如何在 Node.js 中使用 Sequelize?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/使用方法-sequelize in node-js/

Sequelize 是一个基于承诺的 Node.js ORM,适用于 Postgres、MySQL、MariaDB、SQLite 和微软 SQL Server。它的特点是坚实的事务支持、关系、急切和懒惰的加载、读复制等等。

Sequelize 的特性:

  • Sequelize is a third-party package, specifically a object relational mapping library (ORM).
  • Standardized forms usually have a single schema definition in the code. This makes it very clear what the pattern is, and it is very simple to change it.
  • No need to learn SQL -The query is written in plain JavaScript.

设置 Node.js app:

  • Use the following command to start node.jsapp:

    js npm init -y

安装 Sequelize:

  1. Sequelize needs to install MySql module in your project. If you have not installed MySql module yet, please make sure that you need to install MySQL 2 module before installing Sequelize. You need to use the following command to install this module.

    js npm install mysql2

  2. After installing MySQL 2 module , we need to install Sequelize module to install this module with the following command.

    js npm install sequelize


  • You need to use these lines to include the Sequelize module in the project.

    js const Sequelize = require('sequelize');


// Include Sequelize module
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')

// Creating new Object of Sequelize
const sequelize = new Sequelize(

        // Explicitly specifying 
        // mysql database
        dialect: 'mysql',

        // By default host is 'localhost'           
        host: 'localhost'

// Exporting the sequelize object. 
// We can use it in another file
// for creating models
module.exports = sequelize