如何在 Golang 中实例化结构指针地址运算符?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/how-instance-struct-pointer-address-operator-in-golang/

由于指针是用于存储另一个变量的内存地址的特殊变量,而结构是由不同类型组成的用户定义的数据类型。一个结构主要是所有其他数据类型的持有者。通过使用指向结构的指针,我们可以轻松地操作/访问分配给结构的数据。要使用指向结构的指针,我们使用“&”,即地址运算符。在 Go lang 中,通过使用指向结构的指针,我们可以访问结构的字段,而无需显式取消对它们的引用。



// Golang program to show how to instantiate
// Struct Pointer Address Operator
package main

import "fmt"

type shape struct {
    length  int
    breadth int
    color   string

func main() {

    // Passing all the parameters
    var shape1 = &shape{10, 20, "Green"}

    // Printing the value struct is holding

    // Passing only length and color value
    var shape2 = &shape{}
    shape2.length = 10
    shape2.color = "Red"

    // Printing the value struct is holding

    // Printing the length stored in the struct

    // Printing the color stored in the struct

    // Passing only address of the struct
    var shape3 = &shape{}

    // Passing the value through a pointer
    // in breadth field of the variable
    // holding the struct address
    (*shape3).breadth = 10

    // Passing the value through a pointer
    // in color field of the variable
    // holding the struct address
    (*shape3).color = "Blue"

    // Printing the values stored
    // in the struct using pointer


&{10 20 Green}
&{10 0 Red}
&{0 10 Blue}