Java 中 Character.isMirrored()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/character-is mirrored-method-in-Java/

character . Ismirrored(int CodePoint)是 java 中的一个内置方法,用于确定指定的字符(Unicode 代码点)是否根据 Unicode 规范进行了镜像。当在从右向左的文本中显示时,镜像字符的字形应该水平镜像。例如,' \u0028 '左括号在语义上被定义为左括号。这将在从左到右的文本中显示为“(”但在从右到左的文本中显示为“)”。


public static boolean isMirrored(int codePoint)

参数:整数类型的参数码点是需要测试的字符(Unicode 码点)。

返回值:如果角色被镜像,该方法返回 true,如果角色未被镜像或未被定义,则返回 false。

下面的程序说明了 Character.isMirrored()方法:

程序 1:

// Code to illustrate the isMirrored() method
import java.lang.*;
public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating 2 int primitives char1, char2
        int char1 = 0x0c05, char2 = 0x013c;

        // Checks if character is mirrored or not and prints
        boolean bool1 = Character.isMirrored(char1);
        String str1 = "char1 represents a mirrored character is " + bool1;

        boolean bool2 = Character.isMirrored(char2);
        String str2 = "char2 represents a mirrored character is " + bool2;


char1 represents a mirrored character is false
char2 represents a mirrored character is false


// Code to illustrate the isMirrored() method
import java.lang.*;

public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Create 2 int primitives c1, c2
        int c1 = 0x0c07, c2 = 0x063c;

        // Checks if character is mirrored or not and prints
        boolean bool1 = Character.isMirrored(c1);
        String str1 = "c1 represents a mirrored character is " + bool1;

        boolean bool2 = Character.isMirrored(c2);
        String str2 = "c2 represents a mirrored character is " + bool2;


c1 represents a mirrored character is false
c2 represents a mirrored character is false

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/7/docs/API/Java/lang/character . html # Ismirrored(int)