嵌入 N 边正多边形的正方形最小边

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/n 边嵌入正多边形最小边数/

给定一个偶数 N ,它代表具有 N 顶点的正多边形的边数,任务是找到最小尺寸的正方形,这样给定的多边形可以完全嵌入正方形中。

多边形是一个凸形图形,有相等的边和相等的角度。所有边都有长度 1

嵌入:多边形放置在正方形中,使得位于 N 的内部或边界上的每个点也应该位于正方形的内部或边界上。 举例:

输入: N = 4 输出: 1 说明: 四边正多边形是边 1 的正方形。 给定的多边形可以很容易地嵌入到边为 1 的正方形上。 输入: N = 6 输出: 1.931851653 说明: 6 边正多边形是边 1 的六边形。 给定的多边形可以很容易地嵌入到边长为 1.931851653 的正方形上。

方法:想法是观察在三维平面上,当多边形嵌入正方形时,它可能会旋转。类似的方法已经在六边形问题八边形问题中讨论过。因此,我们使用数学函数 sin()cos() 来获取两个轴上每一侧的投影。所有投影的总和是这个问题中所需正方形的最小边。 以下是上述方法的实施:


// C++ program to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// PI value in C++ using
// acos function
const double pi = acos(-1.0);

// Function to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed
double nGon(int N)

    // Projection angle variation
    // from axes
    double proAngleVar;

    // Projection angle variation
    // when the number of
    // sides are in multiple of 4
    if (N % 4 == 0) {
            = pi * (180.0 / N)
              / 180;
    else {
            = pi * (180.0 / (2 * N))
              / 180;

    // Distance between the end points
    double negX = 1.0e+99,
           posX = -1.0e+99,
           negY = 1.0e+99,
           posY = -1.0e+99;

    for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {

        // Projection from all N points
        // on X-axis
        double px = cos(2 * pi * j / N
                        + proAngleVar);

        // Projection from all N points
        // on Y-axis
        double py = sin(2 * pi * j / N
                        + proAngleVar);

        negX = min(negX, px);
        posX = max(posX, px);
        negY = min(negY, py);
        posY = max(posY, py);

    // Maximum side
    double opt2 = max(posX - negX,
                      posY - negY);

    // Return the portion of side
    // forming the square
    return (double)opt2
           / sin(pi / N) / 2;

// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 10;
    cout << nGon(N);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed
class GFG{

// PI value in Java using
// acos function
static double pi = Math.acos(-1.0);

// Function to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed
static double nGon(int N)

    // Projection angle variation
    // from axes
    double proAngleVar;

    // Projection angle variation
    // when the number of
    // sides are in multiple of 4
    if (N % 4 == 0)
        proAngleVar = pi * (180.0 / N) / 180;
        proAngleVar = pi * (180.0 / (2 * N)) / 180;

    // Distance between the end points
    double negX = 1.0e+99,
           posX = -1.0e+99,
           negY = 1.0e+99,
           posY = -1.0e+99;

    for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)

        // Projection from all N points
        // on X-axis
        double px = Math.cos(2 * pi * j / N +

        // Projection from all N points
        // on Y-axis
        double py = Math.sin(2 * pi * j / N +

        negX = Math.min(negX, px);
        posX = Math.max(posX, px);
        negY = Math.min(negY, py);
        posY = Math.max(posY, py);

    // Maximum side
    double opt2 = Math.max(posX - negX,
                           posY - negY);

    // Return the portion of side
    // forming the square
    return (double)opt2 /
            Math.sin(pi / N) / 2;

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 10;

// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Python 3

# Python 3 program to find the minimum
# side of the square in which
# a regular polygon with even sides
# can completely embed
import math

# PI value in Python 3 using
# acos function
pi = math.acos(-1.0)

# Function to find the minimum
# side of the square in which
# a regular polygon with even sides
# can completely embed
def nGon(N):

