检查给定字符串在 Java 中是否为有效数字(整数或浮点)

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/check-如果给定字符串是有效的数字整数或浮点 java/

在文章检查给定字符串是否为有效数字中,我们讨论了检查字符串是否为有效数字的一般方法。在 Java 中,我们可以使用 Wrapper 类 parse() 方法和 try-catch 块来检查一个数字。


整数类提供了一个静态方法 parseInt() ,如果字符串不包含可解析的 int ,该方法将引发 NumberFormatException。我们将使用 catch 块捕获这个异常,从而确认给定的字符串不是有效的整数。下面是 java 程序来演示同样的情况。

//Java program to check whether given string
// is a valid integer number

class GFG 
    public static void main (String[] args)
        String input1 = "abc";
        String input2 = "1234";

            // checking valid integer using parseInt() method
            System.out.println(input1 + " is a valid integer number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e) 
            System.out.println(input1 + " is not a valid integer number");

            // checking valid integer using parseInt() method
            System.out.println(input2 + " is a valid integer number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            System.out.println(input2 + " is not a valid integer number");


abc is not a valid integer number
1234 is a valid integer number


Float 类提供了一个静态方法 parseFloat() 如果字符串不包含可解析的 float ,将引发 NumberFormatException。我们将使用 catch 块捕获这个异常,从而确认给定的字符串不是有效的浮点数。如果字符串为 null ,该方法将抛出 NullPointerException 。下面是 java 程序来演示同样的情况。

// Java program to check whether given string
// is a valid float number.

class GFG 
    public static void main (String[] args)
        String input1 = "10e5.4";
        String input2 = "2e10";

            // checking valid float using parseInt() method
            System.out.println(input1 + " is a valid float number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            System.out.println(input1 + " is not a valid float number");

            // checking valid float using parseInt() method
            System.out.println(input2 + " is a valid float number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            System.out.println(input2 + " is not a valid float number");


10e5.4 is not a valid float number
2e10 is a valid float number


对于大数,我们可以使用 BigIntegerBigDecimal 类构造函数。下面是 java 程序来演示同样的情况。

// Java program to check whether given string
// is a valid number.

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

class GFG 
    public static void main (String[] args)
        String input1 = "1231456416541214651356151564651954156";
        String input2 = "105612656501606510651e655.4";
        String input3 = "2e102225";

            // checking valid integer number using BigInteger constructor
            new BigInteger(input1);
            System.out.println(input1 + " is a valid integer number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e) 
            System.out.println(input1 + " is not a valid integer number");

            // checking valid float number using BigDecimal constructor
            new BigDecimal(input2);
            System.out.println(input2 + " is a valid float number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            System.out.println(input2 + " is not a valid float number");

            // checking valid float number using BigDecimal constructor
            new BigDecimal(input3);
            System.out.println(input3 + " is a valid float number");
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            System.out.println(input3 + " is not a valid float number");



1231456416541214651356151564651954156 is a valid integer number
105612656501606510651e655.4 is not a valid float number
2e102225 is a valid float number

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