node . js 中 npm i 和 npm ci 的区别

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/NPM-I-和-npm-ci-in-node-js/ 的区别

以下差异涵盖了 npm inpm ci 命令之间的不同之处及其功能。 npm 被称为节点包管理器,用于管理我们的应用程序所需的模块。

NPM I:NPM I(或 npm install)用于安装来自 package.json 文件的所有依赖项或开发依赖项。


npm install "package-name"
// OR
npm i "package-name"

npm ci: CI 代表持续集成,npm ci 用于从 package-lock.json 文件安装所有精确的版本依赖项或 devDependencies。


npm ci

*NPM I* npm ci 的区别是:****

| **s . no .** | **NPM I** | **NPM ci** | | 1。 | It installs a package and all its dependencies. | Typically used to install dependencies. | | 2。 | 可能写入 package.json 或 package-lock.json。 | 从不写入 package.json 或包装锁。JSON。 | | 3。 | You can use this command to add individual dependencies. | Individual dependencies cannot be added with this command. | | 4。 | It is slow to implement. | The execution speed is faster. | | 5。 | If there is no dependency in package-lock.json, this command will add it. | If any dependencies are missing or there are incompatible versions, npm ci will throw an error. | | 6。 | If a *node _ module* already exists, this command will not change it. | If a *node _ modules* already exists, it will be automatically removed before npm ci starts to install. | | 7。 | Global packages can be installed. | Global package cannot be installed. | | 8。 | ***NPM I package-name*** is used to add or update dependencies to package.json | Can't be used to write to package.json. | | 9。 | Npm I may correctly go to package-lock.json to lock some dependencies of the version. | It cannot be written to the package-lock.json. 。 | | 10。 | In the development process, it is used after pulling the changes of the updated dependency list. | Used for deterministic and repeatable construction. |