go 语言中切片比一个数组更强大、灵活、方便,是一个轻量级的数据结构。切片是存储相似类型元素的可变长度序列,不允许在同一切片中存储不同类型的元素。它就像一个有索引值和长度的数组,但是切片的大小被调整,它们不像数组那样是固定大小的。 我们已经知道切片是动态的,所以可以借助 append()函数将新元素追加到切片中。该函数在切片的末尾追加新元素。


func append(s []T, x ...T) []T

在这里,这个函数取 s 切片和 x…T 意味着这个函数为 x 参数取可变数量的参数。这种类型的函数也被称为变量函数。


答案是,当新元素附加到切片时,会创建一个新数组。现在,现有数组中的元素被复制到新数组中,并返回对该数组(新数组)的新切片引用。因此,由于这个原因,切片的容量将是旧容量的两倍(如示例 1 所示)。但是如果现有的切片有足够的容量来容纳新的元素,那么就不会创建新的数组,元素会存储在现有的底层数组中(如示例 2 所示)。

例 1:

// Go program to illustrate the
// concept of appending slices.
package main

import (

func main() {

    // Creating and initializing slice
    // Using shorthand declaration
    s1 := []int{234, 567, 7890, 1234, 234}
    s2 := []string{"Geeks", "For", "Geeks"}

    // Displaying slices with
    // their length and capacity
    fmt.Println("Slice_1: ", s1)
    fmt.Println("Length of Slice_1: ", len(s1))
    fmt.Println("Capacity of Slice_1: ", cap(s1))
    fmt.Println("Slice_2: ", s2)
    fmt.Println("Length of Slice_2: ", len(s2))
    fmt.Println("Capacity of Slice_2: ", cap(s2))

    // Appending slices
    // Using append() function
    res1 := append(s1, 1000)
    res2 := append(s2, "GFG")

    // Displaying results
    fmt.Println("New slice_1: ", res1)
    fmt.Println("New length of slice_1: ", len(res1))
    fmt.Println("New capacity of slice_1: ", cap(res1))
    fmt.Println("New slice_2: ", res2)
    fmt.Println("New length of slice_2: ", len(res2))
    fmt.Println("New capacity of slice_2: ", cap(res2))


Slice_1:  [234 567 7890 1234 234]
Length of Slice_1:  5
Capacity of Slice_1:  5

Slice_2:  [Geeks For Geeks]
Length of Slice_2:  3
Capacity of Slice_2:  3

New slice_1:  [234 567 7890 1234 234 1000]
New length of slice_1:  6
New capacity of slice_1:  12

New slice_2:  [Geeks For Geeks GFG]
New length of slice_2:  4
New capacity of slice_2:  6

例 2:

// Go program to illustrate the
// concept of appending slices.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    // Creating and initializing slice
    // Using make() function
    // Here 4 and 6 is the length
    // and capacity of the slice
    s1 := make([]int, 4, 6)

    // Copying the elements in the slice
    // Using copy() function
    copy(s1, []int{123, 456, 789, 977})

    // Displaying slice
    fmt.Println("Slice : ", s1)
    fmt.Println("Length: ", len(s1))
    fmt.Println("Capacity: ", cap(s1))

    // Appending slice
    // Using append() function
    s2 := append(s1, 3454, 678)

    // Displaying slice
    fmt.Println("Slice : ", s2)
    fmt.Println("Length: ", len(s2))
    fmt.Println("Capacity: ", cap(s2))



Slice :  [123 456 789 977]
Length:  4
Capacity:  6

Slice :  [123 456 789 977 3454 678]
Length:  6
Capacity:  6

追加到零切片:我们知道,零值切片类型是零,这种类型切片的容量和长度是 0。但是在 append 函数的帮助下,可以将值追加到 nil 切片中。


// Go program to illustrate the
// concept of appending to nil slice.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    // Creating nil slice
    var s1 []int

    // Displaying slice
    fmt.Println("Slice : ", s1)
    fmt.Println("Length: ", len(s1))
    fmt.Println("Capacity: ", cap(s1))

    // Appending to nil slice
    // Using append() function
    s2 := append(s1, 89, 45, 67, 23)

    // Displaying slice
    fmt.Println("Slice : ", s2)
    fmt.Println("Length: ", len(s2))
    fmt.Println("Capacity: ", cap(s2))



Slice :  []
Length:  0
Capacity:  0

Slice :  [89 45 67 23]
Length:  4
Capacity:  4

使用…运算符追加到另一个切片:您可以在 运算符的帮助下将一个切片追加到另一个切片。


// Go program to illustrate the concept 
// of appending to another slice.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    // Creating and initializing slice
    // Using shorthand declaration
    s1 := []int{234, 567, 7890, 1234, 234}
    s2 := []int{10, 100, 1000, 10000}

    // Displaying slices with their
    // length and capacity
    fmt.Println("Slice_1: ", s1)
    fmt.Println("Length of Slice_1: ", len(s1))
    fmt.Println("Capacity of Slice_1: ", cap(s1))


    fmt.Println("Slice_2: ", s2)
    fmt.Println("Length of Slice_2: ", len(s2))
    fmt.Println("Capacity of Slice_2: ", cap(s2))

    // Appending to another slice
    // Using append() function
    res1 := append(s1, s2...)

    // Displaying result
    fmt.Println("New slice_1: ", res1)
    fmt.Println("New length of slice_1: ", len(res1))
    fmt.Println("New capacity of slice_1: ", cap(res1))



Slice_1:  [234 567 7890 1234 234]
Length of Slice_1:  5
Capacity of Slice_1:  5

Slice_2:  [10 100 1000 10000]
Length of Slice_2:  4
Capacity of Slice_2:  4

New slice_1:  [234 567 7890 1234 234 10 100 1000 10000]
New length of slice_1:  9
New capacity of slice_1:  12