以 MEX 为 A,数组元素异或为 B 的数组最小尺寸

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/最小大小的数组以 mex 作为数组元素的 a 和 xor 作为 b/

给定两个整数 AB ,任务是找到数组的最小可能大小,其数组 MEXA按位 异或 所有数组元素的B


输入: A = 1,B = 1 输出: 3 说明:能满足给定条件的数组是{0,3,2},它的可能大小是最小的,即 3。

输入: A = 1,B = 999 T3】输出: 2


因此,上述问题可以通过求从 0 到 A-1 的所有数字的异或并检查上述情况来解决。



// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the minimum size
// of array with given MEX and XOR
int minimumSizeArr(int A, int B)
    int currXor = 0;

    // Find the XOR of values from
    // 0 to A-1
    int reminder = (A - 1) % 4;

    // If A is a multiple of 4
    if (reminder == 0)
        currXor = A - 1;

    // If A % 4 gives remainder 1
    else if (reminder == 1)
        currXor = 1;

    // If A % 4 gives remainder 2
    else if (reminder == 2)
        currXor = A;

    // Initializing array size by A
    int minSize = A;

    // If XOR of all values of array
    // is equal to B
    if (currXor == B)
        return minSize;

    // If the required integer to be
    // added is equal to A
    else if (currXor ^ B == A)
        return minSize + 2;

    // Else any integer can be added
        return minSize + 1;

// Driver Code
int main()
    int A = 1;
    int B = 999;
    cout << minimumSizeArr(A, B);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
public class GFG {

    // Function to find the minimum size
    // of array with given MEX and XOR
    static int minimumSizeArr(int A, int B)
        int currXor = 0;

        // Find the XOR of values from
        // 0 to A-1
        int reminder = (A - 1) % 4;

        // If A is a multiple of 4
        if (reminder == 0)
            currXor = A - 1;

        // If A % 4 gives remainder 1
        else if (reminder == 1)
            currXor = 1;

        // If A % 4 gives remainder 2
        else if (reminder == 2)
            currXor = A;

        // Initializing array size by A
        int minSize = A;

        // If XOR of all values of array
        // is equal to B
        if (currXor == B)
            return minSize;

        // If the required integer to be
        // added is equal to A
        else if ((currXor ^ B) == A)
            return minSize + 2;

        // Else any integer can be added
            return minSize + 1;

    // Driver Code
    public static void main (String[] args) {

        int A = 1;
        int B = 999;
        System.out.println(minimumSizeArr(A, B));       

// This code is contributed by AnkThon

Python 3

# python program for the above approach

# Function to find the minimum size
# of array with given MEX and XOR
def minimumSizeArr(A, B):

    currXor = 0

    # Find the XOR of values from
    # 0 to A-1
    reminder = (A - 1) % 4

    # If A is a multiple of 4
    if (reminder == 0):
        currXor = A - 1

    # If A % 4 gives remainder 1
    elif (reminder == 1):
        currXor = 1

    # If A % 4 gives remainder 2
    elif (reminder == 2):
        currXor = A

    # Initializing array size by A
    minSize = A

    # If XOR of all values of array
    # is equal to B
    if (currXor == B):
        return minSize

    # If the required integer to be
    # added is equal to A
    elif (currXor ^ B == A):
        return minSize + 2

    # Else any integer can be added
        return minSize + 1

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    A = 1
    B = 999
    print(minimumSizeArr(A, B))

# This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
public class GFG {

    // Function to find the minimum size
    // of array with given MEX and XOR
    static int minimumSizeArr(int A, int B)
        int currXor = 0;

        // Find the XOR of values from
        // 0 to A-1
        int reminder = (A - 1) % 4;

        // If A is a multiple of 4
        if (reminder == 0)
            currXor = A - 1;

        // If A % 4 gives remainder 1
        else if (reminder == 1)
            currXor = 1;

        // If A % 4 gives remainder 2
        else if (reminder == 2)
            currXor = A;

        // Initializing array size by A
        int minSize = A;

        // If XOR of all values of array
        // is equal to B
        if (currXor == B)
            return minSize;

        // If the required integer to be
        // added is equal to A
        else if ((currXor ^ B) == A)
            return minSize + 2;

        // Else any integer can be added
            return minSize + 1;

    // Driver Code
    public static void Main () {

        int A = 1;
        int B = 999;
        Console.WriteLine(minimumSizeArr(A, B));       

// This code is contributed by ihritik

java 描述语言

// Javascript program for the above approach

// Function to find the minimum size
// of array with given MEX and XOR
function minimumSizeArr(A, B)
  let currXor = 0;

  // Find the XOR of values from
  // 0 to A-1
  let reminder = (A - 1) % 4;

  // If A is a multiple of 4
  if (reminder == 0) currXor = A - 1;

  // If A % 4 gives remainder 1
  else if (reminder == 1) currXor = 1;

  // If A % 4 gives remainder 2
  else if (reminder == 2) currXor = A;

  // Initializing array size by A
  let minSize = A;

  // If XOR of all values of array
  // is equal to B
  if (currXor == B) return minSize;
  // If the required integer to be
  // added is equal to A
  else if (currXor ^ (B == A)) return minSize + 2;
  // Else any integer can be added
  else return minSize + 1;

// Driver Code

let A = 1;
let B = 999;
document.write(minimumSizeArr(A, B));

// This code is contributed by saurabh_jaiswal.



时间复杂度:O(1) T5辅助空间:** O(1)