c# 中的主线程


C# 为多线程编程提供内置支持。多线程程序包含两个或多个可以并发运行的部分。这种程序的每个部分被称为线程,每个线程定义一个单独的执行路径。

Main Thread

当 C# 程序启动时,一个线程立即开始运行。这通常被称为我们程序的主线。


  • 它是创建其他“”线程的线程。
  • 通常,它必须是最后一个完成执行的线程,因为它执行各种关闭操作。


// C# program to illustrate the working
//  of main thread and child thread
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class GFG {

    // Main thread
    static public void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Main thread");

        // Child threads
        Thread thrA = new Thread(childthread);
        Thread thrB = new Thread(childthread);

    public static void childthread()
        Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Child thread");


Welcome to the Main thread
Welcome to the Child thread
Welcome to the Child thread

说明:以上程序只有一个线程,称为线程。主线程和其他线程一样工作,但是它是自动启动的,你不需要任何Start()方法来启动主线程的执行。 thrAthrB 都是主螺纹的子螺纹。第一个主线程在那个子线程开始工作后开始工作。

How to access Main thread?

要访问主线程,需要线程类对象引用它。您可以使用线程类的 CurrentThread 属性来创建它。它将返回对使用它的线程的引用。所以当你在主线程中使用 CurrentThread 属性时,你会得到主线程的引用。之后,您将像控制另一个线程一样控制主线程。


// C# program to illustrate
// how to access main thread
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static public void Main()
        Thread thr;

        // Get the reference of main Thread
        // Using CurrentThread property
        thr = Thread.CurrentThread;

        // Display the name of 
        // the main Thread
        if (thr.Name == null) {

            Console.WriteLine("Main thread does not have name");

        else {

            Console.WriteLine("The name of main "+
                      "thread is: {0}", thr.Name);


        // Display the priority of main thread
        Console.WriteLine("The priority of main"+
                " thread is: {0}", thr.Priority);

        // Set the name of main thread
        thr.Name = "Main Thread";

        // Display the name of main thread
        Console.WriteLine("The name of main "+
                  "thread is: {0}", thr.Name);


Main thread does not have name

The priority of main thread is: Normal

The name of main thread is: Main Thread

Deadlocking by using Main Thread

我们可以通过只使用 Main 线程来创建死锁,即只使用一个线程。下面的 C# 程序演示了这一点。


// C# program to demonstrate deadlock
// using the Main thread
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        try {

            Console.WriteLine("Enter into DEADLOCK!!");


            // the following statement
            // will never execute
            Console.WriteLine("This statement will never execute");

        catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) {


Enter into DEADLOCK!!


