N 个点重合所需的最短时间

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/n 点重合所需的最短时间/

给定大小为 N数组 arr[][] ,该数组由多对坐标组成,使得 arr[i][0]arr[i][1] 表示 2D 平面中的 XY 坐标。给定另一个数组 V[] ,表示任意方向上每个点的最大速度,任务是找到最小时间,使得所有给定点在 2D 平面上的任意点相遇。


输入: N = 4,arr[][] = {{1,2},{-3,34},{-1,-2},{2,-2}},V[] = {3,2,4,5} 输出: 1.1157499537009508

输入: N = 2,arr[][] = {{1。2},{-1,-2}},V[] = {2,3} 输出: 0.894427190999


  • 坐标轴上给定的 N 个点可以向任何方向移动,如果允许这些点在 T 时间内移动,那么它们可以到达圆内的任何点(通过相应地减少 V[i])其半径等于 V[i] * T 并且中心等于该点的初始位置,其中 V[i] 代表第 i 的速度。
  • 因此,为了使这些 N 圆半径的公共区域最小化,需要使最小化,并且如果在时间上存在一个公共的会合点 T ,则必须存在一个用于T’>T的会合点,因为对于T’将存在一个更公共的区域。
  • 因此,想法是检查公共交汇点的存在,即检查 N 个圆T3 的公共区域的存在。
  • 下图为 3 个圆的所有可能组合,每个都有一个非零的相交区域,则所有 3 个圆都有一个公共的相交区域,如下所示:
    • 图 1、2、3、4、5 中,三个圆中两个圆的半径之和小于它们之间的距离,这意味着三个圆之间没有公共区域。
    • 图 6、7、8、9 中,一个或两个圆位于另一个圆内。
    • 图 10、11、12、13 中找到两个圆的交点,检查这些交点是否在另一个圆内。

从以上观察,想法是使用二分搜索法为所有给定的 N 个点寻找具有唯一交点的最小时间。按照以下步骤解决给定的问题:

  • 声明一个函数,比如说交点(X1,Y1,R1,X2,Y2,R2,X3,Y3,R3) ,以圆的坐标和半径为参数,执行以下步骤:
    • 如果任意两个圆的半径之和小于它们中心之间的距离之和,则返回 false ,因为它们之间不存在任何这样的公共区域。
    • 现在,检查任意两个圆是否有公共区域。如果发现是,则返回。否则,返回
  • 声明一个函数,说是一个好的(中,N,X,Y,V) ,它以当前可能的时间、 N 个点的坐标、每个点的速度为参数,执行以下步骤:
    • 如果 N 的值至少为3,那么通过调用函数交集(X1,Y1,R1,X2,Y2,R2,X3,Y3,R3) 来检查三个圆的所有可能组合,以获得公共区域。如果存在任何没有任何公共区域的此类组合,则返回 false 。否则,返回
    • 如果 N 的值为 2 ,则检查两个圆是否有公共区域。如果发现为真,则返回为真。否则,返回
  • 初始化两个变量,分别将T1设为 0.0tu 设为 100000.0 作为获得唯一交点所需的最小和最大时间。
  • 现在,迭代范围【0,1000】以获得结果时间的更好的精度,并通过以下步骤执行二分搜索法:
    • 求中间值,说中间(tl + tu)/2.0
    • 现在通过调用函数 isGood(mid,N,X,Y,V) 来检查上述时间 mid 是否至少有一个公共区域相交。如果发现是,那么更新 tu。否则,将 tl 更新为 t
  • 完成上述步骤后,打印 tu 的值,作为在一点相交的所有给定 N 点的合成最短时间。



// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;

// Function to check for common area
// between three circles
bool intersection(int X1, int Y1, double R1,
                  int X2, int Y2, double R2,
                  int X3, int Y3, double R3)

  // Find the distance between the
  // centers of circle 1 & circle 2
  double d12 = sqrt((X1 - X2) * (X1 - X2)
                    + (Y1 - Y2) * (Y1 - Y2));

