如何操作 Node.js 中带有承诺的基于回调的 fs.rename()方法?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/操作方法-基于回调-fs-rename-method-with-promises-in-node-js/

fs.rename() 方法是在 Node.js 的文件系统模块中定义的,文件系统模块基本上就是和用户电脑的硬盘进行交互。rename()方法用于将给定旧路径上的文件重命名为给定新路径。如果新路径文件已经存在,它将被覆盖,如果在新路径上存在一个目录,则会发生错误。

fs.rename()方法基于回调。使用回调方法导致回调嵌套或回调地狱问题的可能性很大。因此,为了避免这种情况,我们几乎总是喜欢使用基于承诺的方法。使用一些额外的 node.js 方法,我们可以用 promise 方式操作一个基于回调的方法。


fs.rename(oldPath, newPath)



  • oldpath: 它是一个字符串、缓冲区或网址,用于指定必须重命名的文件的路径。
  • newpath: 它是一个字符串、缓冲区或网址,指定旧文件要替换的文件的路径。

方法:基于回调的 fs.rename()方法。为了用承诺来操作它,首先,我们使用在 utilities 模块中定义的 promisify()方法将其转换为基于承诺的方法。

示例 1: 文件名:index.js

// Importing File System and Utilities module
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util')

// Convert callback based methods to promise
// based methods
const readDir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)
const rename = util.promisify(fs.rename)

.then(files => {
  console.log(`Contents before rename operation: `)

  // Contents of the current directory
  for(let file of files) {

  console.log('\nAttempt to rename file : \n')

  // Rename operation
  return rename('test.txt', 'testFile.txt')

.then(() => {

  // The process.cwd() gives current working
  // directory
  return readDir(process.cwd())

.then(files => {
  console.log(`Contents after rename operation: `)

  // Contents of the current directory
  for(let file of files) {

.catch(err => {
   console.log(`Error occurs, 
   Error code -> ${err.code}, 
   Error No -> ${err.errno}`);


// Importing File System and Utilities module
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util')

// Convert callback based methods to promise
// based methods
const readDir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)
const rename = util.promisify(fs.rename)

const renameOperation = async (oldpath, newpath) => {
  console.log(`Contents before rename operation: `)

  // Fetching contents of the directory before
  // rename operation. The process.cwd() gives
  // current working directory
  const oldFiles = await 

  // Contents of the current working directory
  for(let file of oldFiles){

  console.log('\nAttempt to rename file : \n')

  // Rename operation
  await fs.promises.rename(oldpath, newpath)
  console.log(`Contents after rename operation: `)

  // Fetching contents of directory before
  // rename operation
  const newFiles = await 

  // Contents of the current working directory
  for(let file of newFiles) {

renameOperation('test.txt', 'testFile.txt')
.catch(err => {
  console.log(`Error occurs, Error code -> ${err.code}, 
  Error No -> ${err.errno}`);

使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:

node index.js




示例 2: 给定时,newpath 不是文件的路径,而是目录。 T3】文件名:index.js

// Importing File System and Utilities module
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util')

// Convert callback based methods to promise
// based methods
const readDir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)
const rename = util.promisify(fs.rename)

.then(files => {
  console.log(`Contents before rename operation: `)

  // Contents of the current directory
  for(let file of files) {

  console.log('\nAttempt to rename file : \n')

  // Rename operation
  return rename('testFile.txt', 'test')

.then(() => {

  // The process.cwd() gives current 
  // working directory
  return readDir(process.cwd())

.then(files => {
  console.log(`Contents after rename operation: `)

  // Contents of the current directory
  for(let file of files) {

.catch(err => {
   console.log(`Error occurs, 
   Error code -> ${err.code}, 
   Error No -> ${err.errno}`);


// Importing File System and Utilities module
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util')

// Convert callback based methods to promise
// based methods
const readDir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)
const rename = util.promisify(fs.rename)

const renameOperation = async (oldpath, newpath) => {
  console.log(`Contents before rename operation: `)

  // Fetching contents of directory before 
  // rename operation. The process.cwd() 
  // gives current working directory
  const oldFiles = await readDir(process.cwd())

  // Contents of the current working directory
  for(let file of oldFiles) {

  console.log('\nAttempt to rename file : \n')

  // Rename operation
  await rename(oldpath, newpath)

  console.log(`Contents after rename operation: `)

  // Fetching contents of directory before rename operation
  const newFiles = await readDir(process.cwd())

  // Contents of the current working directory
  for(let file of newFiles) {

renameOperation('testFile.txt', 'test')
.catch(err => {
   console.log(`Error occurs, 
   Error code -> ${err.code}, 
   Error No -> ${err.errno}`);

使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:

node index.js
