O(log(min(n(n, m)))中具有不同大小的两个排序数组的中位数

原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/median-two-sorted-arrays-different-sizes-ologminn-m/

给定两个排序数组a[]b[],当n是第一个数组中的元素数时,任务是在O(log(min(n(n, m)))中找到这些排序数组的中位数。 m是第二个数组中的元素数。



Input : ar1[] = {-5, 3, 6, 12, 15}
        ar2[] = {-12, -10, -6, -3, 4, 10}
        The merged array is :
        ar3[] = {-12, -10, -6, -5 , -3,
                 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 15}
Output : The median is 3.

Input : ar1[] = {2, 3, 5, 8}
        ar2[] = {10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20}
        The merged array is :
        ar3[] = {2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20}
        if the number of the elements are even, 
        so there are two middle elements,
        take the average between the two :
        (10 + 12) / 2 = 11\.      
Output : The median is 11.

注意:如果总数为偶数,并且如果我们要返回合并数组中存在的中位数,则可以返回(n + m) / 2(n + m) / 2 – 1位。 在这种情况下,中位数可以是 10 或 12。

方法:开始将两个数组划分为两半(不是两个部分,但两个分区都应具有相同数量的元素)。 前半部分包含来自第一个和第二个数组的一些第一元素,后半部分包含形成第一个和第二个数组的其余(或最后一个)元素。 由于数组可以具有不同的大小,因此并不意味着要从每个数组中取出每一半。 以下示例阐明了解释。 达到这样的条件:上半部分的每个元素都小于或等于下半部分的每个元素。


偶数情况下的示例。 假设找到了分区。 因为A[]B[]是两个排序的数组,所以a1小于或等于a2b2小于或等于b3。 现在,检查a1是否小于或等于b3,以及b2是否小于或等于a2。 如果是这种情况,则意味着上半部分的每个元素都小于或等于下半部分的每个元素,因为a1大于或等于A[]中的每个元素(a0)和b2大于或等于B[]中它之前的每个元素(b1b0)。 如果总数为偶数,则中位数将为a1b2的最大值与a2b3的最小值之间的平均值,但是如果总数为奇数,则中位数将为a2b2的最大值。 但是,如果不是这两种情况,则有两种选择(以偶数示例为例):[b] > a2表示b2 > a2a1 > b3,在数组的右侧搜索,如果a1 > b3,则意味着在数组的左侧搜索,直到找到所需的条件。


中位数是数组中(n + 1) / 2的最小元素,这里,中位数是两个数组中(n + m + 1) / 2的最小元素。 如果上半部分中的所有元素都小于(或等于)下半部分中的所有元素,则在总数为奇数的情况下,只需计算上半部分的最后两个元素之间的最大值(a2b2我们的示例),这将导致我们找到两个数组中的(n + m + 1) / 2个最小元素,即中位数((7 + 4 + 1) / 2 = 6)。 但是在总数为偶数的情况下,请计算前半部分中最后两个元素的最大值(在我们的示例中为a1b2)之间的平均值及其在数组中的连续数,即后半部分中前两个元素的最小值(在我们的示例中为a2b3)。


要分成两半,请进行分区,以使分区数组A[]的索引加分区数组B[]的索引等于元素总数加一除以 2,即(n + m + 1) / 2(如果元素总数为奇数,则为+1)。

首先,定义两个变量:min_indexmax_index,并将min_index初始化为 0,并将max_index初始化为较小数组的长度。 在以下这些示例中,A[]是较小的数组。

要对A[]进行分区,请使用公式(min_index + max_index) / 2并将其插入变量i。 要对B[]进行分区,请使用公式(n + m + 1) / 2 – i并将其插入变量j



示例 1

示例 2 (此示例是指返回合并数组中存在的中值的条件):



// CPP code for median with case of returning  
// double value when even number of elements are  
// present in both array combinely 
using std::cout; 

int maximum(int a, int b); 
int minimum(int a, int b); 

// Function to find median of two sorted arrays 
double findMedianSortedArrays(int *a, int n,  
                              int *b, int m) 

    int min_index = 0, max_index = n, i, j, median; 

    while (min_index <= max_index) 
        i = (min_index + max_index) / 2; 
        j = ((n + m + 1) / 2) - i; 

        // If j is negative then the partition is not  
        // possible having i elements from array i 
        if (j < 0) 
            max_index = i-1; 

