
原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/minimize-the-maximum-difference-between-the-heights/

给定n个塔的高度和值k。 我们需要将每个塔的高度增加或减少k(仅一次),其中k > 0。任务是最小化修改后最长和最短塔的高度之间的差异,并输出该差异。


Input  : arr[] = {1, 15, 10}, k = 6
Output :  Maximum difference is 5.
Explanation : We change 1 to 6, 15 to 
9 and 10 to 4\. Maximum difference is 5
(between 4 and 9). We can't get a lower

Input : arr[] = {1, 5, 15, 10} 
        k = 3   
Output : Maximum difference is 8
arr[] = {4, 8, 12, 7}

Input : arr[] = {4, 6} 
        k = 10
Output : Maximum difference is 2
arr[] = {14, 16} OR {-6, -4}

Input : arr[] = {6, 10} 
        k = 3
Output : Maximum difference is 2
arr[] = {9, 7} 

Input : arr[] = {1, 10, 14, 14, 14, 15}
        k = 6 
Output: Maximum difference is 5
arr[] = {7, 4, 8, 8, 8, 9} 

Input : arr[] = {1, 2, 3}
        k = 2 
Output: Maximum difference is 2
arr[] = {3, 4, 5} 

来源: Adob​​e 面试经历 | 系列 24(MTS 校园内)

想法是对所有元素按升序进行排序。 对于所有元素,请检查减法(element-k)和加法(element + k)是否进行任何更改。



// C++ program to find the minimum possible 
// difference between maximum and minimum 
// elements when we have to add/subtract 
// every number by k 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Modifies the array by subtracting/adding 
// k to every element such that the difference 
// between maximum and minimum is minimized 
int getMinDiff(int arr[], int n, int k) 
    if (n == 1) 
       return 0; 

    // Sort all elements 
    sort(arr, arr+n); 

    // Initialize result 
    int ans = arr[n-1] - arr[0]; 

    // Handle corner elements 
    int small = arr[0] + k; 
    int big = arr[n-1] - k; 
    if (small > big) 
       swap(small, big); 

    // Traverse middle elements 
    for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i ++) 
        int subtract = arr[i] - k; 
        int add = arr[i] + k; 

        // If both subtraction and addition 
        // do not change diff 
        if (subtract >= small || add <= big) 

        // Either subtraction causes a smaller 
        // number or addition causes a greater 
        // number. Update small or big using 
        // greedy approach (If big - subtract 
        // causes smaller diff, update small 
        // Else update big) 
        if (big - subtract <= add - small) 
            small = subtract; 
            big = add; 

    return  min(ans, big - small); 

// Driver function to test the above function 
int main() 
    int arr[] = {4, 6}; 
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); 
    int k = 10; 
    cout << "\nMaximum difference is "
        << getMinDiff(arr, n, k); 
    return 0; 


// Java program to find the minimum possible 
// difference between maximum and minimum 
// elements when we have to add/subtract 
// every number by k 
import java.util.*; 

class GFG { 

    // Modifies the array by subtracting/adding 
    // k to every element such that the difference 
    // between maximum and minimum is minimized 
    static int getMinDiff(int arr[], int n, int k) 
        if (n == 1) 
        return 0; 

        // Sort all elements 

        // Initialize result 
        int ans = arr[n-1] - arr[0]; 

        // Handle corner elements 
        int small = arr[0] + k; 
        int big = arr[n-1] - k; 
        int temp = 0; 

        if (small > big) 
            temp = small; 
            small = big; 
            big = temp; 

        // Traverse middle elements 
        for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i ++) 
            int subtract = arr[i] - k; 
            int add = arr[i] + k; 

            // If both subtraction and addition 
            // do not change diff 
            if (subtract >= small || add <= big) 

            // Either subtraction causes a smaller 
            // number or addition causes a greater 
            // number. Update small or big using 
            // greedy approach (If big - subtract 
            // causes smaller diff, update small 
            // Else update big) 
            if (big - subtract <= add - small) 
                small = subtract; 
                big = add; 

        return Math.min(ans, big - small); 

    // Driver function to test the above function 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int arr[] = {4, 6}; 
        int n = arr.length; 
        int k = 10; 
        System.out.println("Maximum difference is "+ 
                            getMinDiff(arr, n, k)); 
// This code is contributed by Prerna Saini 


