从列表容器中删除空值的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/Java-程序-从列表中移除空值-容器/



Input:  [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal]
Output: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]

Input:  [1, null, 2, 3, null, 4]
Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]

以下是在 Java 中从列表中移除空值的方法:

  1. Using List.remove() List interface provides a pre-defined method remove(element) which is used to remove a single occurrence of the element passed, from the List, if found.


    1. 获取具有空值的列表。
    2. 重复调用列表中的移除(空),直到所有空值都被移除。
    3. 返回/打印列表(现在删除所有空值)。

    ```java // Java Program to remove nulls // from a List using List.remove()

    import java.util.*;

    class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Create the list with null values         List list = new ArrayList<>(             Arrays.asList("Geeks",                           null,                           "forGeeks",                           null,                           "A computer portal"));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);

    // Removing nulls using List.remove()         // Repeatedly call remove() till all null are removed         while (list.remove(null)) {         }

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Modified List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Initial List: [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal] Modified List: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]


  2. Using List.removeAll(): List interface provides another pre-defined method removeAll(Collection) which is used to remove all occurrences of the elements of the Collection passed, from the List, if found.


    1. 获取具有空值的列表。
    2. 使用 Collections.singletonList(空)创建一个只包含空元素的集合
    3. 调用列表中的移除所有(集合)一次。
    4. 返回/打印列表(现在删除所有空值)。

    ```java // Java Program to remove nulls // from a List using List.removeAll()

    import java.util.*;

    class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Create the list with null values         List list = new ArrayList<>(             Arrays.asList("Geeks",                           null,                           "forGeeks",                           null,                           "A computer portal"));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);

    // Removing nulls using List.removeAll()         // passing a collection with single element "null"         list.removeAll(Collections.singletonList(null));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Modified List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Initial List: [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal] Modified List: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]


  3. Using iterator: Iterator is an interface which belongs to collection framework. It allows user to traverse the collection, access the data element and remove the data elements of the collection.


    1. 获取具有空值的列表。
    2. 从列表中创建迭代器
    3. 使用创建的迭代器遍历列表的每个元素
    4. 检查每个元素是否为空。如果发现为空,对该元素调用 IteratorElement.remove()
    5. 返回/打印列表(现在删除所有空值)。


    ```java // Java Program to remove nulls // from a List using iterator

    import java.util.*;

    class GFG {

    // Generic function to remove Null Using Iterator     public static List removeNullUsingIterator(List list)     {

    // Create an iterator from the list         Iterator itr = list.iterator();

    // Find and remove all null         while (itr.hasNext()) {             if (itr.next() == null)                 itr.remove(); // remove nulls         }

    // Return the null         return list;     }

    public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Create the list with null values         List list = new ArrayList<>(             Arrays.asList("Geeks",                           null,                           "forGeeks",                           null,                           "A computer portal"));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);

    // Removing nulls using iterator         list = removeNullUsingIterator(list);

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Modified List:  " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Initial List: [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal] Modified List: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]


  4. Using Guava Iterables removeIf(): Guava Iterables class provides Iterables.removeIf(Iterable, Predicate) that removes every element from a specified Iterable (or Collections that implements Iterable) that satisfies the provided predicate.


    1. 获取具有空值的列表。
    2. 获取谓词条件谓词. isNull() 以传入 removeIf()的参数
    3. 调用 Iterables.removeIf(List,谓词)其中 List 是带有空值的原始列表,谓词是谓词. isNull()实例。
    4. 返回/打印列表(现在删除所有空值)。

    ```java // Java Program to remove nulls // from a List using Guava Iterables

    import com.google.common.base.Predicates; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import java.util.*;

    class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Create the list with null values         List list = new ArrayList<>(             Arrays.asList("Geeks",                           null,                           "forGeeks",                           null,                           "A computer portal"));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);

    // Removing nulls using Guava Iterables         // using Predicate condition isNull()         Iterables.removeIf(list, Predicates.isNull());

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Modified List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Initial List: [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal] Modified List: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]


  5. Using Apache Commons Collections filter(): Apache Commons Collections CollectionUtils class provides filter(Iterable, Predicate) that removes every element from a specified iterable that do not satisfies the provided predicate.


    1. 获取具有空值的列表。
    2. 获取谓词条件谓词. NotNull 谓词()以传入 filter()的参数,这样通过条件 NotNull 的元素将保留在列表中,而所有其他元素都将被过滤。
    3. 调用 CollectionUtils.filter(list,predicteutils . not nullpredicate())其中 list 是带有空值的原始列表,predicteutils . not nullpredicate()实例是谓词。
    4. 返回/打印列表(现在删除所有空值)。


    ```java // Java Program to remove nulls // from a List using Apache Common COllection Filter() import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.PredicateUtils; import java.util.*;

    class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Create the list with null values         List list = new ArrayList<>(             Arrays.asList("Geeks",                           null,                           "forGeeks",                           null,                           "A computer portal"));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);

    // Removing nulls using Apache Common filter()         // using Predicate condition notNullPredicate()         CollectionUtils.filter(list, PredicateUtils.notNullPredicate());

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Modified List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Initial List: [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal] Modified List: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]


  6. Using Lambdas (Java 8): Stream.filter() method can be used in Java 8 that returns a stream consisting of the elements that match the given predicate condition.


    1. 获取具有空值的列表。
    2. 使用列表从列表中创建一个流
    3. 使用列表过滤不为空的元素流。= null)
    4. 使用将流作为列表收集回来。collect(Collectors.toList()
    5. 返回/打印列表(现在删除所有空值)。

    ```java // Java Program to remove nulls // from a List using Apache Common COllection Filter()

    import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.*;

    class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Create the list with null values         List list = new ArrayList<>(             Arrays.asList("Geeks",                           null,                           "forGeeks",                           null,                           "A computer portal"));

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);

    // Removing nulls using Java Stream         // using Predicate condition in lambda expression         list = list.stream()                    .filter(x -> x != null)                    .collect(Collectors.toList());

    // Print the list         System.out.println("Modified List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Initial List: [Geeks, null, forGeeks, null, A computer portal] Modified List: [Geeks, forGeeks, A computer portal]
