在 K 次跳跃中使用正好 M 个硬币穿过的路径

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/path-traversed-使用精确的 m-coins-in-k-jumps/

给定三个整数 NKM 分别代表箱子的数量(从 1 到 N 水平对齐)、允许跳跃的总数和可用硬币总数,任务是通过在精确 K 跳跃中使用精确 M 硬币来打印【1,N】内可穿越的路径。如果从位置 X 跳到位置 Y ,则使用ABS(X–Y)硬币。如果 K 跳跃中无法使用 M 硬币,则打印-1。 举例:

输入: N = 5,K = 4,M = 12 输出: 5 1 4 5 解释: 第一跳:框 1 - >框 5。因此,使用了|1-5| = 4 枚硬币。 第二跳:5 号箱->1 号箱因此,|5-1| =使用了 4 枚硬币。 第三跳:1 号箱->4 号箱使用 3 枚硬币。 第四跳:4 号箱->5 号箱使用 1 枚硬币。 因此,正好 12 枚硬币用于 4 次跳跃。 输入: N = 4,K = 3,M = 10 输出: -1



  • K > N-1

  • K * (N-1) < M

问题可以使用贪婪方法按照下面给出的步骤解决: 重复下面的操作,直到 K 变为零。

  1. N-1M–K-1的最小值。
  2. 根据上述最小值,根据可用性向左或向右移动减少 k。
  3. 重复上述步骤,直到 K 变为 0。



// C++ program to print
// the path using exactly
// K jumps and M coins
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function that print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins
void print_path(int N, int jump, int coin)
    // If no path exists
    if (jump > coin
        || jump * (N - 1) < coin) {
        cout << "-1" << endl;
    else {
        int pos = 1;
        while (jump > 0) {

            // It decides which
            // box to be jump
            int tmp = min(N - 1,
                          coin - (jump - 1));

            // It decides whether
            // to jump on left side or
            // to jump on right side
            if (pos + tmp <= N) {
                pos += tmp;
            else {
                pos -= tmp;

            // Print the path
            cout << pos << " ";

            coin -= tmp;
            jump -= 1;

// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 5, K = 4, M = 12;

    // Function Call
    print_path(N, K, M);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins
import java.io.*;

class GFG{

// Function that print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins
static void print_path(int N, int jump,
                              int coin)
    // If no path exists
    if (jump > coin || jump * (N - 1) < coin)
        int pos = 1;
        while (jump > 0)

            // It decides which
            // box to be jump
            int tmp = Math.min(N - 1,
                               coin - (jump - 1));

            // It decides whether
            // to jump on left side or
            // to jump on right side
            if (pos + tmp <= N)
                pos += tmp;
                pos -= tmp;

            // Print the path
            System.out.print(pos + " ");;

            coin -= tmp;
            jump -= 1;

// Driver Code
public static void main (String[] args)
    int N = 5, K = 4, M = 12;

    // Function Call
    print_path(N, K, M);

// This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10

Python 3

# Python3 program to print the path 
# using exactly K jumps and M coins

# Function that pr the path
# using exactly K jumps and M coins
def print_path(N, jump, coin):

    # If no path exists
    if (jump > coin or
        jump * (N - 1) < coin):

        pos = 1;
        while (jump > 0):

            # It decides which
            # box to be jump
            tmp = min(N - 1,
                      coin - (jump - 1));

            # It decides whether
            # to jump on left side or
            # to jump on right side
            if (pos + tmp <= N):
                pos += tmp;
                pos -= tmp;

            # Print the path
            print(pos, end = " ")

            coin -= tmp;
            jump -= 1;

# Driver code
N = 5
K = 4
M = 12

# Function call
print_path(N, K, M);

# This code is contributed by grand_master


// C# program to print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins
using System;

class GFG{

// Function that print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins
static void print_path(int N, int jump,
                              int coin)

    // If no path exists
    if (jump > coin || jump * (N - 1) < coin)

        int pos = 1;
        while (jump > 0)

            // It decides which
            // box to be jump
            int tmp = Math.Min(N - 1,
                            coin - (jump - 1));

            // It decides whether
            // to jump on left side or
            // to jump on right side
            if (pos + tmp <= N)
                pos += tmp;
                pos -= tmp;

            // Print the path
            Console.Write(pos + " ");

            coin -= tmp;
            jump -= 1;

// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 5, K = 4, M = 12;

    // Function Call
    print_path(N, K, M);

// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

java 描述语言


// JavaScript program to print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins

// Function that print the path
// using exactly K jumps and M coins
function print_path(N, jump, coin)
    // If no path exists
    if (jump > coin || jump * (N - 1) < coin)
        let pos = 1;
        while (jump > 0)

            // It decides which
            // box to be jump
            let tmp = Math.min(N - 1,
                               coin - (jump - 1));

            // It decides whether
            // to jump on left side or
            // to jump on right side
            if (pos + tmp <= N)
                pos += tmp;
                pos -= tmp;

            // Print the path
            document.write(pos + " ");;

            coin -= tmp;
            jump -= 1;

// Driver Code

    let N = 5, K = 4, M = 12;

    // Function Call
    print_path(N, K, M);



5 1 4 5

时间复杂度: O(K) 辅助空间: O(1)