

在 Go 语言中,使用原子变量来控制状态。这里,必须使用“同步/原子”包来使用这些变量。此外,它还防止了允许两个或更多的戈鲁蒂尼访问相同来源的比赛条件。原子计数器有几种类型。用 go 语言管理状态的主要手段是通过渠道进行沟通。

例 1:

// Golang program to illustrate the usage of
// atomic variable

// Including main package
package main

// Importing sync/atomic, math/rand,
// fmt, sync, and time
import (

// Using sync.WaitGroup in order to
// wait for a collection of
// goroutines to finish
var waittime sync.WaitGroup

// Declaring atomic variable
var atmvar int32

// Defining increment function
func hike(S string) {

    // For loop
    for i := 1; i < 7; i++ {

        // Calling sleep method with its duration
        // and also calling rand.Intn method
        time.Sleep(time.Duration((rand.Intn(5))) * time.Millisecond)

        // Calling AddInt32 method with its
        // parameter
        atomic.AddInt32(&atmvar, 1)

        // Prints output
        fmt.Println(S, i, "count ->", atmvar)

    // Wait completed

// Main function
func main() {

    // Calling Add method w.r.to
    // waittime variable

    // Calling hike method with
    // values
    go hike("cat: ")
    go hike("dog: ")

    // Calling wait method

    // Prints the value of last count
    fmt.Println("The value of last count is :", atmvar)


dog:  1 count -> 1
cat:  1 count -> 2
dog:  2 count -> 3
dog:  3 count -> 4
cat:  2 count -> 5
cat:  3 count -> 6
cat:  4 count -> 7
cat:  5 count -> 8
cat:  6 count -> 9
dog:  4 count -> 10
dog:  5 count -> 11
dog:  6 count -> 12
The value of last count is : 12

在上面的方法中,原子变量的类型是 int32。在这里,兰特。Intn()方法用于打印随机整数,直到循环停止。之后,使用 AddInt32 方法,将原子变量与另一个 Int32 数相加,然后在计数中返回。

例 2:

// Golang program to illustrate the usage of
// AfterFunc() function

// Including main package
package main

// Importing sync/atomic, fmt,
// and sync
import (

// Calling main
func main() {

    // Declaring atomic variable
    var atmvar uint32

    // Using sync.WaitGroup in order to
    // wait for a collection of
    // goroutines to finish
    var wait sync.WaitGroup

    // For loop
    for i := 0; i < 30; i += 2 {

        // Calling Add method

        // Calling AddUint32 method under
        // go function
        go func() {
            atomic.AddUint32(&atmvar, 2)

            // Wait completed

    // Calling wait method

    // Prints atomic variables value
    fmt.Println("atmvar:", atmvar)


atmvar: 30

在上面的方法中,原子变量是 uint32 类型。这里,在 for 循环下使用 AddUint32()方法,该方法添加其参数,直到循环停止,然后返回原子变量的值。