列表。C# 中的 FindIndex()方法,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/list-find index-method-in-c-sharp-with-examples/

列表< T >。FindIndex 方法用于搜索与指定谓词定义的条件相匹配的元素,并返回列表< T >中第一个匹配项的索引。如果没有找到符合条件的项目,那么这个方法将返回-1。此方法的重载列表中有 3 种方法,如下所示:

  • 查找索引(谓词)方法 FindIndex(Int32,谓词)方法 FindIndex(Int32, Int32, Predicate) Method



    语法:公共 int FindIndex(谓词< T >匹配);

    参数: 匹配:谓词< T > 委托定义了要搜索的元素的条件。


    异常:如果匹配为空,此方法将给出 ArgumentNullException


    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the use of // List.FindIndex (Predicate ) method using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

    class GFG1 : IComparable {

    public String gg     {         get;         set;     }

    public int CompareTo(Object o)     {         GFG1 e = o as GFG1;         if (e == null)             throw new ArgumentException("Not valid object");

    return gg.CompareTo(e.gg);     } }

    class GFG2 {

    String s;

    public GFG2(String ss)     {         s = ss;     }

    public bool StartsWith(GFG1 e)     {         return e.gg.StartsWith(s, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);     } }

    // Driver Class class GFG3 {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         var e = new List();

    // List elements         e.AddRange(new GFG1[] {             new GFG1{                 gg = "c",             },

    new GFG1{                 gg = "c++",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "java",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "C#",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Python",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Perl",             },         });

    e.Sort();         // sorts the list

    var es = new GFG2("C");         Console.WriteLine("'C' starts at index "                   + e.FindIndex(es.StartsWith));

    es = new GFG2("P");         Console.WriteLine("'P' starts at index " +                        e.FindIndex(es.StartsWith));     } } ```


    ```cs 'C' starts at index 0 'P' starts at index 4




    语法:公共 int FindIndex (int startIndex,谓词< T >匹配);

    参数: startIndex: 是搜索的从零开始的起始索引。 匹配:谓词< T > 委托定义了要搜索的元素的条件。



    • 参数空异常:如果匹配为空。
    • argumentout of range exception:如果开始索引在列表< T >的有效索引范围之外。


    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the use of  // List.FindIndex (Int32, Predicate ) method using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

    class GFG1 : IComparable {

    public String gg     {         get;         set;     }

    public int CompareTo(Object o)     {         GFG1 e = o as GFG1;

    return gg.CompareTo(e.gg);     } }

    class GFG2 {

    String s;

    public GFG2(String ss)     {         s = ss;     }

    public bool StartsWith(GFG1 e)     {         return e.gg.StartsWith(s, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);     } }

    // Driver Class class GFG3 {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         var e = new List();

    // List elements         e.AddRange(new GFG1[] {             new GFG1{                 gg = "c",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Python",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Java",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "C#",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Java",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Perl",             },         });

    // sorts the list         e.Sort();

    var es = new GFG2("C");

    // Search for c start from index 1         Console.WriteLine("Search for 'C' starts at index "                            + e.FindIndex(1, es.StartsWith));

    es = new GFG2("J");

    // search for j starts from index 2         Console.WriteLine("Search for 'J' starts at index "                            + e.FindIndex(2, es.StartsWith));

    } } ```


    ```cs Search for 'C' starts at index 1 Search for 'J' starts at index 2




    语法:公共 int FindIndex (int startIndex,int count,谓词< T >匹配);

    参数: startIndex: 是搜索的从零开始的起始索引。 计数:是要搜索的区段中的元素数量。 匹配:谓词< T > 委托定义了要搜索的元素的条件。



    • 参数空异常:如果匹配为空。
    • argumentout of range exception:如果开始索引在列表< T >或计数小于 0 或开始索引计数没有在列表< T >中指定有效的部分。


    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the use of  // List.FindIndex (Int32, Int32,  // Predicate ) method using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

    class GFG1 : IComparable {

    public String gg     {         get;         set;     }

    public int CompareTo(Object o)     {         GFG1 e = o as GFG1;

    return gg.CompareTo(e.gg);     } }

    class GFG2 {

    String s;

    public GFG2(String ss)     {         s = ss;     }

    public bool StartsWith(GFG1 e)     {         return e.gg.StartsWith(s, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);     } }

    // Driver Class class GFG3 {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         var e = new List();

    // List elements         e.AddRange(new GFG1[] {

    new GFG1{                 gg = "c",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Python",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "C++",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Java",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "C#",             },             new GFG1{                 gg = "Perl",             },         });

    // sorts the list         e.Sort();

    var es = new GFG2("C");

    // search for c start from index 1         // count is 2 here         Console.WriteLine("Search for 'C' starts at index "                        + e.FindIndex(0, 2, es.StartsWith));

    es = new GFG2("J");

    // search for j starts from index 2         // count is 4 here         Console.WriteLine("Search for 'J' starts at index "                        + e.FindIndex(2, 4, es.StartsWith));

    } } ```


    ```cs Search for 'C' starts at index 0 Search for 'J' starts at index 3

