



Input  : List = 2->3->7->3->2->12->24
Output : 5
The longest palindrome list is 2->3->7->3->2

Input  : List = 12->4->4->3->14
Output : 2
The longest palindrome list is 4->4


该思想基于链表的迭代式反转过程。 我们遍历给定的链表,并从左开始逐个反向地翻转链表的每个前缀。 反转前缀后,我们找到从反转前缀开始的最长公共列表,并在反转前缀之后找到列表。



// C++ program to find longest palindrome 
// sublist in a list in O(1) time. 
using namespace std; 

//structure of the linked list 
struct Node 
    int data; 
    struct Node* next; 

// function for counting the common elements 
int countCommon(Node *a, Node *b) 
    int count = 0; 

    // loop to count coomon in the list starting 
    // from node a and b 
    for (; a && b; a = a->next, b = b->next) 

        // increment the count for same values 
        if (a->data == b->data) 

    return count; 

// Returns length of the longest palindrome 
// sublist in given list 
int maxPalindrome(Node *head) 
    int result = 0; 
    Node *prev = NULL, *curr = head; 

    // loop till the end of the linked list 
    while (curr) 
        // The sublist from head to current 
        // reversed. 
        Node *next = curr->next; 
        curr->next = prev; 

        // check for odd length palindrome 
        // by finding longest common list elements 
        // beginning from prev and from next (We 
        // exclude curr) 
        result = max(result, 
                     2*countCommon(prev, next)+1); 

        // check for even length palindrome 
        // by finding longest common list elements 
        // beginning from curr and from next 
        result = max(result, 
                     2*countCommon(curr, next)); 

        // update prev and curr for next iteration 
        prev = curr; 
        curr = next; 
    return result; 

// Utility function to create a new list node 
Node *newNode(int key) 
    Node *temp = new Node; 
    temp->data = key; 
    temp->next = NULL; 
    return temp; 

/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main() 
    /* Let us create a linked lists to test 
       the functions 
    Created list is a: 2->4->3->4->2->15 */
    Node *head = newNode(2); 
    head->next = newNode(4); 
    head->next->next = newNode(3); 
    head->next->next->next = newNode(4); 
    head->next->next->next->next = newNode(2); 
    head->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(15); 

    cout << maxPalindrome(head) << endl; 
    return 0; 


// Java program to find longest palindrome  
// sublist in a list in O(1) time.  
class GfG  

//structure of the linked list  
static class Node  
    int data;  
    Node next;  

// function for counting the common elements  
static int countCommon(Node a, Node b)  
    int count = 0;  

    // loop to count coomon in the list starting  
    // from node a and b  
    for (; a != null && b != null; 
            a = a.next, b = b.next)  

        // increment the count for same values  
        if (a.data == b.data)  

    return count;  

// Returns length of the longest palindrome  
// sublist in given list  
static int maxPalindrome(Node head)  
    int result = 0;  
    Node prev = null, curr = head;  

    // loop till the end of the linked list  
    while (curr != null)  
        // The sublist from head to current  
        // reversed.  
        Node next = curr.next;  
        curr.next = prev;  

        // check for odd length  
        // palindrome by finding  
        // longest common list elements  
        // beginning from prev and  
        // from next (We exclude curr)  
        result = Math.max(result,  
                    2 * countCommon(prev, next)+1);  

        // check for even length palindrome  
        // by finding longest common list elements  
        // beginning from curr and from next  
        result = Math.max(result,  
                    2*countCommon(curr, next));  

        // update prev and curr for next iteration  
        prev = curr;  
        curr = next;  
    return result;  

// Utility function to create a new list node  
static Node newNode(int key)  
    Node temp = new Node();  
    temp.data = key;  
    temp.next = null;  
    return temp;  

/* Driver code*/
public static void main(String[] args)  
    /* Let us create a linked lists to test  
    the functions  
    Created list is a: 2->4->3->4->2->15 */
    Node head = newNode(2);  
    head.next = newNode(4);  
    head.next.next = newNode(3);  
    head.next.next.next = newNode(4);  
    head.next.next.next.next = newNode(2);  
    head.next.next.next.next.next = newNode(15);  


// This code is contributed by  
// Prerna Saini. 


