
原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/number-cells-queen-can-move-obstacles-chessborad/

考虑带有皇后和K障碍物的N X N棋盘。 皇后不能穿越障碍。 给定皇后的位置(x, y),任务是找到皇后可以移动的单元格数。


Input : N = 8, x = 4, y = 4, 
        K = 0
Output : 27

Input : N = 8, x = 4, y = 4, 
        K = 1, kx1 = 3, ky1 = 5
Output : 24

方法 1

这个想法是迭代皇后可以攻击并停止的单元格,直到有障碍物或棋盘末端为止。 为此,我们需要水平,垂直和对角线迭代。 从位置(x, y)的移动可以是:

(x + 1, y):向右水平移动一级。

(x-1, y):向左水平移动一级。

(x + 1, y + 1):对角线向右移动一级。

(x-1, y-1):对角线向左下移动。

(x-1, y + 1):对角线左移一格。

(x + 1, y-1):对角线向右下移 1 步。

(x, y + 1):下移一步。

(x, y-1):向上迈出一步。

以下是此方法的 C++ 实现:

// C++ program to find number of cells a queen can move  
// with obstacles on the chessborad 
using namespace std; 

// Return if position is valid on chessboard 
int range(int n, int x, int y) 
  return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0); 

// Return the number of moves with a given direction 
int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,  
                  map <pair<int, int>, int> mp) 
  int ans = 0; 

  // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction. 
  while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp[{x, y}]) 
    x += xx; 
    y += yy; 

  return ans; 

// Return the number of position a Queen can move. 
int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,  
                  int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[]) 
  int x1, y1, ans = 0; 
  map <pair<int, int>, int> mp; 

  // Mapping each obstacle's position 
    x1 = obstPosx[k]; 
    y1 = obstPosy[k]; 

    mp[{x1, y1}] = 1; 

  // Fetching number of position a queen can 
  // move in each direction. 
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp); 
  ans += check(n, x-1, y-1, -1, -1, mp); 

  return ans; 

// Driven Program 
int main() 
  int n = 8;  // Chessboard size 
  int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles 
  int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position 
  int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position 
  int obstPosx[] = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles 
  int obstPosy[] = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles 

  cout << numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,  
                   obstPosx, obstPosy) << endl; 
  return 0; 



方法 2

这个想法是要遍历障碍物,对于那些走在皇后大道上的人,我们计算到达障碍物的自由细胞。 如果路径上没有障碍,我们必须计算到该方向上板端的空闲单元数。

对于任何(x1, y1)(x2, y2)

  • 如果它们在同一水平线上:abs(x1 – x2 – 1)

  • 如果它们在垂直方向上处于同一水平:abs(y1 – y2 – 1)是它们之间的空闲单元数。

  • 如果它们是对角线:abs(x1 – x2 – 1)abs(y1 – y2 – 1 )是之间的空闲单元数。



// C++ program to find number of cells a queen can move 
// with obstacles on the chessborad 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
// Return the number of position a Queen can move. 
int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y, 
                    int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[]) 
    // d11, d12, d21, d22 are for diagnoal distances. 
    // r1, r2 are for vertical distance. 
    // c1, c2 are for horizontal distance. 
    int d11, d12, d21, d22, r1, r2, c1, c2; 
    // Initialise the distance to end of the board. 
    d11 = min( x-1, y-1 ); 
    d12 = min( n-x, n-y ); 
    d21 = min( n-x, y-1 ); 
    d22 = min( x-1, n-y ); 
    r1 = y-1; 
    r2 = n-y; 
    c1 = x-1; 
    c2 = n-x; 
    // For each obstacle find the minimum distance. 
    // If obstacle is present in any direction, 
    // distance will be updated. 
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) 
        if ( x > obstPosx[i] && y > obstPosy[i] && 
                 x-obstPosx[i] == y-obstPosy[i] ) 
            d11 = min(d11, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
        if ( obstPosx[i] > x && obstPosy[i] > y && 
                  obstPosx[i]-x == obstPosy[i]-y ) 
            d12 = min( d12, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
        if ( obstPosx[i] > x && y > obstPosy[i] && 
                   obstPosx[i]-x == y-obstPosy[i] ) 
            d21 = min(d21, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
        if ( x > obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] > y && 
                    x-obstPosx[i] == obstPosy[i]-y ) 
            d22 = min(d22, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
        if ( x == obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] < y ) 
            r1 = min(r1, y-obstPosy[i]-1); 
        if ( x == obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] > y ) 
            r2 = min(r2, obstPosy[i]-y-1); 
        if ( y == obstPosy[i] && obstPosx[i] < x ) 
            c1 = min(c1, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
        if ( y == obstPosy[i] && obstPosx[i] > x ) 
            c2 = min(c2, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
    return d11 + d12 + d21 + d22 + r1 + r2 + c1 + c2; 
// Driver code 
int main(void) 
    int n = 8;  // Chessboard size 
    int k = 1;  // number of obstacles 
    int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position 
    int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position 
    int obstPosx[] = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles 
    int obstPosy[] = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles 
    cout << numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy, 
                             obstPosx, obstPosy); 
    return 0; 