  // Find the distance between the
  // centers of circle 1 & circle 3
  double d13 = sqrt((X1 - X3) * (X1 - X3)
                    + (Y1 - Y3) * (Y1 - Y3));

  // Find the distance between the
  // centers of circle 2 & circle 3
  double d23 = sqrt((X2 - X3) * (X2 - X3)
                    + (Y2 - Y3) * (Y2 - Y3));

  // If sum of radius is less than
  // the distance between their
  // centers then false
  if ((R1 + R2 < d12) || (R1 + R3 < d13)
      || (R2 + R3 < d23)) {

    return false;
  else {

    // If circle 1 lies within
    // circle 2 or if circle
    // 2 lies within circle 1
    if (abs(R1 - R2) >= d12) {

      // If circle 1 lies
      // within circle 2
      if (R1 < R2) {

        // Check whether R1
        // (common area between
        // R1 and R2) and
        // R3 intersect
        return R1 + R3 >= d13;
      else {

        // Check whether R2
        //(common area between
        // R1 and R2) and
        // R3 intersect
        return R2 + R3 >= d23;

    // If circle 1 lies within
    // circle 3 or if circle
    // 3 lies within circle 1
    else if (abs(R1 - R3) >= d13) {

      // If circle 1 lies
      // within circle 3
      if (R1 < R3) {

        // Check whether R1
        // (common area between
        // R1 and R3) and
        // R2 intersect
        return R1 + R2 >= d12;
      else {

        // Check whether R3
        //(common area between
        // R1 and R3) and
        // R2 intersect
        return R2 + R3 >= d23;

    // If circle 2 lies within
    // circle 3 or if circle
    // 3 lies within circle 2
    else if (abs(R2 - R3) >= d23) {

      // If circle 2
      // lies within circle 3
      if (R2 < R3) {

        // Check whether R2
        // (common area between
        // R2 and R3) and
        // R1 intersect
        return R1 + R2 >= d12;
      else {

        // Check whether R3
        // (common area between
        // R2 and R3) and
        // R1 intersect
        return R1 + R3 >= d13;

      double x121, y121, x122,
      y122, x131, y131,
      x132, y132, x231,
      y231, x232, y232,
      a, b;

      // Find the point of
      // intersection for
      // circle 1 & circle 2
      a = (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2)
        / (2 * d12 * d12);

      b = sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R2 * R2)
               / (d12 * d12)
               - (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2)
               * (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2)
               / (pow(d12, 4))
               - 1)
        / 2;

      // First point of
      // intersection (x121, y121)
      x121 = (X1 + X2) / 2.0 + a * (X2 - X1)
        + b * (Y2 - Y1);
      y121 = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 + a * (Y2 - Y1)
        + b * (X1 - X2);

      // Check whether the point
      // of intersection lies
      // within circle 3 or not
      if (R3 >= sqrt(
        (x121 - X3) * (x121 - X3)
        + (y121 - Y3) * (y121 - Y3))) {

        return true;

      // Second point of
      // intersection(x122, y122)
      x122 = (X1 + X2) / 2.0 + a * (X2 - X1)
        - b * (Y2 - Y1);

      y122 = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 + a * (Y2 - Y1)
        - b * (X1 - X2);

      // Check whether the point
      // of intersection lies
      // within circle 3 or not
      if (R3 >= sqrt(
        (x122 - X3) * (x122 - X3)
        + (y122 - Y3) * (y122 - Y3))) {

        return true;

      // Find the point of
      // intersection for
      // circle 1 & circle 3
      a = (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3) / (2 * d13 * d13);
      b = sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R3 * R3)
               / (d13 * d13)
               - (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3)
               * (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3)
               / (pow(d13, 4))
               - 1)
        / 2;

      // First point of
      // intersection(x131, y131)
      x131 = (X1 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X1)
        + b * (Y3 - Y1);
      y131 = (Y1 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y1)
        + b * (X1 - X3);

