c# 中的空合并运算符

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/null-聚结-运算符 in-c-sharp/

在 C# 中??运算符被称为空值合并运算符。如果左侧操作数不为空,它将返回其值。如果它为空,那么它将计算右边的操作数并返回其结果。或者,如果左侧操作数的计算结果为非空,则不会计算其右侧操作数。


p ?? q

这里,p 是左操作数,q 是右操作数??操作员。p 的值可以是可空类型,但 q 的值必须是不可空类型。如果 p 的值为空,则返回 q 的值,否则返回 p 的值。


  • 那个??运算符用于检查空值,您还可以为值为空(或可空类型)的变量分配默认值。
  • 你不准霸王??操作员。
  • 它是右联想的。
  • 在吗??运算符,可以使用 throw 表达式作为??运算符,这使得您的代码更加简洁。
  • You are allowed to use ?? operator with value types and reference types.


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how to use  // ?? operator with value types and // reference types using System;

    namespace example {

    class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {

    // Reference types         string item_1 = null;         string item_2 = "GeeksforGeeks";         string item_3 = "GFG";

    string item_4 = item_1 ?? item_2;         item_3 = item_4 ?? item_2;

    Console.WriteLine("Value of item_4 is: {0} \n"+               "Value of item_3 is: {1}", item_4, item_3);

    // Value types         int ? item_5 = null;

    Program obj = new Program();

    // Using ?? operator assigns         // the value of a value type         // and also you are allowed          // to use method with ?? operator         int ? item_6 = item_5 ?? obj.Add(10, 30);         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_6 is: {0}", item_6);     }

    // Method     public int Add(int a, int b)     {         int result = a + b;         return result;     } } } ```


    ```cs Value of item_4 is: GeeksforGeeks Value of item_3 is: GeeksforGeeks Value of item_6 is: 40


  • With the help of ?? operator you can prevent InvalidOperationException.


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how ??  // operator prevent the  // InvalidOperationException using System;

    namespace example {

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // Creating items of nullable types         int ? item_1 = null;

    /          Here if you use this commented part,          then this statement will give you an          InvalidOperationException. So to           overcome this problem we use ?? operator           int? item_2 = item_1.Value;          /

    // With the help of ?? operator we          // assign a default value to the item_2         // And the value of item_1 is null.         int ? item_2 = item_1 ?? 100;         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_1 is: {0}", item_1);         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_2 is: {0}", item_2);     } } } ```


    ```cs Value of item_1 is: Value of item_2 is: 100


  • With the help of ?? operator you can remove many redundant “if-else” conditions and make your code compact and readable.


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how ??  // operator replaces if-else statements using System;

    namespace example {

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // Creating items of nullable types         int ? item_1 = null;

    int ? item_2;

    if (item_1.HasValue) {             item_2 = item_1;         }         else {             item_2 = 200;         }         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_1 is: {0}", item_1);         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_2 is: {0}", item_2);     } } } ```


    ```cs Value of item_1 is: Value of item_2 is: 200


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how ?? // operator replaces if-else statements using System;

    namespace example {

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // Creating items of nullable types         int ? item_1 = null;

    // Using ?? operator         int ? item_2 = item_1 ?? 200;         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_1 is: {0}", item_1);         Console.WriteLine("Value of item_2 is: {0}", item_2);     } } } ```


    ```cs Value of item_1 is: Value of item_2 is: 200


  • ?? operator can be nested. It will make your code more readable and also reduce multiple if-else conditions.


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate how  // we use nested ?? operator using System;

    namespace example {

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // Creating items of nullable types         int ? item_1 = null;         int ? item_2 = null;         int ? item_3 = 500;

    // Nested ?? operator         int ? item_4 = item_1 ?? item_2 ?? item_3;

    Console.WriteLine("Value of item_4 is: {0} ", item_4);     } } } ```


    cs Value of item_4 is: 500