参考 C


C# 中的 ref 关键字用于传递或返回对方法的值的引用。基本上,这意味着对引用传递的值所做的任何更改都将反映这种更改,因为您修改的是地址上的值,而不仅仅是值。可以在以下情况下实施:

  • 通过引用将参数传递给方法。
  • 定义方法签名以返回变量的引用。
  • 将结构声明为引用结构
  • 作为本地参考

例 1: 这里定义了两种方法加值减值。addValue 方法是一种只修改其参数值的方法。因此,当“a”的值作为参数传递给 addValue 后显示时,其值没有区别。而方法减法值使用参数的引用,关键字 ref 表示相同。因此,当“b”的值作为参数传递给减法值后显示时,您可以看到其值反映了变化。ref 关键字必须在方法定义中以及在调用方法时使用。


// C# program to illustrate the
// use of ref keyword
using System;

namespace ref_keyword {

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Initialize a and b
        int a = 10, b = 12;

        // Display initial values
        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of a is {0}", a);
        Console.WriteLine("Initial value of b is {0}", b);

        // Call addValue method by value

        // Display modified value of a
        Console.WriteLine("Value of a after addition"+
                              " operation is {0}", a);

        // Call subtractValue method by ref
        subtractValue(ref b);

        // Display modified value of b
        Console.WriteLine("Value of b after "+
            "subtraction operation is {0}", b);

    // Define addValue
    // Parameters passed by value
    public static void addValue(int a)
        a += 10;

    // Define subtractValue
    // Parameters passed by ref
    public static void subtractValue(ref int b)
        b -= 5;


Initial value of a is 10
Initial value of b is 12

Value of a after addition operation is 10
Value of b after subtraction operation is 7

示例 2: 您也可以在类的实例中使用关键字 ref。在下面给出的程序中,我们有一个类 Complex 来表示复数。该类还包含一个更新方法,该方法使用对象的引用并反映对象实部和虚部的值的更新。


// C# program to show the use of ref
// with  an instance of a class
using System;

namespace class_ref {

class Complex {

    private int real, img;

    // Parameterize Constructor
    public Complex(int r, int i)
        real = r;
        img = i;

    // Method to get value of real
    public int getRealValue()
        return real;

    // Method to get value of img
    public int getImgValue()
        return img;

    // Method to update value of complex
    // object Using reference of the object
    public static void Update(ref Complex obj)
        obj.real += 5;
        obj.img += 5;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Declare Complex object
        Complex C = new Complex(2, 4);
        Console.WriteLine("Complex number C = " + C.getRealValue() +
                                         " + i " + C.getImgValue());

        // Call update method
        // Pass ref of C
        Complex.Update(ref C);
        Console.WriteLine("After updating C");
        Console.WriteLine("Complex number C = " + C.getRealValue() +
                                         " + i " + C.getImgValue());


Complex number C = 2 + i 4
After updating C
Complex number C = 7 + i 9