        // if i = n, it means that Elements from a[] in 
        // the second half is an empty set. and if j = 0, 
        // it means that Elements from b[] in the first 
        // half is an empty set. so it is necessary to 
        // check that, because we compare elements from 
        // these two groups.  
        // Searching on right 
        if (i < n && j > 0 && b[j - 1] > a[i])         
            min_index = i + 1; 

        // if i = 0, it means that Elements from a[] in 
        // the first half is an empty set and if j = m, 
        // it means that Elements from b[] in the second 
        // half is an empty set. so it is necessary to 
        // check that, because we compare elements  
        // from these two groups. 
        // searching on left 
        else if (i > 0 && j < m && b[j] < a[i - 1])         
            max_index = i - 1; 

        // we have found the desired halves. 
            // this condition happens when we don't have any 
            // elements in the first half from a[] so we 
            // returning the last element in b[] from  
            // the first half. 
            if (i == 0)             
                median = b[j - 1];             

            // and this condition happens when we don't 
            // have any elements in the first half from 
            // b[] so we returning the last element in  
            // a[] from the first half. 
            else if (j == 0)             
                median = a[i - 1];             
                median = maximum(a[i - 1], b[j - 1]);             

    // calculating the median. 
    // If number of elements is odd there is  
    // one middle element. 
    if ((n + m) % 2 == 1) 
        return (double)median; 

    // Elements from a[] in the second half is an empty set.     
    if (i == n) 
        return (median+b[j]) / 2.0; 

    // Elements from b[] in the second half is an empty set. 
    if (j == m) 
        return (median + a[i]) / 2.0; 

    return (median + minimum(a[i], b[j])) / 2.0; 

// Function to find max 
int maximum(int a, int b)  
    return a > b ? a : b; 

// Function to find minimum 
int minimum(int a, int b)  
    return a < b ? a : b;  

// Driver code 
int main() 
    int a[] = {900}; 
    int b[] = { 10, 13, 14}; 
    int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int); 
    int m = sizeof(b) / sizeof(int); 

    // we need to define the smaller array as the  
    // first parameter to make sure that the  
    // time complexity will be O(log(min(n,m))) 
    if (n < m) 
        cout << "The median is : "
             << findMedianSortedArrays(a, n, b, m); 
        cout << "The median is : "
             << findMedianSortedArrays(b, m, a, n); 

    return 0; 


// Java code for median with  
// case of returning double  
// value when even number of  
// elements are present in  
// both array combinely 
import java.io.*; 

class GFG 
    static int []a = new int[]{900}; 
    static int []b = new int[]{10, 13, 14}; 

    // Function to find max 
    static int maximum(int a, int b)  
        return a > b ? a : b; 

    // Function to find minimum 
    static int minimum(int a, int b)  
        return a < b ? a : b;  

    // Function to find median  
    // of two sorted arrays 
    static double findMedianSortedArrays(int n,  
                                         int m) 

        int min_index = 0,  
            max_index = n, i = 0, 
            j = 0, median = 0; 

        while (min_index <= max_index) 
            i = (min_index + max_index) / 2; 
            j = ((n + m + 1) / 2) - i; 

            // if i = n, it means that Elements  
            // from a[] in the second half is an  
            // empty set. and if j = 0, it means  
            // that Elements from b[] in the first 
            // half is an empty set. so it is  
            // necessary to check that, because we 
            // compare elements from these two  
            // groups. Searching on right 
            if (i < n && j > 0 && b[j - 1] > a[i])      
                min_index = i + 1; 

            // if i = 0, it means that Elements 
            // from a[] in the first half is an  
            // empty set and if j = m, it means  
            // that Elements from b[] in the second 
            // half is an empty set. so it is  
            // necessary to check that, because  
            // we compare elements from these two 
            // groups. searching on left 
            else if (i > 0 && j < m && b[j] < a[i - 1])      
                max_index = i - 1; 

            // we have found the desired halves. 
                // this condition happens when we  
                // don't have any elements in the  
                // first half from a[] so we 
                // returning the last element in  
                // b[] from the first half. 
                if (i == 0)          
                    median = b[j - 1];          

                // and this condition happens when  
                // we don't have any elements in the 
                // first half from b[] so we  
                // returning the last element in  
                // a[] from the first half. 
                else if (j == 0)          
                    median = a[i - 1];          
                    median = maximum(a[i - 1],  
                                     b[j - 1]);          

        // calculating the median. 
        // If number of elements is odd  
        // there is one middle element. 
        if ((n + m) % 2 == 1) 
            return (double)median; 