      // Check whether the point
      // of intersection lies
      // within circle 2 or not
      if (R2 >= sqrt(
        (x131 - X2) * (x131 - X2)
        + (y131 - Y2) * (y131 - Y2))) {

        return true;

      // Second point of
      // intersection(x132, y132)
      x132 = (X1 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X1)
        - b * (Y3 - Y1);
      y132 = (Y1 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y1)
        - b * (X1 - X3);

      // Check whether the point
      // of intersection lies
      // within circle 2 or not
      if (R2 >= sqrt(
        (x132 - X2) * (x132 - X2)
        + (y132 - Y2) * (y132 - Y2))) {

        return true;

      // Find the point of
      // intersection for
      // circle 2 & circle 3
      a = (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3) / (2 * d23 * d23);
      b = sqrt(2 * (R2 * R2 + R3 * R3)
               / (d23 * d23)
               - (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3)
               * (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3)
               / (pow(d23, 4))
               - 1)
        / 2;

      // First point of
      // intersection(x231, y231)
      x231 = (X2 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X2)
        + b * (Y3 - Y2);
      y231 = (Y2 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y2)
        + b * (X2 - X3);

      // Check whether the point
      // of intersection lies
      // within circle 1 or not
      if (R1 >= sqrt(
        (x231 - X1) * (x231 - X1)
        + (y231 - Y1) * (y231 - Y1))) {
        return true;

      // Second point of
      // intersection(x232, y232)
      x232 = (X2 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X2)
        - b * (Y3 - Y2);
      y232 = (Y2 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y2)
        - b * (X2 - X3);

      // Check whether the point
      // of intersection lies
      // within circle 1 or not
      return R1 >= sqrt(
        (x232 - X1) * (x232 - X1)
        + (y232 - Y1) * (y232 - Y1));

// Function to check if there is
// a common area between N
// circles
bool isGood(double t, int N, int X[],
            int Y[], int V[])
  if (N >= 3) {

    // Check for a common area
    // for all combination
    // of 3 circles
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
        for (int k = j + 1; k < N; k++) {

          // t * V give the
          // radius of the circle
          if (intersection(
            X[i], Y[i], t * V[i], X[j],
            Y[j], t * V[j], X[k], Y[k],
            t * V[k]) == false)
            return false;

    return true;

  // For N = 2
  else {

    //(x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2 <=
    //(r1 + r2) ^ 2 for 2 circles
    // to intersect
    return sqrt((X[0] - X[1])
                * (X[0] - X[1])
                + (Y[0] - Y[1])
                * (Y[0] - Y[1]))
      <= t * (V[0] + V[1]);

// Function to find minimum time
void binarySearch(int N, int X[], int Y[], int V[])

  // Time depends on the area
  // of the 2D plane
  // Area =(Max(X) - Min(X))*
  // (Max(Y) - Min(Y))
  double tl = 0.0, tu = 100000.0, t;

  // Number of iteration
  // depends on the precision
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

    t = (tl + tu) / 2.0;

    // If there is a common area
    // between N circles
    // for time t
    if (isGood(t, N, X, Y, V)) {
      tu = t;

    // If there is no common area
    // between N circles
    // for time t
    else {
      tl = t;

  // Print the minimum time
  cout << fixed << setprecision(16) << tu << endl;

// Driver Code
int main()
  int N = 4;
  int X[] = { 1, -3, -1, 2 };
  int Y[] = { 2, 4, -2, -2 };
  int V[] = { 3, 2, 4, 5 };

  // Function Call
  binarySearch(N, X, Y, V);

// This code is contributed by ipg2016107.