// Java program to find number of cells a  
// queen can move with obstacles on the  
// chessborad 
import java.io.*; 
class GFG { 
    // Return the number of position a Queen 
    // can move. 
    static int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, 
                 int y, int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[]) 
        // d11, d12, d21, d22 are for diagnoal distances. 
        // r1, r2 are for vertical distance. 
        // c1, c2 are for horizontal distance. 
        int d11, d12, d21, d22, r1, r2, c1, c2; 
        // Initialise the distance to end of the board. 
        d11 = Math.min( x-1, y-1 ); 
        d12 = Math.min( n-x, n-y ); 
        d21 = Math.min( n-x, y-1 ); 
        d22 = Math.min( x-1, n-y ); 
        r1 = y-1; 
        r2 = n-y; 
        c1 = x-1; 
        c2 = n-x; 
        // For each obstacle find the minimum distance. 
        // If obstacle is present in any direction, 
        // distance will be updated. 
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) 
            if ( x > obstPosx[i] && y > obstPosy[i] && 
                    x-obstPosx[i] == y-obstPosy[i] ) 
                d11 = Math.min(d11, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
            if ( obstPosx[i] > x && obstPosy[i] > y && 
                    obstPosx[i]-x == obstPosy[i]-y ) 
                d12 = Math.min( d12, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
            if ( obstPosx[i] > x && y > obstPosy[i] && 
                    obstPosx[i]-x == y-obstPosy[i] ) 
                d21 = Math.min(d21, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
            if ( x > obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] > y && 
                        x-obstPosx[i] == obstPosy[i]-y ) 
                d22 = Math.min(d22, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
            if ( x == obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] < y ) 
                r1 = Math.min(r1, y-obstPosy[i]-1); 
            if ( x == obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] > y ) 
                r2 = Math.min(r2, obstPosy[i]-y-1); 
            if ( y == obstPosy[i] && obstPosx[i] < x ) 
                c1 = Math.min(c1, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
            if ( y == obstPosy[i] && obstPosx[i] > x ) 
                c2 = Math.min(c2, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
        return d11 + d12 + d21 + d22 + r1 + r2 + c1 + c2; 
    // Driver code 
    public static void main (String[] args) { 
    int n = 8; // Chessboard size 
    int k = 1; // number of obstacles 
    int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position 
    int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position 
    int obstPosx[] = { 3 }; // x position of obstacles 
    int obstPosy[] = { 5 }; // y position of obstacles 
    System.out.println(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, 
                          Qposy, obstPosx, obstPosy)); 
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


