
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/最大网格面积-无边界塔/

给定表示网格尺寸的两个整数 LW ,以及长度为 N 的两个数组 X[]Y[] ,表示网格上位置 (X[i],Y[i])、其中(0<= I<= N–1)。任务是找到野外最大的没有塔防御的无界区域。


输入: L = 15,W = 8,N = 3 X[] = {3,11,8} Y[] = {8,2,6} 输出: 12 说明:** 塔的坐标为(3,8)、(11,2)和(8,6)。 观察没有任何塔保护的电网的最大区域在单元(4,3)、(7,3)、(7,5)和(4,5)内。因此,该零件的面积为 12。

输入: L = 3,W = 3,N = 1 X[] = {1} Y[] = {1} 输出: 4 解释:** 观察没有任何塔守护的电网最大面积为 4。


  • 0s 初始化尺寸为 L * W矩阵
  • 遍历 X[]Y[],,对于每一个 (X[i],Y[i]) ,将 X[i] 行和 Y[i] 列中的所有单元格标记为 1,表示在 (X[i],Y[i]) 被塔守护。
  • 然后遍历矩阵,对于每个单元,找到未被保护的最大子矩阵,即由 0 组成的最大子矩阵。打印相应的区域。

时间复杂度:O(N3) 辅助空间: O(N 2 )


  • 对坐标列表 X[]Y[] 进行排序。
  • 计算 X 坐标之间的空格,即 dX[] = {X 1 ,X2–X1,…。,XN–X(N-1)、(L+1)–XN}。同样,计算 Y 坐标之间的间距, dY[] = {Y 1 ,Y2–Y1,…。,YN–Y(N-1)、(W+1)–YN}
  • 遍历 dX[]dY[] 并计算它们各自的最大值。
  • 计算它们最大值的乘积,并将其打印为所需的最长无界区域。



// C++ Program for the above approach
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function to calculate the largest
// area unguarded by towers
void maxArea(int point_x[], int point_y[], int n,
             int length, int width)
    // Sort the x-coordinates of the list
    sort(point_x, point_x + n);

    // Sort the y-coordinates of the list
    sort(point_y, point_y + n);

    // dx --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in x coordinates
    int dx = point_x[0];

    // dy --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in y coordinates
    int dy = point_y[0];

    // Calculate the maximum uncovered
    // distances for both  x and y coordinates
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        dx = max(dx, point_x[i]
                         - point_x[i - 1]);

        dy = max(dy, point_y[i]
                         - point_y[i - 1]);

    dx = max(dx, (length + 1)
                     - point_x[n - 1]);

    dy = max(dy, (width + 1)
                     - point_y[n - 1]);

    // Largest unguarded area is
    // max(dx)-1 * max(dy)-1
    cout << (dx - 1) * (dy - 1);

    cout << endl;

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Length and width of the grid
    int length = 15, width = 8;

    // No of guard towers
    int n = 3;

    // Array to store the x and
    // y coordinates
    int point_x[] = { 3, 11, 8 };
    int point_y[] = { 8, 2, 6 };

    // Function call
    maxArea(point_x, point_y,
            n, length, width);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function to calculate the largest
// area unguarded by towers
static void maxArea(int[] point_x, int[] point_y,
                    int n, int length, int width)

    // Sort the x-coordinates of the list

    // Sort the y-coordinates of the list

    // dx --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in x coordinates
    int dx = point_x[0];

    // dy --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in y coordinates
    int dy = point_y[0];

    // Calculate the maximum uncovered
    // distances for both  x and y coordinates
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        dx = Math.max(dx, point_x[i] -
                          point_x[i - 1]);
        dy = Math.max(dy, point_y[i] -
                          point_y[i - 1]);

    dx = Math.max(dx, (length + 1) -
                    point_x[n - 1]);

    dy = Math.max(dy, (width + 1) -
                   point_y[n - 1]);

    // Largest unguarded area is
    // max(dx)-1 * max(dy)-1
    System.out.println((dx - 1) * (dy - 1));

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)

    // Length and width of the grid
    int length = 15, width = 8;

    // No of guard towers
    int n = 3;

    // Array to store the x and
    // y coordinates
    int point_x[] = { 3, 11, 8 };
    int point_y[] = { 8, 2, 6 };

