将十进制数转换为二进制数的 Java 程序&计算 1 的个数

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-program-convert-a-decimal-number-to-binary-count-of-1s/

根据数字系统,默认计算是对十进制数进行的,十进制数的基数标准化为 10。机器在 0 和 1 中计算物理层的所有执行。因此需要一种以 2 为基数的数字系统,称为二进制数字系统。二进制数可以转换成十进制数,反之亦然。在 java 中,有 4 种类型的数字:

| 数字的类型 | 基础 | | --- | --- | | 二进制的 | Two | | 八进制十进制 | eight | | 小数 | Ten | | 十六进制的 | Sixteen |

方法:在 Java 中,有两种方法可以转换,要么使用预定义的方法,要么使用三级逻辑构建,如下所示:

  1. 使用 整数 方法(整数包装类)
  2. 使用蛮力方法(不使用任何预定义的类)


Input. 1: 10
Output 1: The binary equivalent of 10 is : 1010
          Number of 1s is : 2

Input  2: 15
Output 2: The binary equivalent of 15 is : 1111
          Number of 1s is 4

方法 1:使用toBinaryString()方法:表示要转换为二进制的数字。Java 的 Integer 类提供了一些处理 Integer 的有用方法。其中一种方法是integer . tobinarystring(int x)


**public static String toBinaryString(int variable_name)**





**实现:要计算 1 的个数,检查得到的二进制字符串的每个字符是否等于 1。****

*Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)*

**// Java program to convert decimal to binary number
// and counting number of 1's in it

public class GFG {

    // Function to convert decimal to binary
    void convertAndCount(int num)
        // Store the count of 1s currently 0
        int count = 0;

        // Returns a String object representing
        // binary equivalent of passed decimal number
        String binary = Integer.toBinaryString(num);

        // Iterating over obtained string using length
        // function
        for (int i = 0; i < binary.length(); i++)

            // Checking 1 is present in binary
            if (binary.charAt(i) == '1')

                // Increment the count
                // if any char equals 1

        // Printing the binary equivalent
        System.out.println("The binary equivalent of " + num
                           + " is : " + binary);

        // Printing the no of 1 in above binary number
        System.out.println("Number of 1s is : " + count);

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating object in main
        GFG obj = new GFG();

        // Calling the convertAndCount() method
        // over the integer value 18


The binary equivalent of 18 is : 10010
Number of 1s is : 2

******方法 2:不使用预定义变量******

*   ****将要转换成二进制的十进制数除以 2****
*   ****存储剩余部分****

## ****Java 语言(一种计算机语言尤用于创建网站)****

**// Java program to convert decimal to binary number
// and counting number of 1's in it

public class GFG {

    // Function to convert decimal to binary
    void convertAndCount(int num)
        int temp = num; // a temporary variable to store the
                        // value of num

        // to store the binary value
        int[] binary = new int[20];

        // to store the count of 1s
        int count = 0;
        int i;

        // to iterate through the loop and keep a
        // count of no.of digits in the obtained binary
        for (i = 0; temp > 0; i++) {

            // divide the number by 2
            // and store the remainder
            temp /= 2;
            binary[i] = temp % 2;

            // If 1 is present in binary
            if (binary[i] == 1)

                // increment the count if any digit
                // is equal to 1

        // Printing binary of decimal number
        System.out.print("The binary equivalent of " + num
                         + " is : ");

        // Iterating over array
        for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)

            // Printing obtained array in reverse order

        // Printing number of 1's
        System.out.println("\nNumber of 1s is : " + count);

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating class GFG object in main
        GFG obj = new GFG();

        // calling convertAndCount() method on decimal
        // over the value 18


java The binary equivalent of 18 is : 01001 Number of 1s is : 2****