在 C# 中从堆栈顶部移除对象

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/从 c-sharp 堆栈顶部移除对象/

叠加< T >。弹出方法用于移除并返回堆栈顶部的对象< T >。这个方法属于系统。集合.通用命名空间。


public T Pop ();


异常:如果堆栈< T >为空,此方法将给出无效操作异常


例 1:

// C# Program to illustrate the
// use of Stack<T>.Pop() Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a Stack of Strings
        Stack<string> myStack = new Stack<string>();

        // Inserting the elements into the Stack
        myStack.Push("Geeks Classes");
        myStack.Push("Data Structures");

        Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in the Stack: {0}",

        // Retrieveing top element of Stack
        Console.Write("Top element of Stack is: ");

        // printing the no of Stack element
        // after Pop operation
        Console.WriteLine("\nNumber of elements in the Stack: {0}",


Number of elements in the Stack: 5
Top element of Stack is: GeeksforGeeks
Number of elements in the Stack: 4

例 2:

// C# Program to illustrate the
// use of Stack<T>.Pop() Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a Stack of integers
        Stack<int> myStack = new Stack<int>();

        // Inserting the elements into the Stack

        Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in the Stack: {0}",

        // Retrieveing top element of Stack
        Console.Write("Top element of Stack is: ");

        // printing the no of Stack element
        // after Pop operation
        Console.WriteLine("\nNumber of elements in the Stack: {0}",


Number of elements in the Stack: 2
Top element of Stack is: 9
Number of elements in the Stack: 1
