

给定一个链表和一个值x,对它进行分区,以使所有小于x的节点排在最前面,然后是所有值等于x的节点,最后是值大于或等于x的节点。 三个分区中每个分区中节点的原始相对顺序都应保留。 分区必须原地工作。


Input : 1->4->3->2->5->2->3, 
        x = 3
Output: 1->2->2->3->3->4->5

Input : 1->4->2->10 
        x = 3
Output: 1->2->4->10

Input : 10->4->20->10->3 
        x = 3
Output: 3->10->4->20->10 



  • 将以下三个链表的第一个和最后一个节点初始化为NULL

    1. 小于x的值的链表。

    2. 等于x的值的链表。

    3. 大于x的值的链表。

  • 现在遍历原始链表。 如果节点的值小于x,则将其附加在较小列表的末尾。 如果值等于x,则在等于列表的末尾。 如果值更大,则在更大列表的末尾。

  • 现在连接三个列表。



// C++ program to partition a linked list around a 
// given value. 
using namespace std; 

/* Link list Node */
struct Node 
    int data; 
    struct Node* next; 

// A utility function to create a new node 
Node *newNode(int data) 
    struct Node* new_node = new Node; 
    new_node->data  = data; 
    new_node->next = NULL; 
    return new_node; 

// Function to make two separate lists and return 
// head after concatinating 
struct Node *partition(struct Node *head, int x) 
    /* Let us initialize first and last nodes of 
      three linked lists 
        1) Linked list of values smaller than x. 
        2) Linked list of values equal to x. 
        3) Linked list of values greater than x.*/
    struct Node *smallerHead = NULL, *smallerLast = NULL; 
    struct Node *greaterLast = NULL, *greaterHead = NULL; 
    struct Node *equalHead = NULL, *equalLast = NULL; 

    // Now iterate original list and connect nodes 
    // of appropriate linked lists. 
    while (head != NULL) 
        // If current node is equal to x, append it 
        // to the list of x values 
        if (head->data == x) 
            if (equalHead == NULL) 
                equalHead = equalLast = head; 
                equalLast->next = head; 
                equalLast = equalLast->next; 

        // If current node is less than X, append 
        // it to the list of smaller values 
        else if (head->data < x) 
            if (smallerHead == NULL) 
                smallerLast = smallerHead = head; 
                smallerLast->next = head; 
                smallerLast = head; 
        else // Append to the list of greater values 
            if (greaterHead == NULL) 
                greaterLast = greaterHead = head; 
                greaterLast->next  = head; 
                greaterLast = head; 

        head = head->next; 

    // Fix end of greater linked list to NULL if this 
    // list has some nodes 
    if (greaterLast != NULL) 
        greaterLast->next = NULL; 

    // Connect three lists 

    // If smaller list is empty 
    if (smallerHead == NULL) 
        if (equalHead == NULL) 
            return greaterHead; 
        equalLast->next = greaterHead; 
        return equalHead; 

    // If smaller list is not empty 
    // and equal list is empty 
    if (equalHead == NULL) 
        smallerLast->next = greaterHead; 
        return smallerHead; 

    // If both smaller and equal list 
    // are non-empty 
    smallerLast->next = equalHead; 
    equalLast->next = greaterHead; 
    return  smallerHead; 

/* Function to print linked list */
void printList(struct Node *head) 
    struct Node *temp = head; 
    while (temp != NULL) 
        printf("%d  ", temp->data); 
        temp = temp->next; 

// Driver program to run the case 
int main() 
    /* Start with the empty list */
    struct Node* head = newNode(10); 
    head->next = newNode(4); 
    head->next->next = newNode(5); 
    head->next->next->next = newNode(30); 
    head->next->next->next->next = newNode(2); 
    head->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(50); 

    int x = 3; 
    head = partition(head, x); 
    return 0; 


// Java program to partition a  
// linked list around a given value.  
class GfG  

/* Link list Node */
static class Node  
    int data;  
    Node next;  

