以(MMM)格式显示月份名称的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-program-to-display-月名-mmm-format/

Java 是一种最强大的编程语言,通过它我们可以做很多事情,Java 是一种行业首选语言。所以它有一个巨大的功能领域。这里我们讨论一下 Java 的一个最好的特性,那就是我们如何用简短的形式或者 MMM 格式来表示月。


方法一:使用SimpleDateFormat和 Date 类

  • Here, the date class provides the current date and time, while the simple date format class uses the date formatted in a certain format, and the month will be displayed in the mmm format.
  • The SimpleDateFormat class is located under the text package in Java, and the date class is located under the util package in Java. Date The constructor initializes the object with current date and time .
  • Simple dateformat is a class for formatting and parsing dates.



// Java Program to format the date in MMM
// format using SimpleDateFormat() method

import java.util.Date;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // initialize Date class
        Date date = new Date();

        // initialize SimpleDateFormat class
        // it accepts the format of date
        // here it accepts the "MMM" foprmat for month
        SimpleDateFormat month = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM");

        //"format" use to format the date in to string
        String currentMonth = month.format(date);