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach

class GFG {

    // Function to check for common area
    // between three circles
    public static boolean
    intersection(int X1, int Y1, double R1,
                 int X2, int Y2, double R2,
                 int X3, int Y3, double R3)

        // Find the distance between the
        // centers of circle 1 & circle 2
        double d12 = Math.sqrt((X1 - X2) * (X1 - X2)
                               + (Y1 - Y2) * (Y1 - Y2));

        // Find the distance between the
        // centers of circle 1 & circle 3
        double d13 = Math.sqrt((X1 - X3) * (X1 - X3)
                               + (Y1 - Y3) * (Y1 - Y3));

        // Find the distance between the
        // centers of circle 2 & circle 3
        double d23 = Math.sqrt((X2 - X3) * (X2 - X3)
                               + (Y2 - Y3) * (Y2 - Y3));

        // If sum of radius is less than
        // the distance between their
        // centers then false
        if ((R1 + R2 < d12) || (R1 + R3 < d13)
            || (R2 + R3 < d23)) {

            return false;
        else {

            // If circle 1 lies within
            // circle 2 or if circle
            // 2 lies within circle 1
            if (Math.abs(R1 - R2) >= d12) {

                // If circle 1 lies
                // within circle 2
                if (R1 < R2) {

                    // Check whether R1
                    // (common area between
                    // R1 and R2) and
                    // R3 intersect
                    return R1 + R3 >= d13;
                else {

                    // Check whether R2
                    //(common area between
                    // R1 and R2) and
                    // R3 intersect
                    return R2 + R3 >= d23;

            // If circle 1 lies within
            // circle 3 or if circle
            // 3 lies within circle 1
            else if (Math.abs(R1 - R3) >= d13) {

                // If circle 1 lies
                // within circle 3
                if (R1 < R3) {

                    // Check whether R1
                    // (common area between
                    // R1 and R3) and
                    // R2 intersect
                    return R1 + R2 >= d12;
                else {

                    // Check whether R3
                    //(common area between
                    // R1 and R3) and
                    // R2 intersect
                    return R2 + R3 >= d23;

            // If circle 2 lies within
            // circle 3 or if circle
            // 3 lies within circle 2
            else if (Math.abs(R2 - R3) >= d23) {

                // If circle 2
                // lies within circle 3
                if (R2 < R3) {

                    // Check whether R2
                    // (common area between
                    // R2 and R3) and
                    // R1 intersect
                    return R1 + R2 >= d12;
                else {

                    // Check whether R3
                    // (common area between
                    // R2 and R3) and
                    // R1 intersect
                    return R1 + R3 >= d13;
            else {

                double x121, y121, x122,
                    y122, x131, y131,
                    x132, y132, x231,
                    y231, x232, y232,
                    a, b;

                // Find the point of
                // intersection for
                // circle 1 & circle 2
                a = (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2)
                    / (2 * d12 * d12);

                b = Math.sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R2 * R2)
                                  / (d12 * d12)
                              - (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2)
                                    * (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2)
                                    / (Math.pow(d12, 4))
                              - 1)
                    / 2;

                // First point of
                // intersection (x121, y121)
                x121 = (X1 + X2) / 2.0 + a * (X2 - X1)
                       + b * (Y2 - Y1);
                y121 = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 + a * (Y2 - Y1)
                       + b * (X1 - X2);

                // Check whether the point
                // of intersection lies
                // within circle 3 or not
                if (R3 >= Math.sqrt(
                              (x121 - X3) * (x121 - X3)
                              + (y121 - Y3) * (y121 - Y3))) {

                    return true;

                // Second point of
                // intersection(x122, y122)
                x122 = (X1 + X2) / 2.0 + a * (X2 - X1)
                       - b * (Y2 - Y1);

                y122 = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 + a * (Y2 - Y1)
                       - b * (X1 - X2);

                // Check whether the point
                // of intersection lies
                // within circle 3 or not
                if (R3 >= Math.sqrt(
                              (x122 - X3) * (x122 - X3)
                              + (y122 - Y3) * (y122 - Y3))) {

                    return true;

                // Find the point of
                // intersection for
                // circle 1 & circle 3
                a = (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3) / (2 * d13 * d13);
                b = Math.sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R3 * R3)
                                  / (d13 * d13)
                              - (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3)
                                    * (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3)
                                    / (Math.pow(d13, 4))
                              - 1)
                    / 2;

                // First point of
                // intersection(x131, y131)
                x131 = (X1 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X1)
                       + b * (Y3 - Y1);
                y131 = (Y1 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y1)
                       + b * (X1 - X3);

