
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/print-一个按给定语法下的表达式表示的单词排序列表/

给定长度为 n字符串 R(x) ,表示在给定语法下具有一组单词的表达式:

  • 对于每个小写字母 xR(x) = {x}
  • 对于表达式 e_1、e_2、…、e_k 带有 k≥2R({e_1、e_2、…、e _ k })= R(e _ 1)∪R(e _ 2)∪…∪R(e _ k)
  • 对于表达式 e_1e_2R(e_1 + e_2) = {a + b for (a,b) in R(e_1) × R(e_2)} ,其中+表示串联,而×表示笛卡儿积。



输入:“{ { a,z},a{b,c},{ab,z } }” 输出:【“a”、“ab”、“ac”、“z”】 解释:每个不同的单词在最终答案中只写一次。 {a,z},a{b,c},{ab,z} → {a,z},{ab,ac},{ab,z} → [a,z,ab,ac]

输入:“{ a,b}{c,{d,e } }” 输出:[“AC”、“ad”、“ae”、“bc”、“bd”、“be”]

方法:从给定的语法来看,字符串可以表示一组小写单词。让 R(expr) 表示表达式所表示的词集。考虑下面的例子来理解这种方法。

  • 单个字母代表包含该单词的单个集合。

    R(“a”)= {“a”} R(“w”)= {“w”}

  • 如果遇到由两个或更多表达式组成的逗号分隔列表,则取可能性的并集。

    R(“{ a,b,c }”= {“a”,“b”,“c”} R(“{ { a,b},{b,c } }”= {“a”,“b”,“c”}(注意最终集合最多只包含每个单词一次)

  • 在连接两个表达式时,取两个单词之间可能的连接集合,其中第一个单词来自第一个表达式,第二个单词来自第二个表达式。

    R(“{ a,b}{c,d }”)= {“AC”、“ad”、“bc”、“BD”} R(“{ a { b,c}{d,e}f{g,h })= {“abdfg”、“abdfh”、“abefg”、“abefh”、“acdfg”、“acdfh”、“acfg”、“acefg”、“acefh”}


  • 迭代字符串的字符,检查以下三个条件:
    1. 如果遇到 {…} ,通过递归调用函数得到 {…} 内部的结果,用返回的字符串集做当前字符串集的笛卡儿积。
    2. 如果遇到一个逗号(,,将当前的字符串集合推到结果中,并清空当前的字符串。
    3. 如果遇到一个字母,用当前的一组字符串做笛卡尔乘积。
  • 最后,对结果集中的所有字符串进行排序,只打印唯一的字符串。



// C++ program to implement the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to get the Cartesian product
// of two set of strings
vector<string> getProduct(vector<string>& lhs,
                          vector<string>& rhs)

    // If lhs is empty,
    // return rhs
    if (lhs.empty())
        return rhs;

    // Store the Cartesian product
    // of two set of strings
    vector<string> ret;

    // Iterate over characters of both
    // strings and insert Cartesian product
    for (auto sl : lhs)
        for (auto sr : rhs)
            ret.push_back(sl + sr);

    return ret;

// Function to find the sorted list of words
// that the expression represents
vector<string> braceExpansion(string expression)

    // Store the sorted list of words
    // that the expression represents
    vector<string> ret;

    // Store the current set of strings
    vector<string> cur;

    // Append Comma
    expression += ', ';

    // Stores the length of expression
    int len = expression.size();

    // Iterate over the characters
    // of the string(expression)
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {

        // Stores the current character
        char c = expression[i];

        // If { is encountered, find
        // its closing bracket, }
        if (c == '{') {

            // Store the characters inside
            // of these brackets
            string sub;

            // Stores count of unbalanced '{''
            int cnt = 1;

            // Iterate over characters of
            // expression after index i
            while (++i < len) {

                // If current character is '{'
                if (expression[i] == '{') {

                    // Update cnt

                // If current character is '}'
                else if (expression[i] == '}') {

                    // Update cnt

                // If cnt is equal to 0
                if (cnt == 0)

                // Append current character
                sub += expression[i];

            // Recursively call the function
            // for the string, sub
            vector<string> sub_ret
                = braceExpansion(sub);

            // Store the cartesian product of cur
            // and sub_ret in cur
            cur = getProduct(cur, sub_ret);

        // If current character is Comma
        else if (c == ', ') {

            // Push cur result into ret
                       begin(cur), end(cur));

            // Clear the current set
            // of strings
        else {

            // Append the current character to tmp
            vector<string> tmp(1, string(1, c));

            // Store the cartesian product of
            // tmp and cur in cur
            cur = getProduct(cur, tmp);

    // Sort the strings present in ret
    // and get only the unique set of strings
    sort(begin(ret), end(ret));

    auto iter = unique(begin(ret), end(ret));

    ret.resize(distance(begin(ret), iter));

    return ret;

// Driver Code
int main()

    // Given expression, str
    string str = "{a, b}{c, {d, e}}";

    // Store the sorted list of words
    vector<string> res;

    // Function Call
    res = braceExpansion(str);

    // Print the sorted list of words
    for (string x : res) {
        cout << x << " ";

    return 0;


ac ad ae bc bd be

时间复杂度:O(N2) 辅助空间: O(N)