node . js 中 和 Websockets 的区别

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/socket-io-and-web sockets-in-node-js/之间的区别

网络套接字是一种通信约定,它通过一个 TCP 关联提供客户和工作人员之间的双向通信,网络套接字一直保持打开,因此它们允许持续的信息移动。当客户触发对员工的请求时,它不会在得到反应时关闭关联,而是会持续下去,并相信客户或员工会结束请求。 是一个库,支持客户和互联网工作人员之间持续的全双工通信。它利用网络套接字约定给出接口。总的来说,它被分成两个部分,网络套接字和套接字。io 都是事件驱动的库


服务器端:是 Node.js 的库


  • The network socket facilitates the continuous communication between the customer and the web workers.
  • This practice encourages the transition between workers and customers in an ongoing world.
  • This also enables enterprises around the world to continuously improve web applications and build accessibility.
  • It leaves a lot of room for an HTTP association that provides full-duplex communication.
  • Composition of WebSocket convention.
  • Construction of WebSocket convention.

出于什么原因我们需要 WebSocket?

  • 它提供了全双工通信,这有助于维持客户和互联网工作者之间建立的联系。
  • 它同样满足这些原则,并在无明显休眠的情况下提供精确和有效的流场合。
  • WebSocket 消除了开销,减少了不可预测性。
  • 它使连续通信变得简单有效。 以下是亮点–

  • It will lead to simultaneous communication with different attachments and directly handle the association.
  • It handles all stages, staff or gadgets to ensure fair and stable quality and speed.
  • Therefore, if necessary, it redesigns the prerequisite as a network socket.
  • It is a custom continuous vehicle agreement execution based on different agreements.
  • It requires that two libraries be used as working libraries at the client.
  • IO chips take away the basic occasions. There are some fixed occasions where attachments can be used on the work side, such as interfaces, messages, disconnection, Ping and reconnection.
  • There are some customer-based convening occasions, such as association, interface error, interface interruption and reconnection, etc.

出于什么原因我们需要 Socket。输入输出:

  • 它处理你专业选择的所有缺点,以获得全双工连续通信。
  • 此外,它还处理不同的帮助级别和程序的不规则性。
  • 它同样为基本的分布式框架提供了额外的组件空间,并且像编程重新连接一样思考。
  • 目前,AFAIK 是使用最多的一个,它可以更简单地辅助普通的网络附件。
  • WebSocket 和信息图)之间的无约束关联

node.js 中 和 websockets 的区别:

以下是 WebSocket 与 之间相关性最高的:

| **S 号** | **网页 Socket** | **插座。io** | | 1。 | Is a convention established through TCP connection. | It's a library that works with WebSocket. | | 2。 | Give full duplex correspondence on TCP connection. | Provide occasion-based communication between program and staff. | | 3。 | Proxy and load balancer are not supported in WebSocket. | Association can be established within the line of sight of mediation and load balancer. | | 4。 | Do not adhere to the broadcast. | It supports broadcasting. | | 5。 | It has no fallback option. | It is the basis of backup choice. |