叠加。C# 中的 Push()方法


该方法(属于系统。集合命名空间)用于在堆栈顶部插入一个对象。如果计数已经等于容量,则通过自动重新分配内部数组来增加堆栈的容量,并在添加新元素之前将现有元素复制到新数组中。如果计数小于堆栈的容量,则推送是一个 0(1)操作。如果需要增加容量来容纳新元素,Push 将变成 O(n)操作,其中 n 是 Count。


public virtual void Push (object obj);


// C# code to demonstrate the 
// Stack.Push() Method
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a Stack
        Stack myStack = new Stack();

        // Inserting the elements into the Stack

        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Stack
        Console.Write("Total number of elements "+
                           "in the Stack are : ");



        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Stack
        Console.Write("Total number of elements"+
                         " in the Stack are : ");



        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Stack
        Console.Write("Total number of elements"+
                         " in the Stack are : ");



        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Stack
        Console.Write("Total number of elements"+
                         " in the Stack are : ");



        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Stack
        Console.Write("Total number of elements"+
                         " in the Stack are : ");



        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Stack
        Console.Write("Total number of elements"+
                         " in the Stack are : ");



Total number of elements in the Stack are : 1
Total number of elements in the Stack are : 2
Total number of elements in the Stack are : 3
Total number of elements in the Stack are : 4
Total number of elements in the Stack are : 5
Total number of elements in the Stack are : 6