# Python 3 program to find the minimum 
# possible difference between maximum  
# and minimum elements when we have to 
# add / subtract every number by k 

# Modifies the array by subtracting /  
# adding k to every element such that 
# the difference between maximum and  
# minimum is minimized 
def getMinDiff(arr, n, k): 

    if (n == 1): 
        return 0

    # Sort all elements 

    # Initialize result 
    ans = arr[n-1] - arr[0]  

    # Handle corner elements 
    small = arr[0] + k  
    big = arr[n-1] - k  

    if (small > big): 
        small, big = big, small  

    # Traverse middle elements 
    for i in range(1, n-1): 

        subtract = arr[i] - k  
        add = arr[i] + k  

        # If both subtraction and addition 
        # do not change diff 
        if (subtract >= small or add <= big): 

        # Either subtraction causes a smaller 
        # number or addition causes a greater 
        # number. Update small or big using 
        # greedy approach (If big - subtract 
        # causes smaller diff, update small 
        # Else update big) 
        if (big - subtract <= add - small): 
            small = subtract  
            big = add  

    return min(ans, big - small)  

# Driver function 
arr = [ 4, 6 ]  
n = len(arr)  
k = 10

print("Maximum difference is", getMinDiff(arr, n, k))  

# This code is contributed by 
# Smitha Dinesh Semwal 


// C# program to find the minimum  
// possible difference between  
// maximum and minimum elements 
// when we have to add/subtract 
// every number by k 
using System;  

class GFG  

// Modifies the array by subtracting/adding 
// k to every element such that the difference 
// between maximum and minimum is minimized 
static int getMinDiff(int[] arr, int n, int k) 
    if (n == 1) 
    return 0; 

    // Sort all elements 

    // Initialize result 
    int ans = arr[n - 1] - arr[0]; 

    // Handle corner elements 
    int small = arr[0] + k; 
    int big = arr[n - 1] - k; 
    int temp = 0; 

    if (small > big) 
        temp = small; 
        small = big; 
        big = temp; 

    // Traverse middle elements 
    for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i ++) 
        int subtract = arr[i] - k; 
        int add = arr[i] + k; 

        // If both subtraction and  
        // addition do not change diff 
        if (subtract >= small || add <= big) 

        // Either subtraction causes a smaller 
        // number or addition causes a greater 
        // number. Update small or big using 
        // greedy approach (If big - subtract 
        // causes smaller diff, update small 
        // Else update big) 
        if (big - subtract <= add - small) 
            small = subtract; 
            big = add; 

    return Math.Min(ans, big - small); 

// Driver Code 
public static void Main() 
    int[] arr = {4, 6}; 
    int n = arr.Length; 
    int k = 10; 
    Console.Write("Maximum difference is "+ 
                    getMinDiff(arr, n, k)); 

// This code is contributed  
// by ChitraNayal 


// PHP program to find the minimum 
// possible difference between  
// maximum and minimum elements when 
// we have to add/subtract every  
// number by k 

// Modifies the array by subtracting 
// or adding k to every element such  
// that the difference between maximum  
// and minimum is minimized 
function getMinDiff($arr, $n, $k) 
    if ($n == 1) 
    return 0; 

    // Sort all elements 

    // Initialize result 
    $ans = $arr[$n - 1] - $arr[0]; 

    // Handle corner elements 
    $small = $arr[0] + $k; 
    $big = $arr[$n - 1] - $k; 
    if ($small > $big) 
        $temp = $small; 
        $small = $big; 
        $big = $temp; 

    // Traverse middle elements 
    for ($i = 1; $i < $n - 1; $i ++) 
        $subtract = $arr[$i] - $k; 
        $add = $arr[$i] + $k; 

        // If both subtraction and  
        // addition do not change diff 
        if ($subtract >= $small || $add <= $big) 

        // Either subtraction causes a smaller 
        // number or addition causes a greater 
        // number. Update small or big using 
        // greedy approach (If big - subtract 
        // causes smaller diff, update small 
        // Else update big) 
        if ($big - $subtract <= $add - $small) 
            $small = $subtract; 
            $big = $add; 

    return min($ans, $big - $small); 

// Driver Code 
$arr = array(4, 6); 
$n = sizeof($arr); 
$k = 10; 
echo "Maximum difference is "; 
echo getMinDiff($arr, $n, $k); 

// This code is contributed by ihritik 


Maximum difference is 2

时间复杂度O(N log N)