MathF。C# 中的 Round()方法,带示例| Set–1

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/mathf-round-method-in-c-sharp-with-examples-set-1/

在 C# 中 MathF。Round() 是一个 MathF 类方法,用于将一个值舍入到最接近的整数或小数位数。通过更改传递的参数的数量和类型,可以重载此方法。MathF 的重载列表中有 4 个方法。Round()方法。

MathF。 Circle (single) method MathF。 Circle (single, Int32) method MathF。 Rounding (single, integer 32, midpoint rounding) method MathF。 Circle (single and midpoint circle) method




语法:公共静态 float Round(float x); 这里, x 是一个要四舍五入的单浮点数。该参数类型为系统。单

返回类型:返回最接近 x 的整数,返回类型为系统。单

注:如果 x 的小数部分在两个整数中间,其中一个是偶数,另一个是奇数,则返回偶数。


// C# program to demonstrate the
// MathF.Round(Single) method
using System;

class Geeks {

    // Main method
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // Case-1
        // A float value whose fractional part is
        // less than the halfway between two
        // consecutive integers
        float dx1 = 12.434565f;

        // Output value will be 12
        Console.WriteLine("Rounded value of " + dx1 +
                          " is " + MathF.Round(dx1));

        // Case-2
        // A float value whose fractional part is
        // greater than the halfway between two
        // consecutive integers
        float dx2 = 12.634565f;

        // Output value will be 13
        Console.WriteLine("Rounded value of " + dx2 +
                          " is " + MathF.Round(dx2));


Rounded value of 12.43456 is 12
Rounded value of 12.63457 is 13

MathF。圆形(单一,整数 32)方法


语法:公共静态 float Round (float x,int 位数);

参数: x :要取整的单个浮点数。该参数类型为系统。单y :是返回值中的小数位数。该参数类型为系统。Int32

返回类型:返回最接近 x 的整数,其中包含的小数位数等于 y ,返回类型为系统。单

异常:如果 y 的值小于 0 或大于 15,此方法将给出argumentout of range Exception


// C# program to demonstrate the
// MathF.Round(Single, Int32) Method
using System;

class Geeks {

    // Main method
    static void Main(string[] args)

        // float type
        float dx1 = 12.434565f;

        // using method
        Console.WriteLine("Rounded value of " + dx1 +
                      " is " + MathF.Round(dx1, 4));

        // float type
        float dx2 = 12.634565f;

        // using method
        Console.WriteLine("Rounded value of " + dx2 +
                       " is " + MathF.Round(dx2, 2));


Rounded value of 12.43456 is 12.4346
Rounded value of 12.63457 is 12.63