使用位屏蔽将 2 的幂与所需的和相乘

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/2 的幂与要求的和使用位屏蔽/

给定一个整数 N ,任务是找出将 2 的次幂相加后得出的整数 N举例:

输入: N = 12345 输出: 0、3、4、5、12、13 解释: 12345 = 2^0+2^3+2^4+2^5+2^12+2^13 输入: N = 10000 输出: 4、8、9、10、13 解释:


  • 由于每个数字都可以表示为 2 的幂之和,因此任务是当在 N 的二进制表示中设置了第 i 位时,打印每个 i

说明: (29)10=(11101)2 因此,在 29 中,{0,2,3,4}是设置位的索引。 20+22+23+24+T17】= 1+4+8+16 = 29

  • 为了检查第 i 是否置位,我们只需要检查:

if(N &(1<< i) ) == 1  )T1】插图: (29)10=(11101)2 0th位:11101 & 1 = 1 1 st 位:11101&10 = 0 2nd位:11101 &



// C++ Program to split N
// into numbers which when
// added after being raised
// to the power of 2 gives N

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to print the numbers
// which raised to power of 2
// adds up to N
void PowerOfTwo(long long N)
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        long long x = 1;

        // Checking if i-th bit is
        // set in N or not by
        // shifting 1 i bits to
        // the left and performing
        // AND with N
        if (N & (x << i))
            cout << i << " ";

// Driver Code
int main()

    long long N = 12345;

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to split N
// into numbers which when
// added after being raised
// to the power of 2 gives N
class GFG{

// Function to print the numbers
// which raised to power of 2
// adds up to N
static void PowerOfTwo(long N)
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        long x = 1;

        // Checking if i-th bit is
        // set in N or not by
        // shifting 1 i bits to
        // the left and performing
        // AND with N
        if ((N & (x << i)) > 0)
            System.out.print(i + " ");

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    long N = 12345;

// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

Python 3

# Python3 program to split N
# into numbers which when
# added after being raised
# to the power of 2 gives N

# Function to print the numbers
# which raised to power of 2
# adds up to N
def PowerOfTwo(N):

    for i in range(0, 64):
        x = 1

        # Checking if i-th bit is
        # set in N or not by
        # shifting 1 i bits to
        # the left and performing
        # AND with N
        if (N & (x << i)) > 0:
            print(i, end = " ")

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Given number
    N = 12345;

    # Function call

# This code is contributed by rock_cool


// C# Program to split N
// into numbers which when
// added after being raised
// to the power of 2 gives N
using System;
class GFG{

// Function to print the numbers
// which raised to power of 2
// adds up to N
static void PowerOfTwo(long N)
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        long x = 1;

        // Checking if i-th bit is
        // set in N or not by
        // shifting 1 i bits to
        // the left and performing
        // AND with N
        if ((N & (x << i)) > 0)
            Console.Write(i + " ");

// Driver Code
public static void Main()
    long N = 12345;

// This code is contributed by Nidhi_biet

java 描述语言


// Javascript Program to split N
// into numbers which when
// added after being raised
// to the power of 2 gives N

// Function to print the numbers
// which raised to power of 2
// adds up to N
function PowerOfTwo(N)
    for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        var x = 1;

        // Checking if i-th bit is
        // set in N or not by
        // shifting 1 i bits to
        // the left and performing
        // AND with N
        if ((N & (x * Math.pow(2,i))) >0)
            document.write( i + " ");

// Driver Code
var N = 12345;

// This code is contributed by importantly.


0 3 4 5 12 13

时间复杂度: O(对数 N) 空间复杂度: O(1) 如需替代方法,请参考2 的 2 次方求和