        // Elements from a[] in the  
        // second half is an empty set.  
        if (i == n) 
            return (median + b[j]) / 2.0; 

        // Elements from b[] in the 
        // second half is an empty set. 
        if (j == m) 
            return (median + a[i]) / 2.0; 

        return (median + minimum(a[i],  
                                 b[j])) / 2.0; 

    // Driver code 
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        int n = a.length; 
        int m = b.length; 

        // we need to define the  
        // smaller array as the  
        // first parameter to  
        // make sure that the 
        // time complexity will 
        // be O(log(min(n,m))) 
        if (n < m) 
            System.out.print("The median is : " +  
                   findMedianSortedArrays(n, m)); 
            System.out.print("The median is : " +  
                   findMedianSortedArrays(m, n)); 

// This code is contributed by  
// Manish Shaw(manishshaw1) 


# Python code for median with   
# case of returning double 
# value when even number  
# of elements are present 
# in both array combinely 
median = 0
i = 0 
j = 0

# def to find max 
def maximum(a, b) : 
    return a if a > b else b 

# def to find minimum 
def minimum(a, b) : 
    return a if a < b else b 

# def to find median 
# of two sorted arrays 
def findMedianSortedArrays(a, n, b, m) : 

    global median, i, j 
    min_index = 0 
    max_index = n  

    while (min_index <= max_index) : 

        i = int((min_index + max_index) / 2) 
        j = int(((n + m + 1) / 2) - i) 

        # if i = n, it means that  
        # Elements from a[] in the 
        # second half is an empty  
        # set. and if j = 0, it  
        # means that Elements from  
        # b[] in the first half is  
        # an empty set. so it is  
        # necessary to check that,  
        # because we compare elements  
        # from these two groups.  
        # Searching on right 
        if (i < n and j > 0 and b[j - 1] > a[i]) : 
            min_index = i + 1

        # if i = 0, it means that  
        # Elements from a[] in the 
        # first half is an empty  
        # set and if j = m, it means 
        # that Elements from b[] in  
        # the second half is an empty  
        # set. so it is necessary to 
        # check that, because we compare  
        # elements from these two groups. 
        # searching on left 
        elif (i > 0 and j < m and b[j] < a[i - 1]) : 
            max_index = i - 1

        # we have found the 
        # desired halves. 
        else : 

            # this condition happens when  
            # we don't have any elements  
            # in the first half from a[]  
            # so we returning the last 
            # element in b[] from the  
            # first half. 
            if (i == 0) : 
                median = b[j - 1] 

            # and this condition happens  
            # when we don't have any  
            # elements in the first half  
            # from b[] so we returning the  
            # last element in a[] from the  
            # first half. 
            elif (j == 0) : 
                median = a[i - 1]          
            else : 
                median = maximum(a[i - 1], b[j - 1])  

    # calculating the median. 
    # If number of elements  
    # is odd there is  
    # one middle element. 

    if ((n + m) % 2 == 1) : 
        return median 

    # Elements from a[] in the  
    # second half is an empty set.  
    if (i == n) : 
        return ((median + b[j]) / 2.0) 

    # Elements from b[] in the  
    # second half is an empty set. 
    if (j == m) : 
        return ((median + a[i]) / 2.0) 

    return ((median + minimum(a[i], b[j])) / 2.0) 

# Driver code 
a = [900] 
b = [10, 13, 14] 
n = len(a) 
m = len(b) 

# we need to define the  
# smaller array as the  
# first parameter to make  
# sure that the time complexity 
# will be O(log(min(n,m))) 
if (n < m) : 
    print ("The median is : {}".format(findMedianSortedArrays(a, n, b, m))) 
else : 
    echo ("The median is : {}".format(findMedianSortedArrays(b, m, a, n))) 

# This code is contributed  
# by Manish Shaw(manishshaw1) 


// C# code for median with case of returning  
// double value when even number of elements  
// are present in both array combinely 
using System; 

class GFG { 

    // Function to find max 
    static int maximum(int a, int b)  
        return a > b ? a : b; 

    // Function to find minimum 
    static int minimum(int a, int b)  
        return a < b ? a : b;  

    // Function to find median of two sorted 
    // arrays 
    static double findMedianSortedArrays(ref int []a, 
                           int n, ref int []b, int m) 

        int min_index = 0, max_index = n, i = 0, 
        j = 0, median = 0; 

        while (min_index <= max_index) 
            i = (min_index + max_index) / 2; 
            j = ((n + m + 1) / 2) - i; 

