如何解决安装 Node.js 后‘node’不被识别为内部或外部命令错误?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何解决节点无法识别为内部或外部命令-安装后出错-节点-js/

在电脑上安装 node.js 有很多不同的方法。验证 node.js 是否已正确安装在计算机中的最简单方法是在命令提示符或 Windows PowerShell 中键入 node-v。


'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


  1. Open the Environment Variables option in your Control Panel. (Go to Control Panel -> System and Security ->System -> Advanced System Settings-> Environment Variables ->User Variables or System Variables.)

  2. Select the variable named Path. A dialogue box named Edit user variable will appear. In the variable value option inside that dialogue box, paste the complete path of the location where node.js is installed in your system.Then click on OK.

  3. Restart the command prompt again and now verify by typing node-v in the command prompt. It will now display the version of the node which you’ve installed from the internet .