// A utility function to create a new node  
static Node newNode(int data)  
    Node new_node = new Node();  
    new_node.data = data;  
    new_node.next = null;  
    return new_node;  

// Function to make two separate lists and return  
// head after concatinating  
static Node partition(Node head, int x)  

    /* Let us initialize first and last nodes of  
    three linked lists  
        1) Linked list of values smaller than x.  
        2) Linked list of values equal to x.  
        3) Linked list of values greater than x.*/
    Node smallerHead = null, smallerLast = null;  
    Node greaterLast = null, greaterHead = null;  
    Node equalHead = null, equalLast =null;  

    // Now iterate original list and connect nodes  
    // of appropriate linked lists.  
    while (head != null)  
        // If current node is equal to x, append it  
        // to the list of x values  
        if (head.data == x)  
            if (equalHead == null)  
                equalHead = equalLast = head;  
                equalLast.next = head;  
                equalLast = equalLast.next;  

        // If current node is less than X, append  
        // it to the list of smaller values  
        else if (head.data < x)  
            if (smallerHead == null)  
                smallerLast = smallerHead = head;  
                smallerLast.next = head;  
                smallerLast = head;  
        else // Append to the list of greater values  
            if (greaterHead == null)  
                greaterLast = greaterHead = head;  
                greaterLast.next = head;  
                greaterLast = head;  
        head = head.next;  

    // Fix end of greater linked list to NULL if this  
    // list has some nodes  
    if (greaterLast != null)  
        greaterLast.next = null;  

    // Connect three lists  

    // If smaller list is empty  
    if (smallerHead == null)  
        if (equalHead == null)  
            return greaterHead;  
        equalLast.next = greaterHead;  
        return equalHead;  

    // If smaller list is not empty  
    // and equal list is empty  
    if (equalHead == null)  
        smallerLast.next = greaterHead;  
        return smallerHead;  

    // If both smaller and equal list  
    // are non-empty  
    smallerLast.next = equalHead;  
    equalLast.next = greaterHead;  
    return smallerHead;  

/* Function to print linked list */
static void printList(Node head)  
    Node temp = head;  
    while (temp != null)  
        System.out.print(temp.data + " ");  
        temp = temp.next;  

// Driver code  
public static void main(String[] args)  
    /* Start with the empty list */
    Node head = newNode(10);  
    head.next = newNode(4);  
    head.next.next = newNode(5);  
    head.next.next.next = newNode(30);  
    head.next.next.next.next = newNode(2);  
    head.next.next.next.next.next = newNode(50);  

    int x = 3;  
    head = partition(head, x);  

// This code is contributed by Prerna saini. 


# Python3 program to partition a  
# linked list around a given value.  

# Link list Node  
class Node:  
    def __init__(self): 
        self.data = 0
        self.next = None

# A utility function to create a new node  
def newNode( data):  

    new_node = Node()  
    new_node.data = data  
    new_node.next = None
    return new_node  

# Function to make two separate lists and return  
# head after concatinating  
def partition( head, x) : 

    # Let us initialize first and last nodes of  
    # three linked lists  
    # 1) Linked list of values smaller than x.  
    # 2) Linked list of values equal to x.  
    # 3) Linked list of values greater than x. 
    smallerHead = None
    smallerLast = None
    greaterLast = None
    greaterHead = None
    equalHead = None
    equalLast = None

    # Now iterate original list and connect nodes  
    # of appropriate linked lists.  
    while (head != None) : 

        # If current node is equal to x, append it  
        # to the list of x values  
        if (head.data == x):  

            if (equalHead == None):  
                equalHead = equalLast = head  

                equalLast.next = head  
                equalLast = equalLast.next

        # If current node is less than X, append  
        # it to the list of smaller values  
        elif (head.data < x):  

            if (smallerHead == None):  
                smallerLast = smallerHead = head  

                smallerLast.next = head  
                smallerLast = head  

        else : 
        # Append to the list of greater values  

            if (greaterHead == None) : 
                greaterLast = greaterHead = head  

                greaterLast.next = head  
                greaterLast = head  

        head = head.next

    # Fix end of greater linked list to None if this  
    # list has some nodes  
    if (greaterLast != None) : 
        greaterLast.next = None

