
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/generate-all-binary-strings-from-给定-pattern/

给定包含“0”、“1”和“?”的字符串通配符,生成可以通过用“0”或“1”替换每个通配符而形成的所有二进制字符串。 例:

Input str = "1??0?101"

方法 1(使用递归) 我们将下一个字符的索引传递给递归函数。如果当前字符是通配符“?”,我们将其替换为“0”或“1 ”,并递归查找剩余的字符。如果我们到达绳子的末端,我们就把它打印出来。 下面是递归的实现。


// Recursive C++ program to generate all binary strings
// formed by replacing each wildcard character by 0 or 1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Recursive function to generate all binary strings
// formed by replacing each wildcard character by 0 or 1
void print(string str, int index)
    if (index == str.size())
        cout << str << endl;

    if (str[index] == '?')
        // replace '?' by '0' and recurse
        str[index] = '0';
        print(str, index + 1);

        // replace '?' by '1' and recurse
        str[index] = '1';
        print(str, index + 1);

        // No need to backtrack as string is passed
        // by value to the function
        print(str, index + 1);

// Driver code to test above function
int main()
    string str = "1??0?101";

    print(str, 0);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Recursive Java program to generate all
// binary strings formed by replacing
// each wildcard character by 0 or 1
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;

class binStr
    // Recursive function to generate all binary
    // strings formed by replacing each wildcard
    // character by 0 or 1
    public static void print(char str[], int index)
        if (index == str.length)

        if (str[index] == '?')
            // replace '?' by '0' and recurse
            str[index] = '0';
            print(str, index + 1);

            // replace '?' by '1' and recurse
            str[index] = '1';
            print(str, index + 1);

            // NOTE: Need to backtrack as string
            // is passed by reference to the
            // function
            str[index] = '?';
            print(str, index + 1);

    // driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        String input = "1??0?101";
        char[] str = input.toCharArray();
        print(str, 0);

// This code is contributed by Chhavi

Python 3

# Recursive Python program to generate all
# binary strings formed by replacing
# each wildcard character by 0 or 1

# Recursive function to generate all binary
# strings formed by replacing each wildcard
# character by 0 or 1
def _print(string, index):
    if index == len(string):

    if string[index] == "?":

        # replace '?' by '0' and recurse
        string[index] = '0'
        _print(string, index + 1)

        # replace '?' by '1' and recurse
        string[index] = '1'
        _print(string, index + 1)

        # NOTE: Need to backtrack as string
        # is passed by reference to the
        # function
        string[index] = '?'
        _print(string, index + 1)

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    string = "1??0?101"
    string = list(string)
    _print(string, 0)

    # This code is contributed by
    # sanjeev2552

# Note: function name _print is used because
# print is already a predefined function in Python


// Recursive C# program to generate all
// binary strings formed by replacing
// each wildcard character by 0 or 1
using System;

class GFG
    // Recursive function to generate
    // all binary strings formed by
    // replacing each wildcard character
    // by 0 or 1
    public static void print(char []str,
                             int index)
        if (index == str.Length)

        if (str[index] == '?')
            // replace '?' by
            // '0' and recurse
            str[index] = '0';
            print(str, index + 1);

            // replace '?' by
            // '1' and recurse
            str[index] = '1';
            print(str, index + 1);

            // NOTE: Need to backtrack
            // as string is passed by
            // reference to the function
            str[index] = '?';
            print(str, index + 1);

    // Driver Code
    public static void Main ()
        string input = "1??0?101";
        char []str = input.ToCharArray();
        print(str, 0);

// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// Recursive PHP program to generate all binary strings
// formed by replacing each wildcard character by 0 or 1

// Recursive function to generate all binary strings
// formed by replacing each wildcard character by 0 or 1
function print1($str, $index)
    if ($index == strlen($str))
        echo $str."\n";

    if ($str[$index] == '?')
        // replace '?' by '0' and recurse
        $str[$index] = '0';
        print1($str, $index + 1);

        // replace '?' by '1' and recurse
        $str[$index] = '1';
        print1($str, $index + 1);

        // No need to backtrack as string is passed
        // by value to the function
        print1($str, $index + 1);

// Driver code

    $str = "1??0?101";

    print1($str, 0);

// This code is contributed by chandan_jnu

java 描述语言


      // Recursive JavaScript program to generate all
      // binary strings formed by replacing
      // each wildcard character by 0 or 1

      // Recursive function to generate
      // all binary strings formed by
      // replacing each wildcard character
      // by 0 or 1
      function print(str, index) {
        if (index === str.length) {
          document.write(str.join("") + "<br>");

        if (str[index] === "?") {
          // replace '?' by
          // '0' and recurse
          str[index] = "0";
          print(str, index + 1);

          // replace '?' by
          // '1' and recurse
          str[index] = "1";
          print(str, index + 1);

          // NOTE: Need to backtrack
          // as string is passed by
          // reference to the function
          str[index] = "?";
        } else print(str, index + 1);

      // Driver Code

      var input = "1??0?101";
      var str = input.split("");
      print(str, 0);

