寻找循环图色指数的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-程序查找循环图的色索引/




输入: e = 12

edges = {{ 1,2},{ 2,3},{ 3,4},

{ 4, 1}, { 5, 6}, { 6, 7},

{ 7, 8}, { 8, 5}, { 1, 8},

{ 2, 5}, { 3, 6}, { 4, 7}}

输出:色度指数= 3



通过应用维辛定理我们可以证明给定的图可以有一个‘d’或‘d’+1 的色指数,其中 d 是图的最大度。


  1. 初始化边的数量和边列表。
  2. 根据维京定理给图表上色。
  3. 为边指定一种颜色,并检查是否有任何相邻的边具有相同的颜色。
  4. 如果任何相邻的边具有相同的颜色,则增加颜色以尝试该边的下一种颜色。
  5. 根据定理,重复直到所有的边都变成它的颜色。
  6. 完成后,打印所有边的最大颜色值和每个边的颜色。


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to find the chromatic
// index of a cyclic graph
import java.util.*;

public class chromaticIndex {

    // Function to find the chromatic index
    public void edgeColoring(int[][] edges, int e)
        // Initialize edge to first
        // edge and color to color 1
        int i = 0, color = 1;

        // Repeat until all edges are done coloring
        while (i < e) {
            // Give the selected edge a color
            edges[i][2] = color;
            boolean flag = false;
            // Iterate through all others edges to check
            for (int j = 0; j < e; j++) {
                // Ignore if same edge
                if (j == i)
                // Check if one vertex is similar
                if ((edges[i][0] == edges[j][0])
                    || (edges[i][1] == edges[j][0])
                    || (edges[i][0] == edges[j][1])
                    || (edges[i][1] == edges[j][1])) {
                    // Check if color is similar
                    if (edges[i][2] == edges[j][2]) {
                        // Increment the color by 1
                        flag = true;

            // If same color faced then repeat again
            if (flag == true) {

            // Or else proceed to a new vertex with color 1
            color = 1;

        // Check the maximum color from all the edge colors
        int maxColor = -1;
        for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
            maxColor = Math.max(maxColor, edges[i][2]);

        // Print the chromatic index
        System.out.println("Chromatic Index = " + maxColor);

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Number of edges
        int e = 4;

        // Edge list
        int[][] edges = new int[e][3];

        // Initialize all edge colors to 0
        for (int i = 0; i < e; i++) {
            edges[i][2] = -1;

        // Edges
        edges[0][0] = 1;
        edges[0][1] = 2;

        edges[1][0] = 2;
        edges[1][1] = 3;

        edges[2][0] = 3;
        edges[2][1] = 4;

        edges[3][0] = 4;
        edges[3][1] = 1;

        // Run the function
        chromaticIndex c = new chromaticIndex();
        c.edgeColoring(edges, e);


Chromatic Index = 2


Chromatic Index = 2


  1. vizings-定理
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizing%27s_theorem