node . js 中承诺和异步等待的区别

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js 中的承诺和异步等待之间的区别/

在 NodeJS 或 JavaScript 中有不同的处理操作的方法。对于异步执行,不同的进程同时运行,并在每个进程的结果可用时进行处理。在 NodeJS 或 JavaScript 中有不同的方法来处理异步代码,它们是:


节点中的承诺类似于现实生活中的承诺。这是一定会有所作为的保证。Promise 用于跟踪异步事件是否已经执行,并确定事件发生后会发生什么。它是一个具有 3 种状态的物体,即:

  • 待定:初始状态,事件发生前。
  • 已解决:操作成功完成后。
  • 拒绝:如果操作在执行过程中出现错误,则承诺失败。

示例:向数据库服务器请求数据时,Promise 处于挂起状态,直到收到数据。如果数据接收成功,则承诺处于已解决状态,如果数据无法成功接收,则承诺处于拒绝状态。



java 描述语言

  const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    const string1 = "geeksforgeeks";
    const string2 = "geeksforgeeks";
    if (string1 === string2) {
    } else {

    .then(function () {
      console.log("Promise resolved successfully");
    .catch(function () {
      console.log("Promise is rejected");


Promise resolved successfully



wait 只能在异步函数中使用。它用于调用异步函数,并等待它解析或拒绝。wait 阻止代码在其所在的异步函数中执行。

Aysnc/Await 中的错误处理:对于成功解决的承诺,我们使用 try,对于被拒绝的承诺,我们使用 catch。要在使用 try 或 catch 处理完承诺后运行代码,我们可以。finally()方法。里面的代码。finally()方法运行一次,而不管承诺的状态如何。


java 描述语言

  const helperPromise = function () {
    const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      const x = "geeksforgeeks";
      const y = "geeksforgeeks";
      if (x === y) {
        resolve("Strings are same");
      } else {
        reject("Strings are not same");

    return promise;

  async function demoPromise() {
    try {
      let message = await helperPromise();
    } catch (error) {
      console.log("Error: " + error);



Strings are same


| **先生。否〔t1〕** | **许诺** | **异步/等待** | | **1 .** | Promise is an object that represents the intermediate state of an operation, and it is guaranteed to be completed at some future time. | Async/Await is a promised grammar sugar, and a wrapper makes code execution more synchronous. | | **2 .** | There are three states of commitment-resolved, rejected and pending. | It has no state. It returns a promise, either solved or rejected. | | **3 .** | If the function "fxn1" is to be executed after promise, promise.then(fxn1) continues to execute the current function after adding the fxn1 call to the callback chain. | If the function "fxn1" is to be executed after await, then await X () pauses the execution of the current function and then executes fxn1. | | **4 .** | Error handling usage completed. Then () and. Catch () method. | Error handling usage completed. Try () and. Catch () method. | | **5 .** | Commitment chains can sometimes become difficult to understand. | Compared with the commitment chain, it is easier to read and understand the program flow by using asynchrony/wait. |