

给定整数N,任务是找到最接近N且仅具有奇数位的数字。 如果存在多个这样的数字,请打印最小值。


输入N = 725



数字 719 和 731 仅由奇数组成,并且最接近 725。由于最低为 719,因此它是所需的答案。

输入N = 111


朴素的方法:解决问题的最简单方法是迭代并找到小于和大于N的最接近的数字,仅以奇数为数字。 请按照以下步骤解决问题:

  1. 如果N的所有数字都是奇数,则打印N作为答案。

  2. 找出最接近的较小和较大的数字,并返回与N相差最小的数字。 如果发现两者与N等距,请打印较小的数字。

时间复杂度O(10 ^ (len(N) – 1))



  1. 如果N的所有数字都是奇数,则返回N

  2. 通过以下步骤有效地计算最接近N的较小数字:

    • 从左到右在N中找到第一个偶数位的位置,即pos

    • 如果第一个偶数数字是0,则将0替换为9,并遍历所有前面的数字,并且对每个数字进行迭代(如果发现是1)。将其替换为9。 否则,将数字减 2 并返回数字。

    • 如果没有发现前面的数字超过1,则将最高有效数字替换为0

    • 如果第一个偶数数字不为零,则将该数字减 1。用9替换所有后续数字。

  3. 通过以下步骤计算最接近N的较大数:

    • 查找第一个偶数位的位置,即pos

    • pos处的数字加 1。

    • 遍历后续数字,并将其递增1

  4. 比较用N获得的各个最接近的数字的绝对差,并打印出具有最小差的那个。

  5. 如果发现两个差异相等,则打印较小的数字。



# Python program to implement 
# the above approach 

# Function to return the smaller 
# number closest to N made up of 
# only odd digits 
def closest_smaller(N): 

    N = str(N) 

    l = list(map(int, N)) 
    length = len(l) 

    # Stores the position of 
    # first even digit of N 
    pos = -1

    # Iterate through each digit of N 
    for i in range(length): 

        # Check for even digit. 
        if l[i] % 2 == 0: 
            pos = i 

    # If the first even digit is 0 
    if l[pos] == 0: 

        # Replace 0 with 9 
        l[pos] = 9

        # Iterate over preceding 
        # digits 
        for i in range(pos - 1, -1, -1): 

            # If current digit is 1 
            if l[i] == 1: 

                # Check if it is the  
                # first digit or not 
                if i == 0: 

                    # Append leading 0's 
                    l[i] = 0

                # Otherwise, replace by 9 
                l[i] = 9

            # Otherwise 

                # Decrease its value by 2 
                l[i] -= 2

    # If the first even digit exceeds 0 

        # Reduce the digit by 1 
        l[pos] -= 1

    # Replace all succeeding digits by 9 
    for i in range(pos + 1, length): 
        l[i] = 9

    # Remove leading 0s 
    if l[0] == 0: 

    result = ''.join(map(str, l)) 
    return result 

# Function to return the greater 
# number closest to N made up of 
# only odd digits 
def closest_greater(N): 

    N = str(N) 

    l = list(map(int, N)) 
    length = len(l) 

    # Stores the position of 
    # first even digit of N 
    pos = -1

    # Iterate over each digit 
    # of N 
    for i in range(length): 

        # If even digit is found 
        if l[i] % 2 == 0: 
            pos = i 

    # Increase value of first  
    # even digit by 1 
    l[pos] += 1

    for i in range(pos + 1, length): 
        l[i] = 1

    result = ''.join(map(str, l)) 
    return result 

# Function to check if all  
# digits of N are odd or not 
def check_all_digits_odd(N): 

    N = str(N) 

    l = list(map(int, N)) 
    length = len(l) 

    # Stores the position of 
    # first even digit of N 
    pos = -1

    # Iterating over each digit 
    # of N 
    for i in range(length): 

        # If even digit is found 
        if l[i] % 2 == 0: 
            pos = i 

    # If no even digit is found 
    if pos == -1: 
        return True
    return False

# Function to return the  
# closest number to N 
# having odd digits only 
def closestNumber(N): 

    # If all digits of N are odd 
    if check_all_digits_odd(N): 

        # Find smaller number  
        # closest to N 
        l = int(closest_smaller(N)) 

        # Find greater number  
        # closest to N 
        r = int(closest_greater(N)) 

        # Print the number with least 
        # absolute difference 
        if abs(N - l) <= abs(N - r): 

# Driver Code. 
if __name__ == '__main__': 

    N = 110