    # Projection angle variation
    # from axes
    proAngleVar = 0

    # Projection angle variation
    # when the number of
    # sides are in multiple of 4
    if (N % 4 == 0):
        proAngleVar = (pi * (180.0 / N)
                       / 180)

        proAngleVar = (pi * (180.0 / (2 * N))
                       / 180)

    # Distance between the end points
    negX = 1.0e+99
    posX = -1.0e+99
    negY = 1.0e+99
    posY = -1.0e+99

    for j in range(N):

        # Projection from all N points
        # on X-axis
        px = math.cos(2 * pi * j / N
                      + proAngleVar)

        # Projection from all N points
        # on Y-axis
        py = math.sin(2 * pi * j / N
                      + proAngleVar)

        negX = min(negX, px)
        posX = max(posX, px)
        negY = min(negY, py)
        posY = max(posY, py)

    # Maximum side
    opt2 = max(posX - negX,
               posY - negY)

    # Return the portion of side
    # forming the square
    return (opt2 / math.sin(pi / N) / 2)

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    N = 10

    # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# program to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed
using System;
class GFG{

// PI value in Java using
// acos function
static double pi = Math.Acos(-1.0);

// Function to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed
static double nGon(int N)

    // Projection angle variation
    // from axes
    double proAngleVar;

    // Projection angle variation
    // when the number of
    // sides are in multiple of 4
    if (N % 4 == 0)
        proAngleVar = pi * (180.0 / N) / 180;
        proAngleVar = pi * (180.0 / (2 * N)) / 180;

    // Distance between the end points
    double negX = 1.0e+99,
           posX = -1.0e+99,
           negY = 1.0e+99,
           posY = -1.0e+99;

    for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j)

        // Projection from all N points
        // on X-axis
        double px = Math.Cos(2 * pi * j / N +

        // Projection from all N points
        // on Y-axis
        double py = Math.Sin(2 * pi * j / N +

        negX = Math.Min(negX, px);
        posX = Math.Max(posX, px);
        negY = Math.Min(negY, py);
        posY = Math.Max(posY, py);

    // Maximum side
    double opt2 = Math.Max(posX - negX,
                           posY - negY);

    // Return the portion of side
    // forming the square
    return (double)opt2 /
            Math.Sin(pi / N) / 2;

// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int N = 10;
    Console.Write(string.Format("{0:F5}", nGon(N)));

// This code is contributed by Nidhi_biet

java 描述语言

// Javascript program to find the minimum
// side of the square in which
// a regular polygon with even sides
// can completely embed

    // PI value in Java using
    // acos function
     let pi = Math.acos(-1.0);

    // Function to find the minimum
    // side of the square in which
    // a regular polygon with even sides
    // can completely embed
    function nGon( N) {

        // Projection angle variation
        // from axes
        let proAngleVar;

        // Projection angle variation
        // when the number of
        // sides are in multiple of 4
        if (N % 4 == 0) {
            proAngleVar = pi * (180.0 / N) / 180;
        } else {
            proAngleVar = pi * (180.0 / (2 * N)) / 180;

        // Distance between the end polets
        let negX = 1.0e+99, posX = -1.0e+99, negY = 1.0e+99, posY = -1.0e+99;

        for ( let j = 0; j < N; ++j) {

            // Projection from all N polets
            // on X-axis
            let px = Math.cos(2 * pi * j / N + proAngleVar);

            // Projection from all N polets
            // on Y-axis
            let py = Math.sin(2 * pi * j / N + proAngleVar);

            negX = Math.min(negX, px);
            posX = Math.max(posX, px);
            negY = Math.min(negY, py);
            posY = Math.max(posY, py);

        // Maximum side
        let opt2 = Math.max(posX - negX, posY - negY);

        // Return the portion of side
        // forming the square
        return  opt2 / Math.sin(pi / N) / 2;

    // Driver code
    let N = 10;

// This code is contributed by Princi Singh



时间复杂度: O(N) ,其中 N 为多边形的边数。