bigentermath divide()函数|番石榴| Java

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/bigintermath-divide-function-guava-Java/

番石榴的 BigIntegerMath 类的方法除(bigintermate p,bigintermate q,舍入模式)返回 p 除以 q 的结果,使用指定的舍入模式进行舍入。


public static BigInteger divide(BigInteger p,
                                BigInteger q,
                                RoundingMode mode)


  • p : dividend of large integer
  • q : a large integer divisor.
  • mode : the rounding mode for calculating the division of P and Q.

返回值:此方法返回 p 除以 q 的结果,使用指定的舍入模式进行舍入。

异常:如果 q == 0,或者如果 mode ==不必要且 a 不是 b 的整数倍,则方法抛出 算术异常


| 枚举常数 | 描述 | | 【天花板】 | 舍入模式向正无穷大舍入。 | | DOWN | 舍入模式为向零舍入。 | | FLOOR | 舍入模式为向负无穷大舍入。 | | HALF _ DOWN | 舍入模式为向“最近邻居”舍入,除非两个邻居等距,在这种情况下舍入为 DOWN。 | | HALF _ EVEN | 舍入模式为向“最近邻居”舍入,除非两个邻居等距,在这种情况下,向偶数邻居舍入。 | | 【HALF _ UP】 | 取整模式为向“最近邻居”取整,除非两个邻居等距,在这种情况下取整。 | | 【不必要的】 | 舍入模式断言请求的操作有确切的结果,因此没有舍入的必要。 | | UP | 取整模式为远离零取整。 |

以下示例说明了 BigIntegerMath.divide()方法:

例 1:

// Java code to show implementation of
// divide(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, RoundingMode mode)
// method of Guava's BigIntegerMath class

import java.math.*;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        BigInteger dividend1 = BigInteger.valueOf(55);
        BigInteger divisor1 = BigInteger.valueOf(10);

        // Using divide()
        // method of Guava's BigIntegerMath class
            = BigIntegerMath

        System.out.println(dividend1 + " divided by "
                           + divisor1
                           + " with HALF_DOWN rounding mode: "
                           + quotient1);

        BigInteger dividend2 = BigInteger.valueOf(55);
        BigInteger divisor2 = BigInteger.valueOf(10);

        // Using divide()
        // method of Guava's BigIntegerMath class
            = BigIntegerMath

        System.out.println(dividend2 + " divided by "
                           + divisor2
                           + " with CEILING rounding mode: "
                           + quotient2);


55 divided by 10 with HALF_DOWN rounding mode: 5
55 divided by 10 with CEILING rounding mode: 6

例 2:

// Java code to show implementation of
// divide(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, RoundingMode mode)
// method of Guava's BigIntegerMath class

import java.math.*;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])

        try {

            BigInteger dividend1 = BigInteger.valueOf(25);
            BigInteger divisor1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0);

            // Using divide()
            // method of Guava's BigIntegerMath class
            // This should raise "ArithmeticException"
            // as divisor1 = 0
                = BigIntegerMath
        catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception: " + e);


Exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

参考:https://Google . github . io/guava/releases/21.0/API/docs/com/Google/common/math/bigintermath . html # divide-Java . math . biginger-Java . math . biginger-Java . math . roundingmode-