

给定一个单链表,其中包含一些正数(有效数)和零(无效数)。 转换链表的方式是,如果下一个有效数字与当前数字相同,则将其值加倍并将下一个数字替换为 0。修改后,重新排列链表,以使所有 0 都移到末尾。


Input : 2->2->0->4->0->8
Output : 4->4->8->0->0->0

Input :  0->2->2->2->0->6->6->0->0->8
Output : 4->2->12->8->0->0->0->0->0->0

来源Microsoft IDC 面试体验 | 系列 156

方法:首先按照上述说明修改链表,即,如果下一个有效数字与当前数字相同,则将其值加倍并将下一个数字替换为 0。


1\. ptr = head
2\. while (ptr && ptr->next)
3\. if (ptr->data == 0) || (ptr->data != ptr->next->data)
4\.     ptr = ptr->next
5\. else    
6\.     ptr->data = 2 * ptr->data
7\.     ptr->next->data = 0
8\.     ptr = ptr->next->next    

修改列表后,隔离有效(非零)和无效(零)元素。 它与隔离链表中的偶数和奇数节点相同。


// C++ implementation to modify and 
// rearrange list 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// structure of a node 
struct Node { 
    int data; 
    Node* next; 

// function to get a new node 
Node* getNode(int data) 
    // allocate space 
    Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 

    // put in the data 
    newNode->data = data; 
    newNode->next = NULL; 
    return newNode; 

// function to segregate valid (non-zero) numbers and 
// invalid (zero) numbers in a list 
Node* segValidInvalidNum(Node* head) 
    // valid (non-zero numbers) list start and 
    // end pointers 
    Node *validStart = NULL, *validEnd = NULL; 

    // invalid (zero numbers) list start and 
    // end pointers 
    Node *invalidStart = NULL, *invalidEnd = NULL; 

    Node* currentNode = head; 

    // traverse the given list 
    while (currentNode != NULL) { 
        // current node's data 
        int element = currentNode->data; 

        // if it is a non-zero element, then 
        // add it to valid list 
        if (element != 0) { 
            if (validStart == NULL) { 
                validStart = currentNode; 
                validEnd = validStart; 
            else { 
                validEnd->next = currentNode; 
                validEnd = validEnd->next; 

        // else it is a zero element, so 
        // add it to invalid list 
        else { 
            if (invalidStart == NULL) { 
                invalidStart = currentNode; 
                invalidEnd = invalidStart; 
            else { 
                invalidEnd->next = currentNode; 
                invalidEnd = invalidEnd->next; 

        // Move to the next node 
        currentNode = currentNode->next; 

    // if true then return the original list as it is 
    if (validStart == NULL || invalidStart == NULL) 
        return head; 

    // add the invalid list to the end of valid list 
    validEnd->next = invalidStart; 
    invalidEnd->next = NULL; 
    head = validStart; 

    // required head of the new list 
    return head; 

// function to modify and 
// rearrange list 
Node* modifyAndRearrangeList(Node* head) 
    // if list is empty or contains a single 
    // element only 
    if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) 
        return head; 

    // traverse the list 
    Node* ptr = head; 
    while (ptr && ptr->next) { 

        // if current node's data is '0' or it is not equal 
        // to next nodes data, them move one node ahead 
        if ((ptr->data == 0) || (ptr->data != ptr->next->data)) 
            ptr = ptr->next; 

        else { 

            // double current node's data 
            ptr->data = 2 * ptr->data; 

            // put '0' in next node's data 
            ptr->next->data = 0; 

            // move two nodes ahead 
            ptr = ptr->next->next; 

    // segregate valid (non-zero) and 
    // invalid (non-zero) numbers 
    return segValidInvalidNum(head); 

// function to print a linked list 
void printList(Node* head) 
    while (head != NULL) { 
        cout << head->data << " "; 
        head = head->next; 

// Driver program to test above 
int main() 
    Node* head = getNode(2); 
    head->next = getNode(2); 
    head->next->next = getNode(0); 
    head->next->next->next = getNode(4); 
    head->next->next->next->next = getNode(0); 
    head->next->next->next->next->next = getNode(8); 

    cout << "Original List: "; 

    head = modifyAndRearrangeList(head); 

    cout << "\nModified List: "; 

    return 0; 


// Java implementation to modify and  
// rearrange list  
class GFG  

// ure of a node  
static class Node  
    int data;  
    Node next;  

// function to get a new node  
static Node getNode(int data)  
    // allocate space  
    Node newNode = new Node();  