# Python program to find longest palindrome  
# sublist in a list in O(1) time.  

# Linked List node  
class Node:  
    def __init__(self, data):  
        self.data = data  
        self.next = None

# function for counting the common elements  
def countCommon(a, b) : 

    count = 0

    # loop to count coomon in the list starting  
    # from node a and b  
    while ( a != None and b != None ) : 

        # increment the count for same values  
        if (a.data == b.data) : 
            count = count + 1

        a = a.next
        b = b.next

    return count  

# Returns length of the longest palindrome  
# sublist in given list  
def maxPalindrome(head) : 

    result = 0
    prev = None
    curr = head  

    # loop till the end of the linked list  
    while (curr != None) : 

        # The sublist from head to current  
        # reversed.  
        next = curr.next
        curr.next = prev  

        # check for odd length  
        # palindrome by finding  
        # longest common list elements  
        # beginning from prev and  
        # from next (We exclude curr)  
        result = max(result,  
                    2 * countCommon(prev, next) + 1)  

        # check for even length palindrome  
        # by finding longest common list elements  
        # beginning from curr and from next  
        result = max(result,  
                    2 * countCommon(curr, next))  

        # update prev and curr for next iteration  
        prev = curr  
        curr = next

    return result  

# Utility function to create a new list node  
def newNode(key) : 

    temp = Node(0)  
    temp.data = key  
    temp.next = None
    return temp  

# Driver code 

# Let us create a linked lists to test  
# the functions  
# Created list is a: 2->4->3->4->2->15  
head = newNode(2)  
head.next = newNode(4)  
head.next.next = newNode(3)  
head.next.next.next = newNode(4)  
head.next.next.next.next = newNode(2)  
head.next.next.next.next.next = newNode(15)  


# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 


// C# program to find longest palindrome  
// sublist in a list in O(1) time.  
using System; 

class GfG  

//structure of the linked list  
public class Node  
    public int data;  
    public Node next;  

// function for counting the common elements  
static int countCommon(Node a, Node b)  
    int count = 0;  

    // loop to count coomon in the list starting  
    // from node a and b  
    for (; a != null && b != null;  
            a = a.next, b = b.next)  

        // increment the count for same values  
        if (a.data == b.data)  

    return count;  

// Returns length of the longest palindrome  
// sublist in given list  
static int maxPalindrome(Node head)  
    int result = 0;  
    Node prev = null, curr = head;  

    // loop till the end of the linked list  
    while (curr != null)  
        // The sublist from head to current  
        // reversed.  
        Node next = curr.next;  
        curr.next = prev;  

        // check for odd length  
        // palindrome by finding  
        // longest common list elements  
        // beginning from prev and  
        // from next (We exclude curr)  
        result = Math.Max(result,  
                    2 * countCommon(prev, next)+1);  

        // check for even length palindrome  
        // by finding longest common list elements  
        // beginning from curr and from next  
        result = Math.Max(result,  
                    2*countCommon(curr, next));  

        // update prev and curr for next iteration  
        prev = curr;  
        curr = next;  
    return result;  

// Utility function to create a new list node  
static Node newNode(int key)  
    Node temp = new Node();  
    temp.data = key;  
    temp.next = null;  
    return temp;  

/* Driver code*/
public static void Main(String []args)  
    /* Let us create a linked lists to test  
    the functions  
    Created list is a: 2->4->3->4->2->15 */
    Node head = newNode(2);  
    head.next = newNode(4);  
    head.next.next = newNode(3);  
    head.next.next.next = newNode(4);  
    head.next.next.next.next = newNode(2);  
    head.next.next.next.next.next = newNode(15);  


// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 



时间复杂度O(N ^ 2)

请注意,上面的代码修改了给定的链表,并且如果不允许对链表进行修改,则可能无法正常工作。 但是,我们最终可以再做一次反向操作,以恢复原始列表。

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