围成一圈的幸存者 | 剑谜题的代码解决方案



先决条件:谜题 81 | 一圈有 100 人的枪谜游戏

例子 :




N = 5

士兵1 2 3 4 5(5 名士兵)

首先是1 3 5(剩余)因为 2 和 4 分别被 1 和 3 杀死。

第二步中,3 和 5 杀死了 1,3 杀死了 5,士兵 3 活着。




N = 10

士兵1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10(10 名士兵)

首先是1 3 5 7 9,因为2 4 6 8 101 3 5 7和 9 杀死。

第二步是1 5 9,因为 9 杀死 1,然后 5 杀死士兵 9。

第三步中,士兵 5 还活着。

方法:想法是使用循环链表。 根据士兵的数量N创建一个循环链表。根据规则,您必须杀死相邻的士兵并将剑移交给下一个士兵,而后者又会杀死其相邻​​的士兵并将剑移交给下一个士兵。 因此,在循环链表中,相邻的士兵被杀死,其余的士兵以循环的方式互相对抗,只有一名士兵被任何人杀害而幸存。


// CPP code to find the luckiest person 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Node structure 
struct Node { 
    int data; 
    struct Node* next; 

Node *newNode(int data) 
   Node *node = new Node; 
   node->data = data; 
   node->next = NULL; 
   return node; 

// Function to find the luckiest person 
int alivesol(int Num) 
    if (Num == 1) 
        return 1; 

    // Create a single node circular 
    // linked list. 
    Node *last = newNode(1); 
    last->next = last; 

    for (int i = 2; i <= Num; i++) { 
        Node *temp = newNode(i); 
        temp->next = last->next;         
        last->next = temp; 
        last = temp;      

    // Starting from first soldier. 
    Node *curr = last->next; 

    // condition for evaluating the existence 
    // of single soldier who is not killed. 
    Node *temp; 
    while (curr->next != curr) { 
        temp = curr; 
        curr = curr->next; 
        temp->next = curr->next; 

        // deleting soldier from the circular 
        // list who is killed in the fight. 
        delete curr; 
        temp = temp->next; 
        curr = temp; 

    // Returning the Luckiest soldier who 
    // remains alive. 
    int res = temp->data; 
    delete temp; 

    return res; 

// Driver code 
int main() 
    int N = 100; 
    cout << alivesol(N) << endl; 
    return 0; 


// Java code to find the luckiest person  
class GFG 

// Node structure  
static class Node  
    int data;  
    Node next;  

static Node newNode(int data)  
    Node node = new Node();  
    node.data = data;  
    node.next = null;  
    return node;  

// Function to find the luckiest person  
static int alivesol(int Num)  
    if (Num == 1)  
        return 1;  

    // Create a single node circular  
    // linked list.  
    Node last = newNode(1);  
    last.next = last;  

    for (int i = 2; i <= Num; i++)  
        Node temp = newNode(i);  
        temp.next = last.next;      
        last.next = temp;  
        last = temp;      

    // Starting from first soldier.  
    Node curr = last.next;  

    // condition for evaluating the existence  
    // of single soldier who is not killed.  
    Node temp = new Node();  
    while (curr.next != curr)  
        temp = curr;  
        curr = curr.next;  
        temp.next = curr.next;  

        // deleting soldier from the circular  
        // list who is killed in the fight.  
        temp = temp.next;  
        curr = temp;  

    // Returning the Luckiest soldier who  
    // remains alive.  
    int res = temp.data;  

    return res;  

// Driver code  
public static void main(String args[])  
    int N = 100;  
    System.out.println( alivesol(N) );  

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 


// C# code to find the luckiest person  
using System; 

class GFG  

// Node structure  
public class Node  
    public int data;  
    public Node next;  

static Node newNode(int data)  
    Node node = new Node();  
    node.data = data;  
    node.next = null;  
    return node;  

// Function to find the luckiest person  
static int alivesol(int Num)  
    if (Num == 1)  
        return 1;  

    // Create a single node circular  
    // linked list.  
    Node last = newNode(1);  
    last.next = last;  

    for (int i = 2; i <= Num; i++)  
        Node tem = newNode(i);  
        tem.next = last.next;  
        last.next = tem;  
        last = tem;  

    // Starting from first soldier.  
    Node curr = last.next;  

    // condition for evaluating the existence  
    // of single soldier who is not killed.  
    Node tem1 = new Node();  
    while (curr.next != curr)  
        tem1 = curr;  
        curr = curr.next;  
        tem1.next = curr.next;  

        // deleting soldier from the circular  
        // list who is killed in the fight.  
        tem1 = tem1.next;  
        curr = tem1;  

    // Returning the Luckiest soldier who  
    // remains alive.  
    int res = tem1.data;  

    return res;  

// Driver code  
public static void Main(String []args)  
    int N = 100;  
    Console.WriteLine( alivesol(N) );  

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu  



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