    // put in the data  
    newNode.data = data;  
    newNode.next = null;  
    return newNode;  

// function to segregate valid (non-zero) numbers  
// and invalid (zero) numbers in a list  
static Node segValidInvalidNum(Node head)  
    // valid (non-zero numbers) list start  
    // and end pointers  
    Node validStart = null, validEnd = null;  

    // invalid (zero numbers) list start and  
    // end pointers  
    Node invalidStart = null, invalidEnd = null;  

    Node currentNode = head;  

    // traverse the given list  
    while (currentNode != null)  
        // current node's data  
        int element = currentNode.data;  

        // if it is a non-zero element, then  
        // add it to valid list  
        if (element != 0) 
            if (validStart == null) 
                validStart = currentNode;  
                validEnd = validStart;  
                validEnd.next = currentNode;  
                validEnd = validEnd.next;  

        // else it is a zero element, so  
        // add it to invalid list  
            if (invalidStart == null)  
                invalidStart = currentNode;  
                invalidEnd = invalidStart;  
                invalidEnd.next = currentNode;  
                invalidEnd = invalidEnd.next;  

        // Move to the next node  
        currentNode = currentNode.next;  

    // if true then return the original list as it is  
    if (validStart == null || invalidStart == null)  
        return head;  

    // add the invalid list to the end of valid list  
    validEnd.next = invalidStart;  
    invalidEnd.next = null;  
    head = validStart;  

    // required head of the new list  
    return head;  

// function to modify and  
// rearrange list  
static Node modifyAndRearrangeList(Node head)  
    // if list is empty or contains a single  
    // element only  
    if (head == null || head.next == null)  
        return head;  

    // traverse the list  
    Node ptr = head;  
    while (ptr != null && ptr.next != null)  

        // if current node's data is '0' or  
        // it is not equal to next nodes data,  
        // them move one node ahead  
        if ((ptr.data == 0) ||  
            (ptr.data != ptr.next.data))  
            ptr = ptr.next;  

            // double current node's data  
            ptr.data = 2 * ptr.data;  

            // put '0' in next node's data  
            ptr.next.data = 0;  

            // move two nodes ahead  
            ptr = ptr.next.next;  

    // segregate valid (non-zero) and  
    // invalid (non-zero) numbers  
    return segValidInvalidNum(head);  

// function to print a linked list  
static void printList(Node head)  
    while (head != null) 
            System.out.print(head.data + " "); 
            head = head.next;  

// Driver Code 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    Node head = getNode(2);  
    head.next = getNode(2);  
    head.next.next = getNode(0);  
    head.next.next.next = getNode(4);  
    head.next.next.next.next = getNode(0);  
    head.next.next.next.next.next = getNode(8);  

    System.out.print("Original List: ");  

    head = modifyAndRearrangeList(head);  

    System.out.print("\nModified List: ");  

// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 


# Python implementation to modify and  
# rearrange list  

# structure of a node  
class Node:  

    def __init__(self, data):  
        self.data = data  
        self.next = None

# function to get a new node  
def getNode( data) : 

    # allocate space  
    newNode = Node(0)  

    # put in the data  
    newNode.data = data  
    newNode.next = None
    return newNode  

# function to segregate valid (non-zero) numbers  
# and invalid (zero) numbers in a list  
def segValidInvalidNum(head) : 

    # valid (non-zero numbers) list start  
    # and end pointers  
    validStart = None
    validEnd = None

    # invalid (zero numbers) list start and  
    # end pointers  
    invalidStart = None
    invalidEnd = None

    currentNode = head  

    # traverse the given list  
    while (currentNode != None) : 

        # current node's data  
        element = currentNode.data  

        # if it is a non-zero element, then  
        # add it to valid list  
        if (element != 0): 

            if (validStart == None): 
                validStart = currentNode  
                validEnd = validStart  

                validEnd.next = currentNode  
                validEnd = validEnd.next

        # else it is a zero element, so  
        # add it to invalid list  

            if (invalidStart == None):  
                invalidStart = currentNode  
                invalidEnd = invalidStart  

                invalidEnd.next = currentNode  
                invalidEnd = invalidEnd.next

        # Move to the next node  
        currentNode = currentNode.next

    # if true then return the original list as it is  
    if (validStart == None or invalidStart == None): 
        return head  

    # add the invalid list to the end of valid list  
    validEnd.next = invalidStart  
    invalidEnd.next = None
    head = validStart  

