n 元树中的下一个较大元素

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/next-biger-element-n-ary-tree/

给定一个类属树和一个整数 x。查找并返回树中下一个较大元素的节点,即查找仅大于 x 的节点。如果不存在值大于 x 的节点,则返回 NULL。 例如,在给定的树中

x = 10,只是更大的节点值是 12

想法是维护一个节点指针 res ,它将包含最终的结果节点。 遍历树并检查根数据是否大于 x。如果是,则将根数据与 res 数据进行比较。 如果根数据大于 n 且小于 res 数据,更新 RES


// CPP program to find next larger element
// in an n-ary tree.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Structure of a node of an n-ary tree
struct Node {
    int key;
    vector<Node*> child;

// Utility function to create a new tree node
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->key = key;
    return temp;

void nextLargerElementUtil(Node* root, int x, Node** res)
    if (root == NULL)

    // if root is less than res but greater than
    // x update res
    if (root->key > x)
        if (!(*res) || (*res)->key > root->key)
            *res = root;   

    // Number of children of root
    int numChildren = root->child.size();

    // Recur calling for every child
    for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
        nextLargerElementUtil(root->child[i], x, res);


// Function to find next Greater element of x in tree
Node* nextLargerElement(Node* root, int x)
    // resultant node
    Node* res = NULL;

    // calling helper function
    nextLargerElementUtil(root, x, &res);

    return res;

// Driver program
int main()
    /*   Let us create below tree
   *             5
   *         /   |  \
   *         1   2   3
   *        /   / \   \
   *       15  4   5   6

    Node* root = newNode(5);

    int x = 5;

    cout << "Next larger element of " << x << " is ";
    cout << nextLargerElement(root, x)->key << endl;

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to find next larger element
// in an n-ary tree.
import java.util.*;

class GFG

// Structure of a node of an n-ary tree
static class Node
    int key;
    Vector<Node> child;
static Node res;

// Utility function to create a new tree node
static Node newNode(int key)
    Node temp = new Node();
    temp.key = key;
    temp.child = new Vector<>();
    return temp;

static void nextLargerElementUtil(Node root, int x)
    if (root == null)

    // if root is less than res but
    // greater than x, update res
    if (root.key > x)
        if ((res == null || (res).key > root.key))
            res = root;

    // Number of children of root
    int numChildren = root.child.size();

    // Recur calling for every child
    for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
        nextLargerElementUtil(root.child.get(i), x);


// Function to find next Greater element
// of x in tree
static Node nextLargerElement(Node root, int x)
    // resultant node
    res = null;

    // calling helper function
    nextLargerElementUtil(root, x);

    return res;

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    /* Let us create below tree
    *             5
    *         / | \
    *         1 2 3
    *     / / \ \
    *     15 4 5 6
    Node root = newNode(5);

    int x = 5;

    System.out.print("Next larger element of " +
                                    x + " is ");
    System.out.print(nextLargerElement(root, x).key + "\n");


// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Python 3

# Python program to find next larger element
# in an n-ary tree.
class Node:

# Structure of a node of an n-ary tree
    def __init__(self):
        self.key = 0
        self.child = []

# Utility function to create a new tree node
def newNode(key):
    temp = Node()
    temp.key = key
    temp.child = []
    return temp

res = None;   
def nextLargerElementUtil(root,x):
    global res
    if (root == None):

     # if root is less than res but
    # greater than x, update res
    if (root.key > x):
        if ((res == None or (res).key > root.key)):
            res = root;

    # Number of children of root
    numChildren = len(root.child)

     # Recur calling for every child
    for i in range(numChildren):
        nextLargerElementUtil(root.child[i], x)

  # Function to find next Greater element
# of x in tree
def nextLargerElement(root,x):

   # resultant node
    global res

    # Calling helper function
    nextLargerElementUtil(root, x)

    return res

    # Driver code
root = newNode(5)

x = 5
print("Next larger element of " , x , " is ",end='')
print(nextLargerElement(root, x).key)

# This code is contributed by rag2127.


// C# program to find next larger element
// in an n-ary tree.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG

// Structure of a node of an n-ary tree
class Node
    public int key;
    public List<Node> child;
static Node res;

// Utility function to create a new tree node
static Node newNode(int key)
    Node temp = new Node();
    temp.key = key;
    temp.child = new List<Node>();
    return temp;

static void nextLargerElementUtil(Node root,
                                  int x)
    if (root == null)

    // if root is less than res but
    // greater than x, update res
    if (root.key > x)
        if ((res == null ||
            (res).key > root.key))
            res = root;

    // Number of children of root
    int numChildren = root.child.Count;

    // Recur calling for every child
    for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
        nextLargerElementUtil(root.child[i], x);


// Function to find next Greater element
// of x in tree
static Node nextLargerElement(Node root,   
                                  int x)
    // resultant node
    res = null;

    // calling helper function
    nextLargerElementUtil(root, x);

    return res;

// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    /* Let us create below tree
    *             5
    *         / | \
    *         1 2 3
    *     / / \ \
    *     15 4 5 6
    Node root = newNode(5);

    int x = 5;

    Console.Write("Next larger element of " +
                                 x + " is ");
    Console.Write(nextLargerElement(root, x).key + "\n");

// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

java 描述语言


// JavaScript program to find next larger element
// in an n-ary tree.

// Structure of a node of an n-ary tree
class Node
        this.key = 0;
        this.child = [];

var res = null;

// Utility function to create a new tree node
function newNode(key)
    var temp = new Node();
    temp.key = key;
    temp.child = [];
    return temp;

function nextLargerElementUtil(root, x)
    if (root == null)

    // if root is less than res but
    // greater than x, update res
    if (root.key > x)
        if ((res == null ||
            (res).key > root.key))
            res = root;

    // Number of children of root
    var numChildren = root.child.length;

    // Recur calling for every child
    for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
        nextLargerElementUtil(root.child[i], x);


// Function to find next Greater element
// of x in tree
function nextLargerElement(root,  x)
    // resultant node
    res = null;

    // calling helper function
    nextLargerElementUtil(root, x);

    return res;

// Driver Code
/* Let us create below tree
*             5
*         / | \
*         1 2 3
*     / / \ \
*     15 4 5 6
var root = newNode(5);
var x = 5;
document.write("Next larger element of " +
                             x + " is ");
document.write(nextLargerElement(root, x).key + "<br>");



Next larger element of 5 is 6

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