    // Function call
    maxArea(point_x, point_y, n,
            length, width);

// This code is contributed by akhilsaini

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach

# Function to calculate the largest
# area unguarded by towers
def maxArea(point_x, point_y, n,
            length, width):

  # Sort the x-coordinates of the list

  # Sort the y-coordinates of the list

  # dx --> maximum uncovered
  # tiles in x coordinates
  dx = point_x[0]

  # dy --> maximum uncovered
  # tiles in y coordinates
  dy = point_y[0]

  # Calculate the maximum uncovered
  # distances for both  x and y coordinates
  for i in range(1, n):
      dx = max(dx, point_x[i] - 
                   point_x[i - 1])
      dy = max(dy, point_y[i] -
                   point_y[i - 1])

  dx = max(dx, (length + 1) -
             point_x[n - 1])

  dy = max(dy, (width + 1) -
            point_y[n - 1])

  # Largest unguarded area is
  # max(dx)-1 * max(dy)-1
  print((dx - 1) * (dy - 1))

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

  # Length and width of the grid
  length = 15
  width = 8

  # No of guard towers
  n = 3

  # Array to store the x and
  # y coordinates
  point_x = [ 3, 11, 8 ]
  point_y = [ 8, 2, 6 ]

  # Function call
  maxArea(point_x, point_y, n,
          length, width)

# This code is contributed by akhilsaini


// C# Program for the above approach
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to calculate the largest
// area unguarded by towers
static void maxArea(int[] point_x, int[] point_y,
                    int n, int length, int width)

    // Sort the x-coordinates of the list

    // Sort the y-coordinates of the list

    // dx --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in x coordinates
    int dx = point_x[0];

    // dy --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in y coordinates
    int dy = point_y[0];

    // Calculate the maximum uncovered
    // distances for both  x and y coordinates
    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        dx = Math.Max(dx, point_x[i] -
                          point_x[i - 1]);
        dy = Math.Max(dy, point_y[i] -
                          point_y[i - 1]);
    dx = Math.Max(dx, (length + 1) -
                    point_x[n - 1]);

    dy = Math.Max(dy, (width + 1) -
                   point_y[n - 1]);

    // Largest unguarded area is
    // max(dx)-1 * max(dy)-1
    Console.WriteLine((dx - 1) * (dy - 1));

// Driver Code
static public void Main()

    // Length and width of the grid
    int length = 15, width = 8;

    // No of guard towers
    int n = 3;

    // Array to store the x and
    // y coordinates
    int[] point_x = { 3, 11, 8 };
    int[] point_y = { 8, 2, 6 };

    // Function call
    maxArea(point_x, point_y, n,
            length, width);

// This code is contributed by akhilsaini

java 描述语言

// javascript program for the
// above approach

// Function to calculate the largest
// area unguarded by towers
function maxArea(polet_x, polet_y,
                    n, length, width)

    // Sort the x-coordinates of the list
    polet_x.sort((a, b) => a - b);;

    // Sort the y-coordinates of the list
    polet_y.sort((a, b) => a - b);;

    // dx --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in x coordinates
    let dx = polet_x[0];

    // dy --> maximum uncovered
    // tiles in y coordinates
    let dy = polet_y[0];

    // Calculate the maximum uncovered
    // distances for both  x and y coordinates
    for(let i = 1; i < n; i++)
        dx = Math.max(dx, polet_x[i] -
                          polet_x[i - 1]);
        dy = Math.max(dy, polet_y[i] -
                          polet_y[i - 1]);

    dx = Math.max(dx, (length + 1) -
                    polet_x[n - 1]);

    dy = Math.max(dy, (width + 1) -
                   polet_y[n - 1]);

    // Largest unguarded area is
    // max(dx)-1 * max(dy)-1
    document.write((dx - 1) * (dy - 1));

// Driver Code

     // Length and width of the grid
    let length = 15, width = 8;

    // No of guard towers
    let n = 3;

    // Array to store the x and
    // y coordinates
    let polet_x = [ 3, 11, 8 ];
    let polet_y = [ 8, 2, 6 ];

    // Function call
    maxArea(polet_x, polet_y, n,
            length, width);




时间复杂度: (N * log N) 辅助空间: O(1)