// C# program to find number of cells a  
// queen can move with obstacles on the  
// chessborad 
using System; 
class GFG { 
    // Return the number of position a Queen 
    // can move. 
    static int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, 
                int y, int []obstPosx, int []obstPosy) 
        // d11, d12, d21, d22 are for diagnoal distances. 
        // r1, r2 are for vertical distance. 
        // c1, c2 are for horizontal distance. 
        int d11, d12, d21, d22, r1, r2, c1, c2; 
        // Initialise the distance to end of the board. 
        d11 = Math.Min( x-1, y-1 ); 
        d12 = Math.Min( n-x, n-y ); 
        d21 = Math.Min( n-x, y-1 ); 
        d22 = Math.Min( x-1, n-y ); 
        r1 = y-1; 
        r2 = n-y; 
        c1 = x-1; 
        c2 = n-x; 
        // For each obstacle find the Minimum distance. 
        // If obstacle is present in any direction, 
        // distance will be updated. 
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) 
            if ( x > obstPosx[i] && y > obstPosy[i] && 
                    x-obstPosx[i] == y-obstPosy[i] ) 
                d11 = Math.Min(d11, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
            if ( obstPosx[i] > x && obstPosy[i] > y && 
                    obstPosx[i]-x == obstPosy[i]-y ) 
                d12 = Math.Min( d12, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
            if ( obstPosx[i] > x && y > obstPosy[i] && 
                    obstPosx[i]-x == y-obstPosy[i] ) 
                d21 = Math.Min(d21, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
            if ( x > obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] > y && 
                        x-obstPosx[i] == obstPosy[i]-y) 
                d22 = Math.Min(d22, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
            if ( x == obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] < y ) 
                r1 = Math.Min(r1, y-obstPosy[i]-1); 
            if ( x == obstPosx[i] && obstPosy[i] > y ) 
                r2 = Math.Min(r2, obstPosy[i]-y-1); 
            if ( y == obstPosy[i] && obstPosx[i] < x ) 
                c1 = Math.Min(c1, x-obstPosx[i]-1); 
            if ( y == obstPosy[i] && obstPosx[i] > x ) 
                c2 = Math.Min(c2, obstPosx[i]-x-1); 
        return d11 + d12 + d21 + d22 + r1 + r2 + c1 + c2; 
    // Driver code 
    public static void Main ()  
        int n = 8; // Chessboard size 
        int k = 1; // number of obstacles 
        int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position 
        int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position 
        int []obstPosx = { 3 }; // x position of obstacles 
        int []obstPosy = { 5 }; // y position of obstacles 
        Console.WriteLine(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, 
                            Qposy, obstPosx, obstPosy)); 
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


//PHP program to find number of cells a queen can move 
// with obstacles on the chessborad 
// Return the number of position a Queen can move. 
function numberofPosition($n, $k, $x, $y, 
                    $obstPosx, $obstPosy) 
    // d11, d12, d21, d22 are for diagnoal distances. 
    // r1, r2 are for vertical distance. 
    // c1, c2 are for horizontal distance. 
    // Initialise the distance to end of the board. 
    $d11 = min( $x-1, $y-1 ); 
    $d12 = min( $n-$x, $n-$y ); 
    $d21 = min( $n-$x, $y-1 ); 
    $d22 = min( $x-1, $n-$y ); 
    $r1 = $y-1; 
    $r2 = $n-$y; 
    $c1 = $x-1; 
    $c2 = $n-$x; 
    // For each obstacle find the minimum distance. 
    // If obstacle is present in any direction, 
    // distance will be updated. 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $k; $i++) 
        if ( $x > $obstPosx[$i] && $y > $obstPosy[$i] && 
                $x-$obstPosx[$i] == $y-$obstPosy[$i] ) 
            $d11 = min($d11, $x-$obstPosx[$i]-1); 
        if ( $obstPosx[$i] > $x && $obstPosy[$i] > $y && 
                $obstPosx[$i]-$x == $obstPosy[$i]-$y ) 
            $d12 = min( $d12, $obstPosx[$i]-$x-1); 
        if ( $obstPosx[$i] > $x && $y > $obstPosy[$i] && 
                $obstPosx[$i]-$x == $y-$obstPosy[$i] ) 
            $d21 = min($d21, $obstPosx[$i]-$x-1); 
        if ( $x > $obstPosx[$i] && $obstPosy[$i] > $y && 
                    $x-$obstPosx[$i] == $obstPosy[$i]-$y ) 
            $d22 = min($d22, $x-$obstPosx[$i]-1); 
        if ( $x == $obstPosx[$i] && $obstPosy[$i] < $y ) 
            $r1 = min($r1, $y-$obstPosy[$i]-1); 
        if ( $x == $obstPosx[$i] && $obstPosy[$i] > $y ) 
            $r2 = min($r2, $obstPosy[$i]-$y-1); 
        if ( $y == $obstPosy[$i] && $obstPosx[$i] < $x ) 
            $c1 = min($c1, $x-$obstPosx[$i]-1); 
        if ( $y == $obstPosy[$i] && $obstPosx[$i] > $x ) 
            $c2 = min($c2, $obstPosx[$i]-$x-1); 
    return $d11 + $d12 + $d21 + $d22 + $r1 + $r2 + $c1 + $c2; 
// Driver code 
$n = 8; // Chessboard size 
$k = 1; // number of obstacles 
$Qposx = 4; // Queen x position 
$Qposy = 4; // Queen y position 
$obstPosx = array(3 ); // x position of obstacles 
$obstPosy = array(5 ); // y position of obstacles 
echo numberofPosition($n, $k, $Qposx, $Qposy, 
                        $obstPosx, $obstPosy); 
// This code is contributed by ajit. 