    # Connect three lists  

    # If smaller list is empty  
    if (smallerHead == None) : 

        if (equalHead == None) : 
            return greaterHead  
        equalLast.next = greaterHead  
        return equalHead  

    # If smaller list is not empty  
    # and equal list is empty  
    if (equalHead == None) : 

        smallerLast.next = greaterHead  
        return smallerHead  

    # If both smaller and equal list  
    # are non-empty  
    smallerLast.next = equalHead  
    equalLast.next = greaterHead  
    return smallerHead  

# Function to print linked list  
def printList(head) : 

    temp = head  
    while (temp != None):  

        print(temp.data ,end= " ")  
        temp = temp.next

# Driver code  

# Start with the empty list  
head = newNode(10)  
head.next = newNode(4)  
head.next.next = newNode(5)  
head.next.next.next = newNode(30)  
head.next.next.next.next = newNode(2)  
head.next.next.next.next.next = newNode(50)  

x = 3
head = partition(head, x)  

# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu. 


// C# program to partition a  
// linked list around a given value.  
using System; 

public class GfG  

/* Link list Node */
public class Node  
    public int data;  
    public Node next;  

// A utility function to create a new node  
static Node newNode(int data)  
    Node new_node = new Node();  
    new_node.data = data;  
    new_node.next = null;  
    return new_node;  

// Function to make two separate lists and return  
// head after concatinating  
static Node partition(Node head, int x)  

    /* Let us initialize first and last nodes of  
    three linked lists  
        1) Linked list of values smaller than x.  
        2) Linked list of values equal to x.  
        3) Linked list of values greater than x.*/
    Node smallerHead = null, smallerLast = null;  
    Node greaterLast = null, greaterHead = null;  
    Node equalHead = null, equalLast =null;  

    // Now iterate original list and connect nodes  
    // of appropriate linked lists.  
    while (head != null)  
        // If current node is equal to x, append it  
        // to the list of x values  
        if (head.data == x)  
            if (equalHead == null)  
                equalHead = equalLast = head;  
                equalLast.next = head;  
                equalLast = equalLast.next;  

        // If current node is less than X, append  
        // it to the list of smaller values  
        else if (head.data < x)  
            if (smallerHead == null)  
                smallerLast = smallerHead = head;  
                smallerLast.next = head;  
                smallerLast = head;  
        else // Append to the list of greater values  
            if (greaterHead == null)  
                greaterLast = greaterHead = head;  
                greaterLast.next = head;  
                greaterLast = head;  
        head = head.next;  

    // Fix end of greater linked list to NULL if this  
    // list has some nodes  
    if (greaterLast != null)  
        greaterLast.next = null;  

    // Connect three lists  

    // If smaller list is empty  
    if (smallerHead == null)  
        if (equalHead == null)  
            return greaterHead;  
        equalLast.next = greaterHead;  
        return equalHead;  

    // If smaller list is not empty  
    // and equal list is empty  
    if (equalHead == null)  
        smallerLast.next = greaterHead;  
        return smallerHead;  

    // If both smaller and equal list  
    // are non-empty  
    smallerLast.next = equalHead;  
    equalLast.next = greaterHead;  
    return smallerHead;  

/* Function to print linked list */
static void printList(Node head)  
    Node temp = head;  
    while (temp != null)  
        Console.Write(temp.data + " ");  
        temp = temp.next;  

// Driver code  
public static void Main()  
    /* Start with the empty list */
    Node head = newNode(10);  
    head.next = newNode(4);  
    head.next.next = newNode(5);  
    head.next.next.next = newNode(30);  
    head.next.next.next.next = newNode(2);  
    head.next.next.next.next.next = newNode(50);  

    int x = 3;  
    head = partition(head, x);  

/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


2 10 4 5 30 50

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