            // if i = n, it means that Elements  
            // from a[] in the second half is an  
            // empty set. and if j = 0, it means  
            // that Elements from b[] in the first 
            // half is an empty set. so it is  
            // necessary to check that, because we 
            // compare elements from these two  
            // groups. Searching on right 
            if (i < n && j > 0 && b[j - 1] > a[i])      
                min_index = i + 1; 

            // if i = 0, it means that Elements 
            // from a[] in the first half is an  
            // empty set and if j = m, it means  
            // that Elements from b[] in the second 
            // half is an empty set. so it is  
            // necessary to check that, because  
            // we compare elements from these two 
            // groups. searching on left 
            else if (i > 0 && j < m && b[j] < a[i - 1])      
                max_index = i - 1; 

            // we have found the desired halves. 
                // this condition happens when we  
                // don't have any elements in the  
                // first half from a[] so we 
                // returning the last element in  
                // b[] from the first half. 
                if (i == 0)          
                    median = b[j - 1];          

                // and this condition happens when  
                // we don't have any elements in the 
                // first half from b[] so we  
                // returning the last element in  
                // a[] from the first half. 
                else if (j == 0)          
                    median = a[i - 1];          
                    median = maximum(a[i - 1], b[j - 1]);          

        // calculating the median. 
        // If number of elements is odd  
        // there is one middle element. 
        if ((n + m) % 2 == 1) 
            return (double)median; 

        // Elements from a[] in the second  
        // half is an empty set.  
        if (i == n) 
            return (median+b[j]) / 2.0; 

        // Elements from b[] in the second  
        // half is an empty set. 
        if (j == m) 
            return (median + a[i]) / 2.0; 

        return (median + minimum(a[i], b[j])) / 2.0; 

    // Driver code 
    static void Main() 
        int []a = new int[]{900}; 
        int []b = new int[]{ 10, 13, 14}; 
        int n = a.Length; 
        int m = b.Length; 

        // we need to define the smaller  
        // array as the first parameter to  
        // make sure that the time  
        // complexity will be O(log(min(n,m))) 
        if (n < m) 
            Console.Write("The median is : "
            + findMedianSortedArrays(ref a, n,  
                                   ref b, m)); 
            Console.Write("The median is : "
            + findMedianSortedArrays(ref b, m,  
                                   ref a, n)); 

// This code is contributed by Manish Shaw 
// (manishshaw1) 


// PHP code for median with   
// case of returning double 
// value when even number  
// of elements are present 
// in both array combinely 
$median = 0; 
$i = 0; $j = 0; 

// Function to find max 
function maximum($a, $b)  
    return $a > $b ? $a : $b; 

// Function to find minimum 
function minimum($a, $b)  
    return $a < $b ? $a : $b;  

// Function to find median 
// of two sorted arrays 
function findMedianSortedArrays(&$a, $n,  
                                &$b, $m) 
    global $median, $i, $j; 
    $min_index = 0;  
    $max_index = $n;  

    while ($min_index <= $max_index) 
        $i = intval(($min_index +  
                     $max_index) / 2); 
        $j = intval((($n + $m + 1) /  
                           2) - $i); 

        // if i = n, it means that  
        // Elements from a[] in the 
        // second half is an empty  
        // set. and if j = 0, it  
        // means that Elements from  
        // b[] in the first half is  
        // an empty set. so it is  
        // necessary to check that,  
        // because we compare elements  
        // from these two groups.  
        // Searching on right 
        if ($i < $n && $j > 0 &&  
            $b[$j - 1] > $a[$i])      
            $min_index = $i + 1; 

        // if i = 0, it means that  
        // Elements from a[] in the 
        // first half is an empty  
        // set and if j = m, it means 
        // that Elements from b[] in  
        // the second half is an empty  
        // set. so it is necessary to 
        // check that, because we compare  
        // elements from these two groups. 
        // searching on left 
        else if ($i > 0 && $j < $m &&  
                 $b[$j] < $a[$i - 1])      
            $max_index = $i - 1; 

        // we have found the 
        // desired halves. 
            // this condition happens when  
            // we don't have any elements  
            // in the first half from a[]  
            // so we returning the last 
            // element in b[] from the  
            // first half. 
            if ($i == 0)  
                $median = $b[$j - 1]; 

