如何在 Golang 中逐行逐串读取文件?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何逐行逐串读取文件/golang/

使用 bufio 包扫描仪逐行读取文件。让文本文件命名为 sample.txt,文件内部内容如下:

GO 语言是一种静态编译的编程语言,它是一种开源语言。它是由罗布·派克、肯·汤普森和罗伯特·格里斯纳在谷歌设计的。它也被称为 Golang。Go 语言是一种通用编程语言,主要用于构建大型复杂软件。

package main

import (

func main() {

    // os.Open() opens specific file in 
    // read-only mode and this return 
    // a pointer of type os.
    file, err := os.Open("sample.txt")

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to open")


    // The bufio.NewScanner() function is called in which the
    // object os.File passed as its parameter and this returns a
    // object bufio.Scanner which is further used on the
    // bufio.Scanner.Split() method.
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)

    // The bufio.ScanLines is used as an 
    // input to the method bufio.Scanner.Split()
    // and then the scanning forwards to each
    // new line using the bufio.Scanner.Scan()
    // method.
    var text []string

    for scanner.Scan() {
        text = append(text, scanner.Text())

    // The method os.File.Close() is called
    // on the os.File object to close the file

    // and then a loop iterates through 
    // and prints each of the slice values.
    for _, each_ln := range text {

