在 Windows 系统默认浏览器中打开输入 URL 的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-程序到打开-输入-系统中的 URL-默认-windows 中的浏览器/

网址 是你想在默认网页浏览器中显示的网址。例如,将 http://www.site.com/report.html 连线到这个输入,在浏览器的网络服务器 www.site.com 上显示 HTML 文件 report.html。

我们的问题是编写一个 java 程序,在 Windows 的系统默认浏览器中打开输入 URL。

为了打开任何网址,我们使用不同的 java 预定义文件来操作我们的桌面。

  1. java.awt.Desktop : We use the Java. awt. Desktop class because java.awt.Desktop allows us to interact with different capabilities of our desktop. For example, Start the user's default browser, start the user's default mail client, etc.
  2. Java. net.uri : Java. net.uri is used to indicate the reference of user resource identifier.


  • First, we create an object of our defined class, and we import it through java.awt.desktop.
  • In the process of creating objects, we use the getDesktop () method to return the desktop instance of the current desktop context. Desktop API may not be supported on some platforms. In this case, we use the isdesktopSupported () method to determine whether the current desktop is supported.
  Desktop desk=Desktop.getDesktop();
  • Then we use the browse () method, where we enter the new URL that we want to open on the desktop ().
  desk.browse(new URI("http://xyz.com"));


// Java Program to Open Input URL in 
// System Default Browser in Windows

import java.awt.Desktop;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URI;

class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
             throws Exception
        Desktop desk = Desktop.getDesktop();

        // now we enter our URL that we want to open in our
        // default browser
        desk.browse(new URI("http://xyz.com"));


(Our URL "http://xyz.com" will open in our desktop default browser)