            // and this condition happens  
            // when we don't have any  
            // elements in the first half  
            // from b[] so we returning the  
            // last element in a[] from the  
            // first half. 
            else if ($j == 0)          
                $median = $a[$i - 1];          
                $median = maximum($a[$i - 1],  
                                  $b[$j - 1]);  

    // calculating the median. 
    // If number of elements  
    // is odd there is  
    // one middle element. 

    if (($n + $m) % 2 == 1) 
        return $median; 

    // Elements from a[] in the  
    // second half is an empty set.  
    if ($i == $n) 
        return (($median +  
                 $b[$j]) / 2.0); 

    // Elements from b[] in the  
    // second half is an empty set. 
    if ($j == $m) 
        return (($median +  
                 $a[$i]) / 2.0); 

    return (($median +  
                     $b[$j])) / 2.0); 

// Driver code 
$a = array(900); 
$b = array(10, 13, 14); 
$n = count($a); 
$m = count($b); 

// we need to define the  
// smaller array as the  
// first parameter to make  
// sure that the time complexity 
// will be O(log(min(n,m))) 
if ($n < $m) 
    echo ("The median is : " .  
           findMedianSortedArrays($a, $n,  
                                  $b, $m)); 
    echo ("The median is : " .  
           findMedianSortedArrays($b, $m,  
                                  $a, $n)); 

// This code is contributed  
// by Manish Shaw(manishshaw1) 


The median is : 13.5

另一种方法:相同的程序,但是返回合并数组中存在的中位数((n + m) / 2 - 1位置):


// CPP code for finding median of the given two 
// sorted arrays that exists in the merged array ((n+m) / 2 - 1 position) 
using std::cout; 

int maximum(int a, int b); 

// Function to find median of given two sorted arrays 
int findMedianSortedArrays(int *a, int n,  
                           int *b, int m) 

    int min_index = 0, max_index = n, i, j; 

    while (min_index <= max_index) 
        i = (min_index + max_index) / 2; 
        j = ((n + m + 1) / 2) - i; 

        // if i = n, it means that Elements from a[] in 
        // the second half is an empty set. If j = 0, it 
        // means that Elements from b[] in the first half 
        // is an empty set. so it is necessary to check that, 
        // because we compare elements from these two groups. 
        // searching on right 
        if (i < n && j > 0 && b[j - 1] > a[i])         
            min_index = i + 1;         

        // if i = 0, it means that Elements from a[] in the 
        // first half is an empty set and if j = m, it means 
        // that Elements from b[] in the second half is an 
        // empty set. so it is necessary to check that,  
        // because we compare elements from these two groups. 
        // searching on left 
        else if (i > 0 && j < m && b[j] < a[i - 1])         
            max_index = i - 1;         

        // we have found the desired halves. 
            // this condition happens when we don't have 
            // any elements in the first half from a[] so 
            // we returning the last element in b[] from 
            // the first half. 
            if (i == 0)             
                return b[j - 1];             

            // and this condition happens when we don't have any  
            // elements in the first half from b[] so we  
            // returning the last element in a[] from the first half. 
            if (j == 0)             
                return a[i - 1];             
                return maximum(a[i - 1], b[j - 1]);            

    cout << "ERROR!!! " << "returning\n";     
    return 0; 

// Function to find maximum 
int maximum(int a, int b)  
    return a > b ? a : b;  

// Driver code 
int main() 
    int a[] = {900}; 
    int b[] = { 10,13,14}; 
    int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int); 
    int m = sizeof(b) / sizeof(int); 

    // we need to define the smaller array as the first  
    // parameter to make sure that the time complexity  
    // will be O(log(min(n,m))) 
    if (n < m) 
        cout << "The median is: "
             << findMedianSortedArrays(a, n, b, m); 
        cout << "The median is: " 
             << findMedianSortedArrays(b, m, a, n); 
    return 0; 


// C# code for finding median  
// of the given two sorted  
// arrays that exists in the  
// merged array ((n+m) / 2 - 
// 1 position) 
using System; 

class GFG 
    // Function to find maximum 
    static int maximum(int a, 
                       int b)  
        return a > b ? a : b;  

    // Function to find median  
    // of given two sorted arrays 
    static int findMedianSortedArrays(ref int []a, int n,  
                                      ref int []b, int m) 

        int min_index = 0,  
            max_index = n, i, j; 

        while (min_index <= max_index) 
            i = (min_index + max_index) / 2; 
            j = ((n + m + 1) / 2) - i; 