    # required head of the new list  
    return head  

# function to modify and  
# rearrange list  
def modifyAndRearrangeList( head) : 

    # if list is empty or contains a single  
    # element only  
    if (head == None or head.next == None):  
        return head  

    # traverse the list  
    ptr = head  
    while (ptr != None and ptr.next != None) : 

        # if current node's data is '0' or  
        # it is not equal to next nodes data,  
        # them move one node ahead  
        if ((ptr.data == 0) or
            (ptr.data != ptr.next.data)) : 
            ptr = ptr.next

            # double current node's data  
            ptr.data = 2 * ptr.data  

            # put '0' in next node's data  
            ptr.next.data = 0

            # move two nodes ahead  
            ptr = ptr.next.next

    # segregate valid (non-zero) and  
    # invalid (non-zero) numbers  
    return segValidInvalidNum(head)  

# function to print a linked list  
def printList( head) : 

    while (head != None): 

            print(head.data, end = " ") 
            head = head.next

# Driver Code 
head = getNode(2)  
head.next = getNode(2)  
head.next.next = getNode(0)  
head.next.next.next = getNode(4)  
head.next.next.next.next = getNode(0)  
head.next.next.next.next.next = getNode(8)  

print("Original List: ")  

head = modifyAndRearrangeList(head)  

print("\nModified List: ")  

# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 


// C# implementation to modify and  
// rearrange list  
using System; 

class GFG  

// ure of a node  
public class Node  
    public int data;  
    public Node next;  

// function to get a new node  
static Node getNode(int data)  
    // allocate space  
    Node newNode = new Node();  

    // put in the data  
    newNode.data = data;  
    newNode.next = null;  
    return newNode;  

// function to segregate valid (non-zero) numbers  
// and invalid (zero) numbers in a list  
static Node segValidInvalidNum(Node head)  
    // valid (non-zero numbers) list 
    // start and end pointers  
    Node validStart = null,  
         validEnd = null;  

    // invalid (zero numbers) list start and  
    // end pointers  
    Node invalidStart = null,  
         invalidEnd = null;  

    Node currentNode = head;  

    // traverse the given list  
    while (currentNode != null)  
        // current node's data  
        int element = currentNode.data;  

        // if it is a non-zero element,   
        // then add it to valid list  
        if (element != 0) 
            if (validStart == null) 
                validStart = currentNode;  
                validEnd = validStart;  
                validEnd.next = currentNode;  
                validEnd = validEnd.next;  

        // else it is a zero element,   
        // so add it to invalid list  
            if (invalidStart == null)  
                invalidStart = currentNode;  
                invalidEnd = invalidStart;  
                invalidEnd.next = currentNode;  
                invalidEnd = invalidEnd.next;  

        // Move to the next node  
        currentNode = currentNode.next;  

    // if true then return the  
    // original list as it is  
    if (validStart == null ||  
        invalidStart == null)  
        return head;  

    // add the invalid list to 
    // the end of valid list  
    validEnd.next = invalidStart;  
    invalidEnd.next = null;  
    head = validStart;  

    // required head of the new list  
    return head;  

// function to modify and  
// rearrange list  
static Node modifyAndRearrangeList(Node head)  
    // if list is empty or contains  
    // a single element only  
    if (head == null ||  
        head.next == null)  
        return head;  

    // traverse the list  
    Node ptr = head;  
    while (ptr != null &&  
           ptr.next != null)  

        // if current node's data is '0' or  
        // it is not equal to next nodes data,  
        // them move one node ahead  
        if ((ptr.data == 0) ||  
            (ptr.data != ptr.next.data))  
            ptr = ptr.next;  

            // double current node's data  
            ptr.data = 2 * ptr.data;  

            // put '0' in next node's data  
            ptr.next.data = 0;  

            // move two nodes ahead  
            ptr = ptr.next.next;  

    // segregate valid (non-zero) and  
    // invalid (non-zero) numbers  
    return segValidInvalidNum(head);  

// function to print a linked list  
static void printList(Node head)  
    while (head != null) 
        Console.Write(head.data + " "); 
        head = head.next;  

// Driver Code 
public static void Main(String[] args) 
    Node head = getNode(2);  
    head.next = getNode(2);  
    head.next.next = getNode(0);  
    head.next.next.next = getNode(4);  
    head.next.next.next.next = getNode(0);  
    head.next.next.next.next.next = getNode(8);  

    Console.Write("Original List: ");  

    head = modifyAndRearrangeList(head);  

    Console.Write("\nModified List: ");  

// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992 


Original List: 2 2 0 4 0 8
Modified List: 4 4 8 0 0 0


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