Java 中的 BigInteger max()和 min()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/big integer-max-and-min-methods-in-Java/


  • BigInteger max() method: The max() method of the BigInteger returns the BigInteger whose value is the greater between current BigInteger and BigInteger passed as a parameter to the method. If both the values are equal, either may be returned.

    BigInteger 类上有一个类似的方法 compareTo()。max()方法与 compareTo()的不同之处在于,在 compareTo()方法中,我们必须解释结果,而在 max 方法中,已经返回了最大的 BigInteger。


    java public BigInteger max(BigInteger val)


    返回值:该方法返回 BigInteger,其值是这个和 val 中的较大值。如果它们相等,任何一个都可以返回。

    下面的程序说明了 BigInteger 类的 max()方法。

    ```java /  Program Demonstrate max() method of BigInteger  / import java.math.;

    public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create 2 BigInteger objects       BigInteger biginteger=new BigInteger("8976543245");       BigInteger val=new BigInteger("9248040402");

    // Call max() method to find greater value       // between two BigIntegers.       BigInteger biggerInteger = biginteger.max(val);

    String result = "Bigger Integer between "+biginteger+" and "                       +val+ " is " +biggerInteger;

    // Prints the result        System.out.println(result);

    } } ```


    ```java Bigger Integer between 8976543245 and 9248040402 is 9248040402


  • BigInteger min() method: The min() method of the BigInteger returns the BigInteger whose value is the lesser between current BigInteger and BigInteger passed as parameter to method. If both the values are equal, either may be returned.

    BigInteger 类上有一个类似的方法 compareTo()。min()方法与 compareTo()的不同之处在于,在 compareTo()方法中,我们必须解释结果,而在 min()方法中,将返回最小的 BigInteger。


    java public BigInteger min(BigInteger val)


    返回值:该方法返回大整数,该大整数的值是这个和 val 中较小的一个。如果两个值相等,则可以返回其中任何一个。

    下面的程序说明了 BigInteger 类的 min()方法。

    ```java /  Program Demonstrate min() method of BigInteger  / import java.math.;

    public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create 2 BigInteger objects       BigInteger biginteger=new BigInteger("5782539631");       BigInteger val=new BigInteger("3592633823");

    // Call min() method to find lesser value       // between two BigIntegers.       BigInteger biggerInteger = biginteger.min(val);

    String result = "lesser Integer between "+biginteger+" and "                       +val+ " is " +biggerInteger;

    // Prints the result        System.out.println(result);

    } } ```


    ```java lesser Integer between 5782539631 and 3592633823 is 3592633823