                // Check whether the point
                // of intersection lies
                // within circle 2 or not
                if (R2 >= Math.sqrt(
                              (x131 - X2) * (x131 - X2)
                              + (y131 - Y2) * (y131 - Y2))) {

                    return true;

                // Second point of
                // intersection(x132, y132)
                x132 = (X1 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X1)
                       - b * (Y3 - Y1);
                y132 = (Y1 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y1)
                       - b * (X1 - X3);

                // Check whether the point
                // of intersection lies
                // within circle 2 or not
                if (R2 >= Math.sqrt(
                              (x132 - X2) * (x132 - X2)
                              + (y132 - Y2) * (y132 - Y2))) {

                    return true;

                // Find the point of
                // intersection for
                // circle 2 & circle 3
                a = (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3) / (2 * d23 * d23);
                b = Math.sqrt(2 * (R2 * R2 + R3 * R3)
                                  / (d23 * d23)
                              - (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3)
                                    * (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3)
                                    / (Math.pow(d23, 4))
                              - 1)
                    / 2;

                // First point of
                // intersection(x231, y231)
                x231 = (X2 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X2)
                       + b * (Y3 - Y2);
                y231 = (Y2 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y2)
                       + b * (X2 - X3);

                // Check whether the point
                // of intersection lies
                // within circle 1 or not
                if (R1 >= Math.sqrt(
                              (x231 - X1) * (x231 - X1)
                              + (y231 - Y1) * (y231 - Y1))) {
                    return true;

                // Second point of
                // intersection(x232, y232)
                x232 = (X2 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X2)
                       - b * (Y3 - Y2);
                y232 = (Y2 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y2)
                       - b * (X2 - X3);

                // Check whether the point
                // of intersection lies
                // within circle 1 or not
                return R1 >= Math.sqrt(
                                 (x232 - X1) * (x232 - X1)
                                 + (y232 - Y1) * (y232 - Y1));

    // Function to check if there is
    // a common area between N
    // circles
    public static boolean isGood(double t, int N, int[] X,
                                 int[] Y, int[] V)
        if (N >= 3) {

            // Check for a common area
            // for all combination
            // of 3 circles
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
                    for (int k = j + 1; k < N; k++) {

                        // t * V give the
                        // radius of the circle
                        if (!intersection(
                                X[i], Y[i], t * V[i], X[j],
                                Y[j], t * V[j], X[k], Y[k],
                                t * V[k]))
                            return false;

            return true;

        // For N = 2
        else {

            //(x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2 <=
            //(r1 + r2) ^ 2 for 2 circles
            // to intersect
            return Math.sqrt((X[0] - X[1])
                                 * (X[0] - X[1])
                             + (Y[0] - Y[1])
                                   * (Y[0] - Y[1]))
                <= t * (V[0] + V[1]);

    // Function to find minimum time
    public static void binarySearch(int N, int[] X,
                                    int[] Y, int[] V)
        // Time depends on the area
        // of the 2D plane
        // Area =(Max(X) - Min(X))*
        // (Max(Y) - Min(Y))
        double tl = 0.0, tu = 100000.0, t;

        // Number of iteration
        // depends on the precision
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

            t = (tl + tu) / 2.0;

            // If there is a common area
            // between N circles
            // for time t
            if (isGood(t, N, X, Y, V)) {
                tu = t;

            // If there is no common area
            // between N circles
            // for time t
            else {
                tl = t;

        // Print the minimum time

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 4;
        int[] X = { 1, -3, -1, 2 };
        int[] Y = { 2, 4, -2, -2 };
        int[] V = { 3, 2, 4, 5 };

        // Function Call
        binarySearch(N, X, Y, V);


// C# program for the above approach
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to check for common area
// between three circles
public static bool intersection(int X1, int Y1, double R1,
                                int X2, int Y2, double R2,
                                int X3, int Y3, double R3)

