str 2 的最大子串,是 str1 的前缀

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/str 2 的最大子串-也就是 str1 的前缀/

给定两个字符串 str1str2 ,任务是找到 str1 的最长前缀,该前缀作为字符串 str2 的子串出现。如果可能,打印前缀,否则打印-1。 举例:

输入: str1 =“极客 for”,str 2 =“forgeks” T3】输出:极客 str 2 中出现的 str1 的所有前缀都是“g”、“ge”、“gee”、“极客”和“极客”。 输入:str 1 =“ABC”,str 2 =“def” 输出: -1

方法:检查 str1 是否作为子串出现在 str2 中。如果是,则 str1 是所需字符串,否则从 str1 中删除最后一个字符,并重复这些步骤,直到字符串 str1 变为空或找到所需字符串。 以下是上述方法的实施:


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function to return the largest substring
// in str2 which is a prefix of str1
string findPrefix(string str1, string str2)

    // To store the index in str2 which
    // matches the prefix in str1
    int pos = -1;

    // While there are characters left in str1
    while (!str1.empty()) {

        // If the prefix is not found in str2
        if (str2.find(str1) == string::npos)

            // Remove the last character
        else {

            // Prefix found
            pos = str2.find(str1);

    // No substring found in str2 that
    // matches the prefix of str1
    if (pos == -1)
        return "-1";

    return str1;

// Driver code
int main()
    string str1 = "geeksfor";
    string str2 = "forgeeks";

    cout << findPrefix(str1, str2);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG

// Function to return the largest substring
// in str2 which is a prefix of str1
static String findPrefix(String str1,
                         String str2)

    // To store the index in str2 which
    // matches the prefix in str1
    boolean pos = false;

    // While there are characters left in str1
    while (str1.length() > 0)

        // If the prefix is not found in str2
        if (!str2.contains(str1))

            // Remove the last character
            str1 = str1.substring(0, str1.length() - 1);

            // Prefix found
            pos = str2.contains(str1);

    // No substring found in str2 that
    // matches the prefix of str1
    if (pos == false)
        return "-1";

    return str1;

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String str1 = "geeksfor";
    String str2 = "forgeeks";

    System.out.println(findPrefix(str1, str2));

// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

Python 3

# Python3 implementation of the approach
import operator

# Function to return the largest substring
# in str2 which is a prefix of str1
def findPrefix(str1, str2):

    # To store the index in str2 which
    # matches the prefix in str1
    pos = False;

    # While there are characters left in str1
    while (len(str1) != 0):

        # If the prefix is not found in str2
        if operator.contains(str2, str1) != True:

            # Remove the last character
            str1 = str1[0: len(str1) - 1];

            # Prefix found
            pos = operator.contains(str2, str1);

    # No substring found in str2 that
    # matches the prefix of str1
    if (pos == False):
        return "-1";

    return str1;

# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    str1 = "geeksfor";
    str2 = "forgeeks";

    print(findPrefix(str1, str2));

# This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// C# implementation of the approach
using System;

class GFG

// Function to return the largest substring
// in str2 which is a prefix of str1
static String findPrefix(String str1,
                         String str2)

    // To store the index in str2 which
    // matches the prefix in str1
    bool pos = false;

    // While there are characters left in str1
    while (str1.Length > 0)

        // If the prefix is not found in str2
        if (!str2.Contains(str1))

            // Remove the last character
            str1 = str1.Substring(0, str1.Length - 1);

            // Prefix found
            pos = str2.Contains(str1);

    // No substring found in str2 that
    // matches the prefix of str1
    if (pos == false)
        return "-1";

    return str1;

// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String str1 = "geeksfor";
    String str2 = "forgeeks";

    Console.WriteLine(findPrefix(str1, str2));

// This code is contributed by Princi Singh

java 描述语言


// Javascript implementation of the approach

// Function to return the largest substring
// in str2 which is a prefix of str1
function findPrefix(str1, str2)

    // To store the index in str2 which
    // matches the prefix in str1
    var pos = -1;

    // While there are characters left in str1
    while (str1.length!=0) {

        // If the prefix is not found in str2
        if (!str2.includes(str1))

            // Remove the last character
            str1 = str1.substring(0,str1.length-1)
        else {

            // Prefix found
            pos = str2.includes(str1);

    // No substring found in str2 that
    // matches the prefix of str1
    if (pos == -1)
        return "-1";

    return str1;

// Driver code
var str1 = "geeksfor";
var str2 = "forgeeks";
document.write( findPrefix(str1, str2));

// This code is contributed by rutvik_56.



时间复杂度: O(N * M),其中 N、M 为给定字符串的长度。