            // if i = n, it means that  
            // Elements from a[] in the  
            // second half is an empty  
            // set. If j = 0, it means  
            // that Elements from b[]  
            // in the first half is an  
            // empty set. so it is  
            // necessary to check that, 
            // because we compare elements  
            // from these two groups.  
            // searching on right 
            if (i < n && j > 0 &&  
                b[j - 1] > a[i])      
                min_index = i + 1;      

            // if i = 0, it means that  
            // Elements from a[] in the 
            // first half is an empty set  
            // and if j = m, it means that 
            // Elements from b[] in the  
            // second half is an empty set. 
            // so it is necessary to check  
            // that, because we compare  
            // elements from these two  
            // groups. searching on left 
            else if (i > 0 && j < m &&  
                     b[j] < a[i - 1])      
                max_index = i - 1;      

            // we have found the 
            // desired halves. 
                // this condition happens  
                // when we don't have any  
                // elements in the first  
                // half from a[] so we  
                // returning the last  
                // element in b[] from 
                // the first half. 
                if (i == 0)          
                    return b[j - 1];          

                // and this condition happens  
                // when we don't have any  
                // elements in the first half  
                // from b[] so we returning the 
                // last element in a[] from the 
                // first half. 
                if (j == 0)          
                    return a[i - 1];          
                    return maximum(a[i - 1], 
                                   b[j - 1]);          

        Console.Write ("ERROR!!! " +  
        return 0; 

    // Driver code 
    static void Main() 
        int []a = new int[]{900}; 
        int []b = new int[]{10, 13, 14}; 
        int n = a.Length; 
        int m = b.Length; 

        // we need to define the smaller  
        // array as the first parameter  
        // to make sure that the time  
        // complexity will be O(log(min(n,m))) 
        if (n < m) 
            Console.Write ("The median is: " + 
                            findMedianSortedArrays(ref a, n,  
                                                   ref b, m)); 
            Console.Write ("The median is: " +  
                            findMedianSortedArrays(ref b, m,  
                                                   ref a, n)); 

// This code is contributed by  
// Manish Shaw(manishshaw1) 

Python 3

# Python 3 code for finding median  
# of the given two sorted arrays that  
# exists in the merged array  
# ((n+m) / 2 - 1 position) 

# Function to find median of given 
# two sorted arrays 
def findMedianSortedArrays(a, n, b, m): 

    min_index = 0
    max_index = n 

    while (min_index <= max_index): 

        i = (min_index + max_index) // 2
        j = ((n + m + 1) // 2) - i 

        # if i = n, it means that Elements  
        # from a[] in the second half is  
        # an empty set. If j = 0, it means  
        # that Elements from b[] in the first  
        # half is an empty set. so it is necessary  
        # to check that, because we compare elements  
        # from these two groups. searching on right 
        if (i < n and j > 0 and b[j - 1] > a[i]):      
            min_index = i + 1    

        # if i = 0, it means that Elements from  
        # a[] in the first half is an empty set  
        # and if j = m, it means that Elements  
        # from b[] in the second half is an 
        # a[] in the first half is an empty set   
        # that, because we compare elements from  
        # these two groups. searching on left 
        elif (i > 0 and j < m and b[j] < a[i - 1]):      
            max_index = i - 1    

        # we have found the desired halves. 

            # this condition happens when we don't have 
            # any elements in the first half from a[] so 
            # we returning the last element in b[] from 
            # the first half. 
            if (i == 0):  
                return b[j - 1]          

            # and this condition happens when we don't  
            # have any elements in the first half from  
            # b[] so we returning the last element in 
            # a[] from the first half. 
            if (j == 0):  
                return a[i - 1]          
                return maximum(a[i - 1], b[j - 1]) 

    print("ERROR!!! " , "returning\n")  
    return 0

# Function to find maximum 
def maximum(a, b) : 
    return a if a > b else b 

# Driver code 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    a = [900] 
    b = [10, 13, 14] 
    n = len(a) 
    m = len(b) 

    # we need to define the smaller array  
    # as the first parameter to make sure  
    # that the time complexity will be  
    # O(log(min(n,m))) 
    if (n < m): 
        print( "The median is: ",    
                findMedianSortedArrays(a, n, b, m)) 
        print( "The median is: ",  
                findMedianSortedArrays(b, m, a, n)) 

# This code is contributed 
# by ChitraNayal 


The median is: 13

时间复杂度O(log(min(n(m, m)))),其中nm是给定排序数组的大小。