    // Find the distance between the
    // centers of circle 1 & circle 2
    double d12 = Math.Sqrt((X1 - X2) * (X1 - X2) +
                           (Y1 - Y2) * (Y1 - Y2));

    // Find the distance between the
    // centers of circle 1 & circle 3
    double d13 = Math.Sqrt((X1 - X3) * (X1 - X3) +
                           (Y1 - Y3) * (Y1 - Y3));

    // Find the distance between the
    // centers of circle 2 & circle 3
    double d23 = Math.Sqrt((X2 - X3) * (X2 - X3) +
                           (Y2 - Y3) * (Y2 - Y3));

    // If sum of radius is less than
    // the distance between their
    // centers then false
    if ((R1 + R2 < d12) || (R1 + R3 < d13) ||
        (R2 + R3 < d23))
        return false;

        // If circle 1 lies within
        // circle 2 or if circle
        // 2 lies within circle 1
        if (Math.Abs(R1 - R2) >= d12)

            // If circle 1 lies
            // within circle 2
            if (R1 < R2)

                // Check whether R1
                // (common area between
                // R1 and R2) and
                // R3 intersect
                return R1 + R3 >= d13;

                // Check whether R2
                //(common area between
                // R1 and R2) and
                // R3 intersect
                return R2 + R3 >= d23;

        // If circle 1 lies within
        // circle 3 or if circle
        // 3 lies within circle 1
        else if (Math.Abs(R1 - R3) >= d13)

            // If circle 1 lies
            // within circle 3
            if (R1 < R3)

                // Check whether R1
                // (common area between
                // R1 and R3) and
                // R2 intersect
                return R1 + R2 >= d12;

                // Check whether R3
                //(common area between
                // R1 and R3) and
                // R2 intersect
                return R2 + R3 >= d23;

        // If circle 2 lies within
        // circle 3 or if circle
        // 3 lies within circle 2
        else if (Math.Abs(R2 - R3) >= d23)

            // If circle 2
            // lies within circle 3
            if (R2 < R3)

                // Check whether R2
                // (common area between
                // R2 and R3) and
                // R1 intersect
                return R1 + R2 >= d12;

                // Check whether R3
                // (common area between
                // R2 and R3) and
                // R1 intersect
                return R1 + R3 >= d13;

            double x121, y121, x122,
                   y122, x131, y131,
                   x132, y132, x231,
                   y231, x232, y232,
                   a, b;

            // Find the point of
            // intersection for
            // circle 1 & circle 2
            a = (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2) /
                 (2 * d12 * d12);

            b = Math.Sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R2 * R2) /
                (d12 * d12) - (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2) *
                              (R1 * R1 - R2 * R2) /
                         (Math.Pow(d12, 4)) - 1) / 2;

            // First point of
            // intersection (x121, y121)
            x121 = (X1 + X2) / 2.0 + a * (X2 - X1) +
                                     b * (Y2 - Y1);
            y121 = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 + a * (Y2 - Y1) +
                                     b * (X1 - X2);

            // Check whether the point
            // of intersection lies
            // within circle 3 or not
            if (R3 >= Math.Sqrt((x121 - X3) * (x121 - X3) +
                                (y121 - Y3) * (y121 - Y3)))
                return true;

            // Second point of
            // intersection(x122, y122)
            x122 = (X1 + X2) / 2.0 + a * (X2 - X1) -
                                     b * (Y2 - Y1);

            y122 = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 + a * (Y2 - Y1) -
                                     b * (X1 - X2);

            // Check whether the point
            // of intersection lies
            // within circle 3 or not
            if (R3 >= Math.Sqrt((x122 - X3) * (x122 - X3) +
                                (y122 - Y3) * (y122 - Y3)))
                return true;

            // Find the point of
            // intersection for
            // circle 1 & circle 3
            a = (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3) / (2 * d13 * d13);
            b = Math.Sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R3 * R3) /
                (d13 * d13) - (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3) *
                              (R1 * R1 - R3 * R3) /
                         (Math.Pow(d13, 4)) - 1) / 2;

