UInt16。C# 中的最大值字段,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/uint 16-maxvalue-field-in-c-sharp-with-examples/

UInt16 Struct 的 MaxValue 字段用于表示 16 位无符号整数的最大值。该字段的值为常量意味着用户不能更改该字段的值。该字段的值为 65535。其十六进制值为 0xFFFF 。如果整数值不在 UInt16 类型的范围内,用于避免飞越异常


public const ushort MaxValue = 65535;

返回值:该字段始终返回 65535。


// C# program to illustrate the
// UInt16.MaxValue field
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static public void Main()
        // display the Maximum value
        // of UInt16 struct
        Console.WriteLine("Maximum Value is: " + UInt16.MaxValue);

        // Taking an array of the 
        // unsigned long integer 
        // i.e UInt64 data type
        ulong[] num = {3422146, 7443, 43535776, 2342534654756123};

        // taking variable of UInt16 type
        ushort mynum;

        foreach(long n in num)

            if (n >= UInt16.MinValue && n <= UInt16.MaxValue) 

                // using the method of Convert class
                // to convert Int64 to UInt16
                mynum = Convert.ToUInt16(n);

                Console.WriteLine("Conversion is Possible.");

                Console.WriteLine("Not Possible");


Maximum Value is: 65535
Not Possible
Conversion is Possible.
Not Possible
Not Possible