            // First point of
            // intersection(x131, y131)
            x131 = (X1 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X1) +
                                     b * (Y3 - Y1);
            y131 = (Y1 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y1) +
                                     b * (X1 - X3);

            // Check whether the point
            // of intersection lies
            // within circle 2 or not
            if (R2 >= Math.Sqrt((x131 - X2) * (x131 - X2) +
                                (y131 - Y2) * (y131 - Y2)))
                return true;

            // Second point of
            // intersection(x132, y132)
            x132 = (X1 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X1) -
                                     b * (Y3 - Y1);
            y132 = (Y1 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y1) -
                                     b * (X1 - X3);

            // Check whether the point
            // of intersection lies
            // within circle 2 or not
            if (R2 >= Math.Sqrt((x132 - X2) * (x132 - X2) +
                                (y132 - Y2) * (y132 - Y2)))
                return true;

            // Find the point of
            // intersection for
            // circle 2 & circle 3
            a = (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3) / (2 * d23 * d23);
            b = Math.Sqrt(2 * (R2 * R2 + R3 * R3) /
                (d23 * d23) - (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3) *
                              (R2 * R2 - R3 * R3) /
                         (Math.Pow(d23, 4)) - 1) / 2;

            // First point of
            // intersection(x231, y231)
            x231 = (X2 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X2) +
                                     b * (Y3 - Y2);
            y231 = (Y2 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y2) +
                                     b * (X2 - X3);

            // Check whether the point
            // of intersection lies
            // within circle 1 or not
            if (R1 >= Math.Sqrt((x231 - X1) * (x231 - X1) +
                                (y231 - Y1) * (y231 - Y1)))
                return true;

            // Second point of
            // intersection(x232, y232)
            x232 = (X2 + X3) / 2.0 + a * (X3 - X2) -
                                     b * (Y3 - Y2);
            y232 = (Y2 + Y3) / 2.0 + a * (Y3 - Y2) -
                                     b * (X2 - X3);

            // Check whether the point
            // of intersection lies
            // within circle 1 or not
            return R1 >= Math.Sqrt((x232 - X1) * (x232 - X1) +
                                   (y232 - Y1) * (y232 - Y1));

// Function to check if there is
// a common area between N
// circles
public static bool isGood(double t, int N, int[] X,
                                  int[] Y, int[] V)
    if (N >= 3)

        // Check for a common area
        // for all combination
        // of 3 circles
        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            for(int j = i + 1; j < N; j++)
                for(int k = j + 1; k < N; k++)

                    // t * V give the
                    // radius of the circle
                    if (!intersection(X[i], Y[i], t * V[i],
                                      X[j], Y[j], t * V[j],
                                      X[k], Y[k], t * V[k]))
                        return false;
        return true;

    // For N = 2

        //(x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2 <=
        //(r1 + r2) ^ 2 for 2 circles
        // to intersect
        return Math.Sqrt((X[0] - X[1]) * (X[0] - X[1]) +
                         (Y[0] - Y[1]) * (Y[0] - Y[1])) <=
                                     t * (V[0] + V[1]);

// Function to find minimum time
public static void binarySearch(int N, int[] X,
                                int[] Y, int[] V)

    // Time depends on the area
    // of the 2D plane
    // Area =(Max(X) - Min(X))*
    // (Max(Y) - Min(Y))
    double tl = 0.0, tu = 100000.0, t;

    // Number of iteration
    // depends on the precision
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        t = (tl + tu) / 2.0;

        // If there is a common area
        // between N circles
        // for time t
        if (isGood(t, N, X, Y, V))
            tu = t;

        // If there is no common area
        // between N circles
        // for time t
            tl = t;

    // Print the minimum time

// Driver Code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    int N = 4;
    int[] X = { 1, -3, -1, 2 };
    int[] Y = { 2, 4, -2, -2 };
    int[] V = { 3, 2, 4, 5 };

    // Function Call
    binarySearch(N, X, Y, V);

// This code is contributed by AnkThon



时间复杂度:O(N3) 辅助空间: O(1)